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[BUG] Follower unavailable - unable to launch Chapter


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As KotFE Chapter 5 began, I decided to go to the Fleet to sell/repair/explore crew skills. My open quest was to go talk to Lana.


I used my fleet access and went to the Artifice trainer, purchased a new schematic and realized I had a gift in my bag that was applicable for Lana. Gave her the gift, repaired etc. and decided to head back to Chapter 5.


When I selected the "PLAY" button, "LAUNCH" was grey-ed out with a message stating that a required follower was unavailable.


Tired the following things:

summoned/dismissed all followers

logged out and back

restarted game

sent & returned all companions from crew skills

repaired/re-installed game


Nothing worked. Then I realized I still had the Nico token in my mail. Used the token to summon Nico and "LAUNCH" became available. Have been playing since without issue.

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