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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[BUG] Torian Cadera vanished ...


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I come, a little desperately, and seek your advice about an unfortunate bug that occurred a few days ago on my Bounty Hunter character I currently play.




At the very end of the class story quest line on Taris, Torian Cadera joined my team. I accepted him in my crew, etc. short story, he immediately joined the team, was here on the ship, etc.


I logged off, stopped the game, slept and the next day when i logged back on, the guy had disappeared.


Indeed he no longer appeared in the ship nor on my "Partners and contacts" list or even in the partners gear tab that you can scroll left / right when you're on the ship (C key "Partner" tab)


The only things I did and which I think could be linked to this "bug" are :


- did quit the Taris planet quest line, I had already well advanced, however, to avoid taking too many levels before the next planet.

- talked with Mako who told me about his attraction to Torian and who I encouraged to get closer to him. Following that, Mako gave me the quest "All work and no play" by initiating a useless dialogue about the hyperdrive of the ship. This quest has no objective. After a little research on the net, it turns out that this quest is actually a romance quest that I should never have accessed to, playing a female character.


I kept on playing, hoping the problem would be resolved at the next full crew cutscene, but nothing ... Torian does appear in the cutscenes, but I still haven't found a way to talk to him, recruit him for battle, or send on mission, etc.


I even unlocked the next partner, but nothing changed.


I tried to return to Taris to resume the planet quest line at the point I stopped it (or even to start it all over), but I cannot enter the building in which the NPC gives the quest. I even searched the entire planet, but was unable to find a NPC who'd start this quest.


I tried to abandon the romance quest that Mako gives to me, to accept it back, etc. nothing changed.


I'm at a point where I have advanced in partner stories (except Torian) and where Mako initiates other dialogues (but still gives me that romance one), yet still no trace of Torian (except in cutscenes) ...


I obviously sent a message through the help tab in game, but given the average response time, I thought that, maybe one of you had experienced this annoying problem and would have a clue to help me solve it.


Thanks for reading me to the end.

Edited by John-John
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the same happened to me

i had the first talk with him, logged to another character and back, he was gone

not in the companion tab, not on the ship, but he appears in cutscenes.

or at least in one, the scene after Quesh

but he does not appear in the scene leading to Hoth, which he should, i think

as Gault and Mako are active in it.

I'll think i'll stop the storyline until this bug is fixed.

Edited by Yukino
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I also have the same issue on my bounty hunter. I got one conversation with Torian and then I went to Quesh for the class and planet quests. When I came back to my ship, Torian was gone and is also missing from the companions & contacts tab. I put in a ticket in-game when it occured several days ago and still have not heard any response.


Hopefully they will fix this issue. I have been leveling my BH but will not start the expansion until they can fix this so I can complete his companion quests and give him the companion gifts that are sitting in my storage for him.

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I'm having the same issue. He vanished, along with a full set of mandolorian hunter gear I equipped him with. I'll delete the thread I made about it as I did not notice this one. I believe it may be linked to the bugged Mako mission as it happened shortly after, however, I had also started the Taris planet story shortly after recieiving him so that may be another thing to look at. I think it's more likely to be the bugged Mako mission though.


If this bug isn't ironed out by the end of next week I will cancel my subscription until such time as the game is in a state fit to be played. Who knows what other game-breaking bugs this update has caused? I don;t want to be the one to find out.


EDIT: Screw it, i'm cancelling my sub now. I'll resub once all the bugs have surfaced and been fixed. Really not happy about this, sloppy work EA. Rushed to meet deadlines?


Please keep this on the front page people, this is a serious issue that needs to be fixed asap.

Edited by chantiris
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I'm having the same issue. I wanted to romance Torian, but he disappeared and then my character was speaking with Mako who brought him up and my only choices were to either say "It didn't work out with us" or that I was unattracted to him or that I didn't want to mix business with pleasure (But I do!). Freaked me out because I haven't really started any romantic converastions with him so I hope I'm not closed to that option forever. :( submitted in game ticket but haven't heard anything.
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I cannot imagine that the fact Mako is starting a (bugged) romance quest with my female character has nothing to do with the dialogue in which Mako asks me if she should or should not get closer to Torian.


It definitly must be related.

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I cannot imagine that the fact Mako is starting a (bugged) romance quest with my female character has nothing to do with the dialogue in which Mako asks me if she should or should not get closer to Torian.


It definitly must be related.


My Bountyhunter is male and had not a single dialogue with Mako for a while now

and the problem with Torian is the same,

so it's most likely not related.

Its more likely that Torian plays a role in the new addon and that is the cause for this vanishing problem.

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I am having the same issue and submitted a ticket. Kinda glad to see it's not just me, that hopefully means this is coming to their attention and will be fixed soon!


I had just gotten him and I was all excited because I love Johnny Yong Bosch's voice, and I did his companion quest and shortly after trying to do Mako's companion quest (which is the one I should not have according to you all as a F BH), he disappeared.


I really hope this gets fixed soon. My subscription days are being wasted cause I won't play another class until I finish my current character, and I won't move on with quests until I get Torian back because I need Johnny Yong Bosch's voice. And I want to focus on Torian's affection and such.

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Male BH here, Torian is missing from the crew as well. I am not sure he has even been there since we have finished Taris. We are on Hoth, and I am afraid to recruit Blizz, as well, Torian I can live without, but wanted to use Blizz as my main comp.


Torian vanished for me as well, but Blizz is working fine.

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Male BH here, Torian is missing from the crew as well. I am not sure he has even been there since we have finished Taris. We are on Hoth, and I am afraid to recruit Blizz, as well, Torian I can live without, but wanted to use Blizz as my main comp.


you can go on with you story quests, it won't prevent you getting your two last partners :)


*** SPOIL ***


Torian came back after I completed his abduction quest on Hoth. Then I logged off. When I logged back on, he was gone again.


*** SPOIL ***


This is definitly a bug, there's nothing we can do to fix it by ourselves.


For those who don't really care about this very partner, you can safely go on with your storyline quests, since this bug won't prevent you recruiting next partners.


Unfortunately, for those who want to play with Torian, you'll have to wait for a fix :(


I submitted a ticket some days ago, I hope to get an answer in the next days, I'll keep you informated.

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Okay, so I have a level 60 female Bounty Hunter who has finished her story, Makeb, and some of Shadows of Revan. She has a full crew, Including Torian.


My newer Hunter, presently level 44 (yay heroic missions), finished Taris when Fallen Empire was released for early access, she had Torian for an hour and then he vanished upon area transition. He is still missing after today's patch. Is there a way we can put his face on Nerf milk cartons or something?


My Hunter misses her love, and I don't have any intention of progressing in the story without him.

Edited by Moonstorm
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So, new patch just dropped and Torian is still missing. Devs really should start looking into this, I've stopped my BH from progressing any further in the storyline until this gets fixed. Sucks too, since I was really enjoying the story :/
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So, new patch just dropped and Torian is still missing. Devs really should start looking into this, I've stopped my BH from progressing any further in the storyline until this gets fixed. Sucks too, since I was really enjoying the story :/

Yep, exactly same situation. Stopped on Quesh and just doing weeklies or datacrons with BH.

I really hope Bioware fix this within a week.

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