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Knights of the Eternal Empire - Cinematic or actually the game ?


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So, as far as I can see so far, this "expasion" is nothing but a VERY long cinematic with little bits of gameplay interspursed, to break it up. In my opinion this one could've been done solely as a movie and it wouldn't have made any difference. There's far too much out-of-gameplay . Minimal places to access anything like cargoholds etc, unless you exit to a stronghold or ship.

And what the hell happened to all the companions we've had for years ? All the effort put into getting their affections maxed, only to loose all of them in one hit. I read the changes and info in the game in general, but I never saw anything to say we'd loose ALL orginal companions.

My trooper had a uniformly geared military unit (as it would be) only to have that as time wasted.

I like the change to allow ant to be any of the 3 main roles; tank, dps, or healer. All these other npcs could've been ADDITIONAL to existing ones, not INSTEAD OF.


To finish my rant, on the whole I'm rather disapointed with this xpac, if this is what they call "Story telling" it's what I call animated movie making. I for one simply wanted my toons to advance their CLASS stories (a trooper's career wouldn't stop at Major).


The end .... I now return you to other progamming.

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In my opinion you don't "need" them, but they certainly assist the storyline. My point is, so far with this xpac, it seems that it's a10:1 ratio, 10 minutes of cinematics, 1 minute of game play.

All the games I've played have them, and they're great, but they just add to the story, were as this seems to be the other way around. That's how it's feeling to me anyway.

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