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Republics on Korriban. Bug, cheat or new feature?


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Hi guys.

I was on the fleet, and someone says "help, a lot of pubs on Korriban", so I went to take a look, and It was true.

(I also saw a Jugg in the Republic Fleet)


Is this a new feature from patch 4.0 (Knights of the Fallen Empire) or they take advantage of a bug?




Link to the pics (so you can see it better):

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

↑ ↑ ↑ -------Original post (before it was answered)----- ↑ ↑ ↑



↓ ↓ ↓ -------New post (With answers from EA forums users)----- ↓ ↓ ↓



PS: I put this in the ANSWERS HQ of EA and two users says me that is a bug.


I quote their responses.

This bug/exploit is actually simple. All they did was since they are Republic characters they went to their Dromund Kaas Stronghold then while in it they deactivated it. Doing this teleports them to that planet of Dromund Kaas from there they can go to Imp Fleet and then Korriban. You can do the same for Imperial side as well with the Coruscant Stronghold. It will most likely be patched soon.




That's a really cool bug, annoying if i was low lvl guy :p


I do recommend posting it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417

That's the official bug report forum for SWTOR.





So, my question was answered, but I create this post just for inform that bug in the forum.

Thanks for reading this!

Edited by leoprietobombero
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So this lets you get cross faction datacrons?


Hmm ... Didn't think about that. If you can do that (travel to those planets), I think you can grab the datacrons from DK, Korriban and Hutta with a pub and vice versa (being a imp and grab Coruscant, Tython and Ord Mantell datacrons).


Datacrons are legacy-wide now anyway, so it wouldn't matter if you could.

Yeah, I didn't understand that datacrons changes. I have datacron master achievement. So, my datacrons from Tython, Coruscant and Ord Mantell are shared with my imperial characters?

Edited by leoprietobombero
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So this lets you get cross faction datacrons?


Good question. I tested that theory. No, it does not. The pub-side datacron I tried to access on the world I usually cannot be on was not clickable and I'm confident I've never been there before. While I understand that allegedly datacron stat boosts are legacy-wide now, at the time I tried to access the pub-side datacron, that toon I was playing was the only toon I had on that server, so I do not think the Legacy-wide new feature of datacrons was what stopped me, rather that the game, for all its nuances after patches, does not allow you to access the other faction's datacrons.

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