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missing weapon visuals


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Several 'background decoration' NPCs are missing weapons they are supposed to wield. For example:

mandalorian tracker stronghold decoration is missing a pistol. As you can see from the image, the pistol is actually holstered and he is wielding empty air.


Forcesensitives in Odessen force enclave in alliance base are practising with swords while emptyhanded.


I am sure there are others.


I dont know if its related, but my imperial agent character (concealment adv) always starts the game when I login as if he is wielding the blaster rifle, except he is empty handed and the weapon is still holstered. Pressing draw/holster twice fixes the problem, but its annoying and I wonder if its related to the other missing visuals. This problem existed before 4.0.

Edited by Karkais
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