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State of the Jedi-Order: RP-Question


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Hey folks,


I am pretty sure that you don't want to spoil anything, but I have to ask anyway:



What happend to the Jedi-Order? Was Tython attacked? Are Jedi being hunted or just decided to withdraw from the battle?


We know that they are scattered now, and very difficult to reach. Satele is nowhere to be found and there is no Jedi-Hierarchie anymore.


I am a passionate Roleplayer and part of a Jedi-Order community we are currently discussing if we continue with a "fastforward" of 5 Years in order to be up to date or just speed up time in order to get to point t+5 faster.


For both it is vital for us to understand what happened to the Jedi in Order to incorporate it in our RP. Maybe you can't give any specifics, but for any additional information we would be very thankful.




Edited by Master_Dexter
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In Chapter 4, I think, Lana tells the player that the Republic and Empire were defeated, but not really dismantled. Both of their governments are still standing, but they're not really governing (Darth Acina is Empress, but she can't really do anything, and Saresh isn't allowed to hold the title of Supreme Chancellor). They're like slaves to the Immortal Throne, if that makes sense.


That said, Lana also mentions that the numbers of the Jedi and Sith are dwindling thanks to the massive blows they took during Arcann and Thexan's invasion. If you remember, the Sith Academy on Korriban was conquered by the Zakuulian forces pretty handily in the KOTFE trailer. I think it's safe to say that the Jedi and Sith are not as numerous as they were before, and the ones who live aren't in a position to launch a strong offensive against Arcann.


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