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The False Emperor [Solo Mode FP] - the grenades are missing!


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While following the Ilum Imperial story, I tried the False Emperor with my Marauder yesterday. Lacking knockback of any sort, I expected to depend on the grenades provided before the last boss fight, but alas, the crate was gone!


I thought maybe the solo mode is simplified in that you can just kill the boss outright. However, (a lot of) subsequent attempts proved that is not the case. At about 10 % health the encounter always resets. (The combat music doesn't stop playing, but the boss disappears and reappears with full health at his starting position right below the stairs.) Does the same thing with or without Combat Support Droid.



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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm having the same problem. The encounter keeps resetting, my Combat Support Droid disappears halfway through the encounter (as far as I can tell it isn't actually defeated, it's just suddenly gone), and I have yet to be able to finish this FP. Anyone know how to get around it? I don't want to abandon ship, so to speak, but I'm starting to get tired of these repeat attempts.
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