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Treating your insta-60 as a new character in Fallen Empire


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Anybody try this? Use your insta-60 to create an entirely new character and pretend they're not the Hero of Tython, Darth Nox etc? Make them just like some other powerful character that's stepped up since the original eight have disappeared?


I made a female telekinetic sage and headcanoned that she was there for most major events but just in the background. Maybe part of the HoT's Jedi forces on Corellia. Obviously I had to stick my finger in my ears and "lalala" when they talk about companions/previous titles or enemies but apart from that it was an interesting experience. She'd make a decent Exile to my main Knight's Revan (not that they're anything alike character wise.)


Anyone else?

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Yip. I had a 60 smuggler and a 50 JK, and since I wanted to romance Lana and I didn't want to ruin the romances with Risha and Kira, I created a new JK and thought of him as my old JK's little brother. My old JK was the great hero of the 1-50 story, and the new one kind of was off doing other things during that time. Now, it's sort of like the new one's time has come while the old one is busy doing, well, whatever he's doing. Whenever Kira or the others speak about him or to him in the beginning, I just thought of it as friendship talk...the old companions knew of my new JK, he was just always in the shadows during the 1-50 story.


Same with the dialogue with Lana when she's like, it's great to see you again. I figure she's met the new JK on occasion while adventuring with the old JK in Shadows of Revan.


Oh, and my old JK was a pretty by-the-book good guy (my smuggler was my grey area character) so I'm playing the new JK as a bit more rebellious, more willing to push the boundaries and hear out what Valkorion has to say. We'll see!

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I've just come back after a hiatus, and after learning all your companions leave you, and possibly don't return, I will definitely be starting a new character at 60. I like some of my old companions way too much to never see them again. I'm fine if they don't come back because you willingly pushed them away (or killed them), but if I'm forced to kill Jaesa just because I wanna bang Lana, or I have to kill Kira because my Knight isn't totally Light Side, there's no way I'm going to play Kotfe.
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