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Annihilation | Watchman 4.0 Guide


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Hey everyone,


So i've been learning mara over the past few weeks and i'm doing pretty good atm but i'm close to fully geared atm (missing 2 relics, 1 implant) and well i'm unsure of which stats to go for finally.


I've tried bant's recommended anni stats, i've also tried bant's recommended carnage stats (forgot to swap in the beginning) and i don't know but i've been getting better results with the carnage stats tbh. Now i obviously know this is all anecdotal evidence and as such bant's anni stats should still do better on average.


That being said, i was curious what our more experienced mara/sent community is running on their fully geared mara's.


I got up to 7260 atm but wanna break that 7,3k mark. Obviously parsing aint everything but its something to do while waiting for raidmembers who are late :p.


Thanks for any and all advice that you can offer.

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That being said, i was curious what our more experienced mara/sent community is running on their fully geared mara's.


Hey there, I used Bant's stats for starters and tried a lot of varations. I'm getting best results dropping a bit of alacrity and using more critical instead.


The reason for this is that you will have more focus with more critical rating, which allows for a stronger rotation - meaning more frequent Blade Storms as fillers instead of just using Slash.

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  • 1 month later...
Sorry, I'm not a pro or anything, but when I look at the opener and the rotation, there's blanks. What do those mean? All the other squares has pictures of abilities in them.


In those places you use filler abilities, depending on focus / rage and which abilities are available.


Your first priority to chose the best one is making sure that you have enough focus to use the "main" abilities in the filled squares to follow: Zealous Strike / Battering Assault or Strike / Assault.


Second priority is using the most damaging ability available, which a lot of the times will be Slash / Vicious Slash or if your target is below 30% life, Dispatch / Vicious Throw. If you have too much focus you can even use the costly Blade Storm / Force Scream as a damaging filler.

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  • 3 months later...
just a shameless classical bump to get this back on page one, as I believe its an awesome ressource for players new to the spec, and why the heck isnt this stickied (wanted to give the link to someone, flabbergasted I had to change page. Had to correct this infamy :p) Edited by verfallen
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