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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorc and Sin or two Sins?


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Being the generally indecisive person that I am, I have come to you for an answer to my dilemma.


My GF plays an Assassin. My original main with this character was a Sorcerer. Due to the XP boost, I now have an Assassin of my own at the same level, at the same point in Ziost as our original characters. I cant decide which one to play! We are avid PvPers, and the thought of a two person stealth team sounded appealing, because on my own with the sin (Deception) I do really well and very rarely die. On the other hand, I am really good with Madness and have always been a single saber sort of guy. But dat stealth tho!


Any and all insight on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: It has recently come to my attention that the resolve system changed? Does this hurt Sins? Being able to artfully spike, attack, leg slash, attack, hard stun was great for stealth killing...

Edited by TitusOfTides
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Greeting weakling,I am a Sith Inquistor :sy_darkside:


I believe pain comes in may ways and I specialize in two,each with their own unique ways of bringing excruciating pain to my enemies


First we have the Sith Sorcerer,A master of the dark arts of the force and a dark twisted user of Force Lightning

I specialize in three sadistic ways

Those interested in the dark arts of immortality can focus on corruption they breath life into allies and rip the souls out of the enemy,be careful those following this dark art are not common and can bring unwanted attention.


Those with a more electric mindset choose to pursue Lightning , tormenting groups of enemies with flashes of lighting ,blast of thunder and the power of a storm.These sorcerers are not to be trifled with and can even force a warrior to beg for mercy.


Those sorcerers that have lost all sanity but still have the drive for absolute power have fallen into madness .For these sorcerers, the line between life and death is altered and as such they fear nothing.They have become a husk of their former selves and only seek to destroy and cause harm.Be weary of one with nothing to lose.



Those taking a more hands on approach choose to become assassins for the empire


They live in the shadows ,in the places wear angels fear to tread.

They have three unique forms that either gift them with an impregnable defense or the ability to not be caught in the first place.


Of these three the first is darkness,they are shrouded by it.....absorbed by it.The darkness is their home and they are protected by it in battle,blows that would've hit any foe are absorbed by it and when your own defense has withered away you death will soon follow suit.


Those that choose to use deception hide in the realm beyond shadow and darkness ,they are not seen ....not heard....not felt...until it is too late.When their blade pierces your heart you will feel nothing but a brisk gust of wind at your back and the aura that surrounds a true assassin.


Some assassins have grown so accustomed to killing they feel nothing,they feel no passion they feel no remorse,regret.....they just want to kill....again....again...again...They are swallowed by hatred and they will do nothing but soak in the blood of their soon to be slaughtered foes.


I can only give you this information because your choice falls on your shoulders alone.Pick what you want and have fun man.I wish you the best <3 .

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