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Kaliyo Permantly gone (Imp Agent Spoilers


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So Kaliyo got arrested and became unavailable for me as the story intends, I am supposed to get her back on the former imperial intelligence ship but she remains unavailable in my companions tab I have now completed the Imperial agent story and she still remains unavailable to me.


Important Note: She was arrested prior to the big Knights of the fallen empire patch and she was "returned" to me after the patch , I believe this was the cause of the problem.


Please help , Thanks Nôva lvl 51 Imperial Sniper Harbinger

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This has happened to my Imp Agent (Sniper) as well. I completely finished the class story arc and Kaliyo was in the cinematics (inferring that she was with my crew), but she remains "Unavailable" (non-summonable) in my Companions and Contacts interface. Since my class story arc is completed, I cannot go back and "trigger" anything to get her back.


The thing that worries me is that I don't see a lot of people reporting this and and I think, because of that, it could end up being a low priority bug (if it even gets acknowledged). I got the standard form-letter messages when I ticketed and bug-reported it, so that wasn't much help.


It's EVEN WORSE because if somebody doesn't pay attention to the DETAILS of the complaint (only skims your message content), they will think you are referring to

Kaliyo getting kidnapped

and will reply, "Don't worry about it,

she returns in your story later

!". I'm (WE'RE) definitely NOT talking about

her TEMPORARILY being gone due to storyline element

. In my game, she's GONE GONE ...PERMANENTLY unless/until she gets patch-corrected/fixed.


Addendum (Edit):

I wanted to add that I see there is a known/acknowledged KOTFE bug that is very similar (same?), but I haven't even played that content yet. My problem occurred while nearing the end of the core content class epic storyline. I just wanted to avoid somebody posting, "Dude, are you blind, it's right there on the buglist.". Maybe it's the same, but that one on the bug list seems to be referring to KOTFE content.

Edited by Treeble
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