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Locked Romances


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Whilst hardly the most pressing issue, I've found the the 4.0 patch seems to have cancelled the romance path on my Trooper character. Whilst I was following the romance storyline with Elara Dorne prior to the patch dropping and had in fact maxed out her affection, since the patch she doesn't seem to acknowledge the relationship between her and the Trooper.


Despite continuing to increase her influence, I have yet to receive any further dialogue options with her and 'Courting' companion gifts no longer seem to grant ANY influence at all, much like they did before she and my trooper reached the 'relationship' point in their story. If my suspicions are correct and the patch HAS 'broken' the romance storyline, are their currently any fixes for it? Whilst it's hardly the most important thing about my Trooper I was rather looking forward to having him 'reunite' with Elara once I reach KotFE content.


As an aside, although I had maxed out Elara's affection prior to patch 4.0, I hadn't actually completed every single dialogue, having only reached the point where Elara asks the Trooper to sign a form and make things official. Is it possible that the 'influence' required for certain conversations is simply much higher than the affection?


Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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There seem to be two (maybe related?) bugs with companion romances - courting gifts stopped working properly (or at all) for some people with some romances (but might work for other people with the same companion) and KotFE does not acknowledge romances, possibly without any warning.


Here's a topic about the courting gifts issue


Here's one on romances not being recognized


There's probably more topics on it, too. I know I've seen it mentioned on the SWTOR subreddit when I lurk there.


I've experienced the courting gifts bug on many of my characters and at this point I don't want to take any of my characters with romances into the expansion because I can't be sure the bug can be fixed at that point. Some sort of acknowledgement from Bioware and statement that they're working on it would be great. Fixing it would be even better.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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Thanks for the heads up! It's always reassuring to know you're not the only one having a problem.


If it's simply the companion gifts that are bugged, I'm not too concerned. There are other gifts than I can give to my companions that still give reasonable amounts of influence. That said, I definitely share your hesitation about entering into KotFE content without knowing for certain whether or not my Trooper's relationship with Elara is flagged as 'happening', as it were. Whilst it's only one part of his story, the big thing the devs have constantly brought up about KotFE IS the story and I'd hate to lose out future dialogue with Elara (or any other romance options, for that matter) because of a bug,


Here's hoping that Bioware give us some kind of heads up regarding what's actually happening here shortly.

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