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Companion leggings do not reset in the conversation your main character has with Valkarion in the 'dream" sequence in chapter 2. Since the items were reset and sent back to our mains, the companions from the "old crew" are seen without armor to their legs.


Companions that have helmets on, do not have a "helmet" voice when the initial intro to your main char begins. for example, mako was wearing the same shea vizsla helmet as I am and her voice was regular, and she wasn't wearing pants.





Lag spikes! Ever since KOTFE started I've been getting nasty lag spike, no D/C yet, but to be honest its getting to a point where fluctuating between 85ms to 17k ms every 10 seconds is annoying. My connections, and tower are up dated. No hardware changes or software changes. Never experienced these issues before KOTFE. Please is other players are experiencing lag spikes, let the devs know as well.




level 40 trooper pvp vender on Coruscant is gone, and reason for this? My guild uses the armor pieces from there. That vender survived every expansion or update. I don't why it would be taken away now, please let guilds like the one I'm part of know if we have to adapt to this sudden subtraction from the game or if its simply a bug.

Edited by Kingrami
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So its not just me! I've been getting lag spikes like crazy, and no one else seems to be getting them. Everything in-game and even on the website have either slowed down or gone glitchy and I dont know why. Its not my laptop cuz this thing is brand new. Good to know I"m not the only one who's having that problem though. Its making me insane.
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When I left the game around January, everything was fine. Little lag in Makeb arena was all. Came back last week, and have exactly what OP said. 85ms will jump to 2-9k ms every 20secs to a min, depending on what I'm doing.

Warzones are the worst. Almost unplayable


Computer is well beyond the specs needed to run this game, not that it'd effect lag spikes anyways. ISP says my net is fine.

Tracert and Pathping show everything's fine. Was nothing strange on tracert, and on pathping - only a 7% packet loss on the 3rd hop.


SO - I'm left to assume this is a Bioware problem, as all my other online games run well.

I'd very much like the devs to address this in some form or faction. As I'd love to recommend to everyone on my channel and former players I know, "hey, come back, the improvements are worth it." BUT I can't with this ridiculous lag.

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