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50 Max Auctions on GTN? Not enough!


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Just hit the 50 auction cap, that I was previously unaware existed. This cap is WAY too low. It needs to be doubled at minimum, 200 auctions would probably be ideal.


Players like me who enjoy crafting and making a ton of credits are going to be stifled significantly with this cap. It basically hamstrings this type of gameplay entirely.


Please consider raising the limit. As a Biochem crafter, the game offers more different types of implants than there are auction slots to sell them. If I can't even sell 1 or 2 of each on the GTN, the limit is too low. Far too low.

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I should have known I'd find you on an RP-PvP server LOL!


Hit me up on Belgrath's Beacon, I dunno how but somehow, someway you missed the entire RBG scene last year! You should be playing with my rated pvp gulid man! Rated Huttball! Enough said! Hit me up on Vexlander on Belgrath's Beacon, Sith. Guild is <Not Recruiting>.


Also if you want a good laugh at what you missed this year, hit youtube and check out Shoukon32's channel - play any of the WOW RBG vids. rofls.

Edited by Vexlander
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