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Free level 60 count towards completing class story?


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IMHO...It's totally bogus for anyone to get the full credit for buying a token. It takes effort to level every class, and that is the reason why the legendary status is desired. Purchasing a token to bypass leveling is one thing. Purchasing a token to get credit for something you never did is quite another.


That explains why I'm starting to see so many "legendary" toons who don't know what the heck they are doing.


Good to know, I can now safely assume that being "legandary" no longer means anything.

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this is just a game folks... and quite frankly I think the token idea was great! It gives folks like me that have already experienced the game multiple times and do not have time to play it all the time the expansions. I am a founding subscriber and am pleased that the game has changed so much over the last 4-5 years... I feel like it is a different game every time I log in.


I was just asking whether we get the unlocks or not. Can someone just give me a straight answer? It is still unclear to me.


Thanks in advance...

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I read thread after thread on how easy this game is and people say "just breeze through and let your companion do the work", then many of the very same people, I'm sure, comment that paying 20 real world dollars for a level 60 toon shouldn't count cause they "didn't put in all that work", well it can't be both, if people pay that much money for a jump start, to get through the grindy part of the game, then it most certainly should count, the real content doesn't even start till max level and the vast majority of most players time is spent at 65.
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Well, we should be given the option to go through the full story again... It will be easy, but at least we get to see it.


I was hoping to be given the option to go through all the chapters... I have fished the chapters from KoF... now I just wanted to do the regular since i never played this class

If you never played the class and wanted to do the story, why did you make a level 60? :confused:

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I'm reposting here again something from another similar topic - I apologize, but if I do so, it's because some people subscribe to certain threads, and get notified of new posts - so I just want everyone from this topic to read this, since it's a matter that raised many questions and uncertainties.



This might be an extensive post, so beforehand, I'll just go straight to the point - instant lvl60's are currently giving class story completion, thus, counting towards the Legendary Achievement - I completed it yesterday.


I just had to come back to this thread in order to share this, since this might actually work for some people, and also because this was incredibly random and unexpected. The Force is known to be strong within The Old Republic, yet sometimes, it just decides to reveal itself through the most surreal and awkward ways.



These screenshots were taken approx. a week ago:

Page 1 - http://puu.sh/lKC5M/6824a3826c.jpg

Page 2 - http://puu.sh/lKDwA/af007c2a52.jpg

You can notice 3 missing class stories, along with my 8 current toons, that correspond to each of the 8 classes.

Only 2 of my level 65's have completely legitimate class stories completed, as in having played through their entire class story.

Other 3 toons were created with the free instant lvl60 token, and with two instant lvl60 tokens bought at the GTN - these 3 had class story completion granted right after playing with them for a short while.

---Meanwhile, a patch was released---

The 3 remaining toons were created through three instant lvl60 tokens bought at the GTN, and did not grant class story completion. This includes my Assassin, that I had previously referred on this topic, the one that I have leveled to 65 just to try to get him class story completion, although at that time, even maxing his level, it did not work.


In my prior posts, I've addressed that patch: before it was released, I've managed to create 3 instant lvl60, that granted class story completion; after the patch, I've created other 3 instant lvl60, that did not contribute to the achievement; therefore, what we were assuming on this topic was indeed right - that certain patch changed something related to the Achievement, preventing new instant lvl60 toons from achieving class story completion.


However, something must have also changed in one of the previous patches, something also related to the Achievement; because as I've stated at the beginning, instant lvl60 toons are now granting class story completion, again.



So yesterday, I was randomly missing an ingame mail with some credits and mats that I've sent to another toon, but since it wasn't on my main 5 crafting toons, I had to visit the other 3 toons that I had stopped using, the "incomplete" story ones.

I found the mail, but there was a bigger surprise - this happened when I accessed my last toon, which I had only created but barely used, you can see that she's literally at the very beginning of KotFE, at level60:



The Legendary icon just appeared! LOL!


And all I needed to do, was access my "incomplete" toons in order to complete their class stories, thus, unlocking the achievement. I've done this before, going through all my characters hoping that the class story completion would activate itself just by logging in with them, but it never worked; I can't even remember the last time I've tried, maybe 2/3 weeks ago.


Yesterday, those 3 missing class stories were automatically completed, only by logging into the 3 instant lvl60 toons.


Here's the Achievement as 'completed' on the list:



And here's how my character selection screen appears rights now:

Page 1 - http://puu.sh/lKCYe/20ea3728bd.jpg

Page 2 - http://puu.sh/lKDZ3/435a1a4b54.jpg

Note: If you compare these two screenshots, with the ones above, taken nearly a week ago, you can notice that not even one single level has changed in all my toons. I've spent this week mostly crafting and doing heroics with my main to get Alliance supplies for him; so this wasn't leveling related, something else has changed that reactivated this.



May be Force be with you all, and may the Force guide you to this post if you have a Legendary Achievement waiting for you.


So it IS possible... strange that it takes a week to get the legacy status? Or normal thing? Just takes a while to get all the achievements...?


Did you do anything other besides logging in?

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this is just a game folks...


Yes, it is, but it is also a game you play with other people...


Last night, HM Lost Island popped... Tank was a Vanguard, queued as tank, but in dps gear and dps spec...


Clearly THAT isn't going to work, and when I pointed this out to him, he said "oh, I'll be fine, lets go".


My reply, "no, you won't, we'll just wipe, we need a real tank for this".


I inspected his achievements, he was just over 1,000 total, he had never done a HM FP before, and only 2 story mode FP.


He replied, "why don't we just try it, maybe it'll be fine".


Me: "No, it is a waste of time, you would not survive, it won't even be close".


Ended up having to vote kick him... that is the part that gets annoying, dealing with people who show up at end game with all these toons and no idea what they are doing.


Other than running KotFE, an instant level 60 toon is rather worthless for anything but end game group content. Yet if you show up in end game group content like the above player did, you won't get very far and it just pisses off everyone else.

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  • 2 months later...
Apparently, for the new update patch 4.3, characters with level 60 boosts doesn't even allow you to have legacy unlock. I was interested at first to skip one class story so I could unlock the Ch 3 Heroic Moment ability for the Legacy, but that's if that's not the case, then I think it's a waste of time to create a level 60 character.
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Apparently, for the new update patch 4.3, characters with level 60 boosts doesn't even allow you to have legacy unlock. I was interested at first to skip one class story so I could unlock the Ch 3 Heroic Moment ability for the Legacy, but that's if that's not the case, then I think it's a waste of time to create a level 60 character.


Yeah, this time logging into all your characters doesn't make any difference.


Who knows, the way Bioware is going, maybe in tomorrow's patch this will change, once more...


Also, the old GTN bug is back, the one where you are selling items and all of a sudden the server doesn't accept more items, you need to re-log or change instance to be able to sell more items.


Disappointing. I've barely complained about the game so far, I've loved it since late BETA, but the same old bugs, over and over again, that is truly disappointing, I'm sorry to say this.

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Apparently, for the new update patch 4.3, characters with level 60 boosts doesn't even allow you to have legacy unlock. I was interested at first to skip one class story so I could unlock the Ch 3 Heroic Moment ability for the Legacy, but that's if that's not the case, then I think it's a waste of time to create a level 60 character.


Why would it let you have a legacy unlock?

Or any perks that you get from class story completion for that matter

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