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Shadow of Revan and Fallen Empire connections


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I have a question, which I hope, you have an answer for. First this, I do have time to play the game, but I don't have an extra lot of time to play it. So I want to live the full experience, but I do not to live it twice. I do not want to do the same missions for my two toons (Smuggler and Jedi), and the XB boost has allowed me to do just that.


To explain, my Smuggler did "Rise of the Hutt Cartel", because it felt more accurate for a smuggler and my Jedi is doing "Shadow of Revan", for the same reason. So I have no plan for my smuggler to do "Shadow".


My smuggler is my main character and I'd like to do Fallen with him, so my question is two-fold:

1- Since my smuggler did not do Shadow of Revan, will the story of Shadow makes sense ? Simply put, are there going to be direct references in Fallen Empire about what your character did in SoR ? I'd like my story to make sense, so I'd like to know beforehand

2 - Less important question: Is the story fit for a non Force User class, like a smuggler. When I did SoR, it felt like it was designed for a Jedi/Sith (trip to Tython), and for I have been reading about Fallen Empire, the whole "savior of the galaxy" feel more inclined for a jedu


First question is more important for me


Thanks for the help



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