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So Livid with "improvements"


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So of course this wont change anything, and plenty of people will probably disagree with me, but I'm pretty livid with these "improvements". For one thing, its practically a whole new game just in the skin of Star Wars, beforehand my companions could be custom tailored to my personal gameplay style but now my Aric Jorgan is just like your Aric Jorgan, my HK is just like your HK and so on. Not pleased. All the Devoted Allies rewards you made available on Rishi and Ziost are basically pointless now.


Another serious problem is with the Planet Scaling, now I cannot possibly solo World Bosses even if I'm a "capped" toon. With all the skills of a 60, Grandfather on Balmorra for example is a level 22 but has six digit HP while I only get about 4k? WTH Bioware. You're now forcing me to find a Ops group practically just to hit a WB. Scaling has to go. In addition if I was on a lower planet to do a side mission I could blaze through the mobs to get my stuff done losing 10 minutes in the process. Now I'm the same level they are I might get stuck on an inferior planet for a hour as I trudge through the mobs. WTH again Bioware.


And lastly, Droid-type companions.... thanks for giving me just a weapon and a companion skin to pick from. Nerf City here we come!

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I'm also finding it somewhat comical that Niko Okarr can't wear his own duster, because you've destroyed Companions so effectively.


I've deleted 5 of my toons from Ebon Hawk server, I used to daydream of playing while working my 40 hour work week, now I'm angry enough that I'm deleting the work I've put into the game because BioW doesnt give a ****. Can I get a refund on my subscription or what?

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I agree, I don't understand the logic behind the auto level on planets. At least make it an optional thing for the player to choose.


If you want to send me to an older planet for a new quest then it makes perfect sense to make my objective level 65 etc., but to bog me down and waylay me from getting to my objective because I am constantly getting attacked by womp rats and thugs 40+ levels LOWER than me is not fun. The area was fun when I was 40 levels lower, but now I am not and such creatures should not even notice my presence nor should they warrant my attention. Additionally creatures of low level should definitely NOT be able to hit me or slow me down. If for some weird reason they do notice me - a one-shot-no-need-to-stop response from me is sufficient - as it should be.


I also don't like that you can't dress up your companions any more - you can't even change the colour of their clothes! I thought BioWare learned their lesson when they pulled that crap in DA2.

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I tend to agree. The changes to comps is devastating. *** were they thinking, or I almost forgot, disney is a big corporation concerned with the almighty dollar. I wouldn't put it past them to be sharing our stuff with the nsa.


Seriously, if Star Citizen were not still a few months away I would probably over react and dump my subscription.

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I tend to agree. The changes to comps is devastating. *** were they thinking, or I almost forgot, disney is a big corporation concerned with the almighty dollar. I wouldn't put it past them to be sharing our stuff with the nsa.


Seriously, if Star Citizen were not still a few months away I would probably over react and dump my subscription.

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I agree with Rileybean. I worked hard to customize my companions' gear to my liking. I do like the new companions, but each class should get different ones.


The Planet Scaling has to be the absolute worst part. Maybe if you introduce a way to choose scaling or not it would work, but now I can't solo World Bosses or low level heroics. My favorite thing to do was to massacre low level mobs, but now I can't do that either. I detest being forced to find a Ops group or any group when I am only in the mood to solo. Scaling has me reconsidering my subscription, even playng at all. It took the fun out of this game.


I do enjoy the content, but my dissatisfaction with the Planet Scaling overshadows the great ideas so much that it has me wanting to find something else to play.

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I totally agree with this, planet level sync is the worst idea ever, and the DEV team the brought up that idea needs a slap in the face. :mad::mad::mad:


And the companions, So stupid to make them all carbon cut-outs of eachother...


Removing Hk's 1 shot Assassinate move was one of the reasons I liked using him to start the fight out.


And giving us early access "rewards" like the blaster and the duster, that now you can't even put on the guy... ***


Really Bioware? Thanks for ruining this game.. I beta tested for this game and have played since day 1.


Now I want my Sub refunded, and I will go on my way...

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I also don't like that you can't dress up your companions any more - you can't even change the colour of their clothes! I thought BioWare learned their lesson when they pulled that crap in DA2.


You can change the color of their clothes...I did this yesterday. :)

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I agree with Rileybean. I worked hard to customize my companions' gear to my liking. I do like the new companions, but each class should get different ones.


The Planet Scaling has to be the absolute worst part. Maybe if you introduce a way to choose scaling or not it would work, but now I can't solo World Bosses or low level heroics. My favorite thing to do was to massacre low level mobs, but now I can't do that either. I detest being forced to find a Ops group or any group when I am only in the mood to solo. Scaling has me reconsidering my subscription, even playng at all. It took the fun out of this game.


I do enjoy the content, but my dissatisfaction with the Planet Scaling overshadows the great ideas so much that it has me wanting to find something else to play.


Yeah the planet scaling sucks big time. It forces the worst part of pvp, waiting for a pop and then finding out few if any of the people in the wz are equipped, or worse yet, don't know the map. I waste so much time just waiting for a pop with similar skilled players that it detracts from the fun.


Now to re-influence my comps I have to do the same thing all over again, use gf and risk getting queued with a bunch of noobs that don't know the op.


So rather than beat my head agin the wall promoting my insanity I'lll just ignore all of this alliance stuff. I'm not here to teach noobs the game, I am a better player from learning that from all the hard knocks I've taken over the last 3 yrs.


The fun is gone and I am afraid I'll be gone shortly. Until then, pvp is the only thing I'll run.


I am really pissed at these folks for ruining one of the few enjoyments an old man like me has. Seriously, I watched the premier of the first sw film my senior year of college back in '77. This was the only sw game other than KOTOR that filled a need in my life for something SW that I could wrapped my arms around.


Now it appears that want to put swtor on rails and blo it into some arcade game. It sucks, plain and simple.

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So of course this wont change anything, and plenty of people will probably disagree with me, but I'm pretty livid with these "improvements". For one thing, its practically a whole new game just in the skin of Star Wars, beforehand my companions could be custom tailored to my personal gameplay style but now my Aric Jorgan is just like your Aric Jorgan, my HK is just like your HK and so on. Not pleased. All the Devoted Allies rewards you made available on Rishi and Ziost are basically pointless now.


Another serious problem is with the Planet Scaling, now I cannot possibly solo World Bosses even if I'm a "capped" toon. With all the skills of a 60, Grandfather on Balmorra for example is a level 22 but has six digit HP while I only get about 4k? WTH Bioware. You're now forcing me to find a Ops group practically just to hit a WB. Scaling has to go. In addition if I was on a lower planet to do a side mission I could blaze through the mobs to get my stuff done losing 10 minutes in the process. Now I'm the same level they are I might get stuck on an inferior planet for a hour as I trudge through the mobs. WTH again Bioware.


And lastly, Droid-type companions.... thanks for giving me just a weapon and a companion skin to pick from. Nerf City here we come!


Yeah because you running around soloing level 22 world bosses was obviously how it was meant to be played, suck it up princess.


Yeah the planet scaling sucks big time. It forces the worst part of pvp, waiting for a pop and then finding out few if any of the people in the wz are equipped, or worse yet, don't know the map. I waste so much time just waiting for a pop with similar skilled players that it detracts from the fun.


Now to re-influence my comps I have to do the same thing all over again, use gf and risk getting queued with a bunch of noobs that don't know the op.


So rather than beat my head agin the wall promoting my insanity I'lll just ignore all of this alliance stuff. I'm not here to teach noobs the game, I am a better player from learning that from all the hard knocks I've taken over the last 3 yrs.


The fun is gone and I am afraid I'll be gone shortly. Until then, pvp is the only thing I'll run.


I am really pissed at these folks for ruining one of the few enjoyments an old man like me has. Seriously, I watched the premier of the first sw film my senior year of college back in '77. This was the only sw game other than KOTOR that filled a need in my life for something SW that I could wrapped my arms around.


Now it appears that want to put swtor on rails and blo it into some arcade game. It sucks, plain and simple.


Lol, you realise this is a multiplayer game? Ruining your enjoyment because you might have to explain a couple of fights I mean come on, what the ****?

Edited by RTCBrad
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I tend to agree. The changes to comps is devastating. *** were they thinking, or I almost forgot, disney is a big corporation concerned with the almighty dollar. I wouldn't put it past them to be sharing our stuff with the nsa.


Seriously, if Star Citizen were not still a few months away I would probably over react and dump my subscription.


A few months away? LOL that game is a year or two past it's original deadline. I wouldn't hold my breath on that, it's undoubtedly going to fail anyways given the turmoil and scandals that have plagued that company.

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