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Getting kicked to fleet every time I press Launch for Chapter III KOTFE


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I was playing Chapter III of Knights of the Fallen Empire, and decided to go to the fleet in the middle of the mission. Now, whenever, and wherever I try to press LAUNCH to complete Chapter III the load screen....loads, and kicks me right to the fleet, every time. Anyone else having this issue?
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I have the same issue as well, also before I can even reach Chapter 1. I hit "Play" and "Launch". The first time I got to see the trailer, followed by loading screen, and was kicked back to the Fleet.


All later attempts has taken me to the loading screen, and then drop me back out again on the fleet.


I tried with several different characters, and the first two had this issue, but my third character was able to start chapter 1.


When I get back home from work today I will try and go to the planet with my ship and see if there is any way to start the chapter from there and skip the whole "play" - "launch" part.

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Problem solved itself for me yesterday. I traveled to the new planet looking for a way to start the mission from there, (no luck with that), so I decided to just hit "Play" and "Launch" and see what happened, and "ta-da" it launched as it was supposed to do.
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