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PLEASE HELP!!!! Can't move on with jedi shadow story mission


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maybe someone can help me here....i am on the story mission "fearless" and i need Nadia Grell for the mission...she is not a set part of my crew yet and with the change and update to the companions i am not able to summon her to continue my story mission i pressed "N" and "B" and shes not listed in there...i thought i would abandon the story mission but you cant do that...im lost on what to do please help



Edited by bketterman
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My issue is finding where I left off before the Update. I was on Lord Vivicar's ship. He killed me and companion, since it was almost 2 in the morning and I was too sleepy to think, I revived and went to bed. I logged on next day and was ineligible to go back in the ship and try again. Now, I am flying from planet to planet trying to get back to where I was since the entire quest was removed from my log as well.


I am worried this is a possible bug and could it affect me getting any of my future companions since I am unable to continue actual story.


I sent a ticket to GM on patch day, but as of yet, have received no response.

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