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Created level 60 character! Spawned on the fleet as lev1!!!!


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I've had a similiar experience, but not quite. I've redeemed the token to create a Jedi Guardian in order to get the starter gear for my already existing Knight. I deleted the character after looting the equipment and the token was returned to me. However, when I created another new Level 60 character on the Republic side that is not a Jedi Knight, I land on the fleet as Level 1. I create another Guardian, and it's another Level 60 again.


Afterwards, I made a Level 60 Sniper on the Imperial side (again, just for the gear) and got my Level 60. After I deleted the char I tried again, but it I couldn't get another Level 60 character unless it was another Agent.


I'm assuming that the token you redeem locks a specific class in the game files.

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