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Hello, loreheads. I'm usually in the craziness called the pvp forums or the specific server forum for Jedi Covenant. But while I am loading KOTFE, I decided to run an idea by you guys, as just by perusing the forums I see a lot of knowledge about the star wars galaxy, timelines, canonization and so on.


Anyway, for my idea, just as the story and possibly more for 5.0, I was thinking about something that happened thousands of years after this game butt now because of Disney, "never happened" so it is up for grabs.


The Yuuzhan Vong. Imagine the invasion coming a few thousand years earlier. The fierce fleets of biotechnology the galaxy has never seen before, fierce warriors that not only do not fear pain but embrace it, and a genocidal hatred for technology that this galaxy has based all progress on since the beginning of civilization.


The story itself would be epic. For those who played WoW before and after Cataclysm, think of the Vong as the dragon. After they conquer worlds they terraform it to fit their needs. What if the Vong terraform a planet that is pretty much irrelevant at the moment, my thoughts go to places like Ilum(sorry gree event), and so on, giving new areas with fierce challenges and such. The possibilities for this expansion would literally be endless as the Vong could pretty much create anything through gene splicing and genetic engineering. And it would give Bioware another "common enemy" for both factions to keep them happy.


What are your thoughts on the matter?

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There's a thread or two bouncing around this story forum (I think it was story) with a similar topic. While not whole fully popular the Vong, a few good ideas bounced around that thread.


Check it out, and if you didn't know: the Yuuzhan Vonf are mentioned in KOTOR in one of Canderous' last stories to Revan.

So the idea is feasible, just maybe not in the form one may envision.



Also: you have my respect for braving the PvP forum and coming back sane.

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There's a thread or two bouncing around this story forum (I think it was story) with a similar topic. While not whole fully popular the Vong, a few good ideas bounced around that thread.


Check it out, and if you didn't know: the Yuuzhan Vonf are mentioned in KOTOR in one of Canderous' last stories to Revan.

So the idea is feasible, just maybe not in the form one may envision.



Also: you have my respect for braving the PvP forum and coming back sane.


Yeah, I came here from playing KOTOR, but got hooked on the pvp after I finished the imperial class stories.


But I remember the story about the Mandalorians chasing a strange object outside the perimeter of the galaxy during the wars. I always thought it was odd, but never made a connection until now that it may have been referring to the Vong. If that is the case I think it would be pretty cool. I don't know if the Vong books were written at the time, but I'm not exactly sure, and honestly the stories even if separate do fit together well. It was well mentioned the Vong had spies and scouts in this galaxy many years before the main fleet appeared at Vector Prime, so I could believe that was one of the earliest scouts to reach the galaxy.

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That's pretty much what Zakuul does in KOTFE: appear from outside the known galaxy with technology far more advanced than anything the rest of the galaxy has, wrecks everyone's business for giggles, occupies a handful of random planets, and sits back to laugh about it.
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I have studiously avoided spoilers, so idk where Zakuul is, though I never got the impression they were extragalactic, more in the unknown regions. I could be wrong.


I should specify that the Vong are from a totally different galaxy and travelled 50k years to this one for conquest across the empty space between galaxies.

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I have studiously avoided spoilers, so idk where Zakuul is, though I never got the impression they were extragalactic, more in the unknown regions. I could be wrong.


I should specify that the Vong are from a totally different galaxy and travelled 50k years to this one for conquest across the empty space between galaxies.


The Zakuul are from the Rishi Maze, a dwarf galaxy above the plane of the ecliptic for the Star Wars galaxy.


Point is, they're a mysterious force from outside known space with fantastical technology that attacks without warning, ruins everyone's day, conquers much of the galaxy, and you have to slowly work to break their hold on the galaxy and throw them back out beyond the galaxy's horizon. Which is pretty much your suggestion.

Edited by Cythereal
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