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Gunnery specs? - As well as a couple questions


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Hey all.


I was wondering if you guys knew of any good Gunnery specs? I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, and what I should actually be doing. Obviously it's for leveling right now, but I do Warzones and Flashpoints frequently during leveling so keep that in mind.


End-game I plan on doing primarily PvE, and I hope dual-spec comes out because I would like a spec for PvP too.


In the back of my head there's a part of me thinking about doing Combat Medic end-game, to get into groups easier and because my guild doesn't have any core healers (yet). But, I don't know healing and I tried going CM for a couple levels and Warzones were less fun, and leveling was slower (but I did enjoy it in a Flashpoint or two), but ultimately I just ended up switching back. Part of me thinks I should do it end-game, but I'm just not sure.


Last question pertains to Assault Specialist. Is it viable? If so, in what uses? What is the spec like? Is it more akin to a 'Warlock' (as Gunnery is akin to a 'Mage'). Excuse the comparison, but it's an easy way to understand differences.


Thanks in advance all, I hope you can supply me with a couple specs I should do for gunnery as well as information on my other couple questions.

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Not an expert by any means since I only played a Commando to 30, but it seems like the consensus is AS is better for PVP if you want to be more mobile and build up some numbers, while Gunnery hits harder but can get nailed pretty good by melees since their attacks tend to be channels.


As far as finding a group, I've so far split my points between Combat Medic and Gunnery, and I've consistently found myself mostly playing a main healer and helping out with trash mobs or single targets when there's no need to worry about healing as much. You can still put some hurt on things as a medic spec; just don't expect to spend a lot of time doing anything but a healing rotation when fights are tough.


I've had the most fun in PVE as an off-healer. You primarily DPS but can switch and help out if necessary. But remember, the game will probably change a lot at 50 when your spec becomes way more important.

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Not an expert by any means since I only played a Commando to 30, but it seems like the consensus is AS is better for PVP if you want to be more mobile and build up some numbers, while Gunnery hits harder but can get nailed pretty good by melees since their attacks tend to be channels.


As far as finding a group, I've so far split my points between Combat Medic and Gunnery, and I've consistently found myself mostly playing a main healer and helping out with trash mobs or single targets when there's no need to worry about healing as much. You can still put some hurt on things as a medic spec; just don't expect to spend a lot of time doing anything but a healing rotation when fights are tough.


I've had the most fun in PVE as an off-healer. You primarily DPS but can switch and help out if necessary. But remember, the game will probably change a lot at 50 when your spec becomes way more important.


True, thanks for the input. I might try AS at some point. Anybody know how the skill reset scaling works? I noticed the first time it was free, and the second time 350, how high does it go?

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I'm a 39 combat medic, but just looking at the Gunnery tree, I can come up with something like this for PVE.

I'll be using this spec or something very similar as my own offspec when dual speccing goes in.




That leaves 3 points that could be spent in Target Lock if accuracy would be a problem at 50. No idea where I would spend those points otherwise.

I might switch the 2 point from Advanced Tech to Cover fire if it turns out that the 2 second slow is helpful in some nightmare flashpoint or operation.


For PVP, you might want to drop Advanced Tech and Heavy Trooper and take Concussive Force and Tenacious Defense instead.

Maybe even free up 2 points somewhere for Quick Thinking since my own experience tells me that I'm not getting healed much (or at all) by others in PVP. Might as well improve your own healing a tiny bit.

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