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ToS Underlurker


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I don't know if anyone else has tried this, nor do I know if this works in Hard Mode (I would like to try, or have someone try and get back to me). In Underlurker, when he casts whatever the cast is called when all of the rocks drop and snipers drop their entrench, I've noticed that marauders and sents can pop force camouflage before the casts finishes and we can take reduced or no damage. I haven't looked too deeply into this, and I don't know if you have to use the utility phantom, but as I usually have it on, I know it works, but it's something I'm not sure if other people know and it might make maras/sents slightly more viable.
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I don't know if anyone else has tried this, nor do I know if this works in Hard Mode (I would like to try, or have someone try and get back to me). In Underlurker, when he casts whatever the cast is called when all of the rocks drop and snipers drop their entrench, I've noticed that marauders and sents can pop force camouflage before the casts finishes and we can take reduced or no damage. I haven't looked too deeply into this, and I don't know if you have to use the utility phantom, but as I usually have it on, I know it works, but it's something I'm not sure if other people know and it might make maras/sents slightly more viable.


You are correct. Force Camo does allow you to take reduced damage or negate the damage from Rage Storm all together. The only way this becomes beneficial is in emergency situations or you can stay out and DPS while others are moving and then use Force Camo to get behind cover, basically allowing you to do more DPS during that phase than normal. However, I caution against this as sometimes you'll still take too much damage for this to be a strategy. I honestly use it for emergency situations and I use it to reposition during Rage Storm to a potentially closer Rock so that i can strafe out and in while doing damage and being protected. With the right luck from rock placement you can melee the boss during that phase effectively keeping 90% of your DPS obtained prior to the phase.

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Don't really understand the point in this... you cannot do anything or it will break your camo effect thus losing the damage reduction?

Maybe if you are miles away from the rock and you know you cant make it then yes it makes sense... but what are you trying to accomplish apart from getting to a sanctuary?


Me personally... I play super risky on sent (honestly, its the only way I can actually enjoy playing this class right now) and I either GBTF (with Enduring utility) and tank the whole duration of the cast... while still dps'ing, or saber ward and transcendance it... the combination of the 50% + the 10% defense rating increase gives me around 65% chance to deflect the rocks (yes you can deflect parry the pebbles or debris, whatever u call it)

The knockback hurts like a bish, especially if he's fetishtically attached to your recent pain addiction and decides to jump on you too (which is completely random and you cannot control or predict this). But I survive it!


What I can't survive, is listening to my raid team screaming at me because after ALL this time, they still have no faith in me. Which is pathetic... and I can rant all day about it... but I won't


on_topic 1

I usually save my Camoflague to switch between adds ebcause the slow is god awful, and the:


baby_rage 0

Then charge to the 2nd target, and if the 3rd isn't dead by the swap to 2nd add, then i usually feel justified to rage at my group

but the immunity to it so gives you breathing room to get in position once the adds come down :)

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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