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more utility fixing


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seriously tired of being the one advanced class with ridiculous utility choices

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Unfortunately our new utilities are not only horrible and significantly weaker than similar utilities (or passives) other classes already boast, but speccing into Thirst for Rage/ Inspired Focus will actually be counter-productive to the player in many instances, given as how raid buffs are disabled in Ranked PvP and according to the wording of the skill you likely won't even receive the effect in a raid if another Sentinel/Marauder pops Inspiration/Bloodthirst first.


Want a few easy positive changes to fix this mess?


As others on the forums have previously requested, convert Promulgator/Cloak of Anni to affect Saber Ward and/instead of Rebuke/Pain Cloak. Then it might be worthy of Heroic tier. Nerfing it and moving it all the way from Skillful was flat out lazy on the developers' part. We as paying customers should and do expect more effort considering all the money we pump into this game.


The new discipline system actively encourages players to swap "baseline" utilities in favor of the situation, but until now it has never invalidated any of them to the point of utter uselessness in any situation, much less an entire mode of play. Keeping Thirst for Rage/Inspired Focus as is for 4.0 is both bad for our class, and it sets a dangerous precedent for the quality of future utility changes. To remedy this and actually justify Masterful level, let this utliity grant Inspiration/Bloodthirst in Ranked, and extend its effect to all Sentinels/Marauders (or perhaps all raid members..?). This also helps to re-establish the ability as the quintessential raid buff and encourages players to play this underperforming class in spite of its issues with melee-unfriendly ops bosses and PvP meta.


As I said in a previous thread, if nothing else, Lower Saber Ward's Cooldown. That in itself will be enough for me to accept Shadows/Assassins having the same utility for twice the duration and 7% better total uptime (albeit in one branch higher and on a *slightly* weaker ability). Not to mention Guardians/Juggs already have baseline CC immunity on an attack with a short CD *and* free reset on a whim.


There you go, three easy changes to the one utility in each tier that needs the most help. To the Devs: if this ever catches your eye, for the love of the Force please at least consider them. We as a community are aware that you have listened to our outcry regarding 3.2.1's Watch/Anni rotational changes to some degree, and welcome whatever you have in store for us. That said, our current selection of utilities are very limited and these "additions" coming next week are garbage. Please, fix them before this goes live. All the more if the community could unanimously get behind a few key changes we wish to see in order to improve our abysmal class QoL. Let's make this class fun again!

Edited by Trogusaurus
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