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Force cloak working as intended?


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As I was leveling and now at max level, I've noticed that abilities with travel times knock you out of stealth mode after having vanished on occasion. For instance, if I'm fighting a Jedi Shadow and they hit project as I vanish, the projectile being thrown will knock me out of force cloak.


I know that dots and such seem to be intended to knock you from force cloak, but given lag issues with abilities that have travel times, are they also supposed to knock you out of force cloak?


If this is intended by the developers I guess I'll have to learn to live with it, but it does take a lot of the usefulness away from the ability.

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Later you get Force Shroud which you can use in those situations before you cloak if you have a dot or if someone is about to hit you with a ranged ability.


I haven't tested it with a rock in mid air but it should let you resist that spell and stay in stealth due to the force resist side of it.

Edited by ZtruK
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Later you get Force Shroud which you can use in those situations before you cloak if you have a dot or if someone is about to hit you with a ranged ability.


I haven't tested it with a rock in mid air but it should let you resist that spell and stay in stealth due to the force resist side of it.


I know, but requiring 2 abilities with cool downs in order to get 1 of them to fulfill the function it is supposed to fill doesn't seem right.

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