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About the Dark Language


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I am obviously talking about the Sith Pureblood language. I've a few questions if you don't mind:


a) How is a diphthong Ch pronounced? Like in Chapter / Check or differently?

b) What is the word order? I know that it is VSO(Verb-Subject-Object) like in "Wonoksh Qyasik nun" - "Shall free / the Force / me". But this is not about the VSO. I am interested in how do adjectives fit into this. Like is it < adjective > < noun > or < noun > < adjective > ? Could also ask about adverbs, but they're not that important to me at this time. Still, input would be nice, as always.

c) How do you write adjectivised noun? Do you write it as < adjective > - < noun > or as < adjective > ' < noun > or as < adjective > < noun > or as < adjective >< noun > ? Ie: with a dash, with an apostrophe, just with a space or together(without anything)?


Thank you!

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I want to say your questions don't have answers, but this is a fandom were talking about, also.


For a) without actual spoken Sith, we have no real idea. The most likely pronunciation candidates aren't found in English, but in other languages: as an aspirated voiceless velar plosive (kh sound), or a voiceless velar fricative (ch in Welsh, X in Gaulish, for instance).


It's an agglutinative language, so adjectives and adverbs probably attach to the words they modify in a manner similar to German.


It's possible Sith also doesn't make nouns into adjectives with virtually no modification as English does.

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I am asking this because I realised that I don't know how to read the name of my own character lol! The naming convention can be explained with a lot of stuff, but pronunciation is what really interested me(hence it being asked first).


As for adjectives: I tend to agree that they just ash them together like Germans(Krankenhaus, Lautsprecher etc). Ah that answers my third question as well! What a nice thing!


Thank you!

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