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question: how to sort your debuffs on the debuff bar?

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So up until now, i've really not had any problems with the raid "debuffs" that pop out on my debuff bar in relation to the other debuffs that as a healer I need to be on the look out for. But, pulled Revan for the first time last night and with so many things going on those raid buff debuffs really really got in the way. I missed the bond every time. I did get the cleanses which was good. A buddy of mine said I could sort my debuff bar to get rid of those raid buff debuffs (which by the way are insanely dumb in the first place but I digress). How do you sort that debuff bar to make those stupid things go away so I can see the real stuffs easier?


p.s That Revan...he's no joke. And that HK...he's just jerk. Seriously why does that fight even need him sniping? Go jump off a bridge HK. Friggin jerk.

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Why we still don't have the ability to sort, filter and / or highlight any piece of data shown in the UI including specific buffs and debuffs is beyond me.


It has been possible to do this in WoW for nearly a decade.


While I love this game, the UI makes it feel like driving an old car with a manual transmission and steering - not hard, just more tedious than it needs to be.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Why we still don't have the ability to sort, filter and / or highlight any piece of data shown in the UI including specific buffs and debuffs is beyond me.


It has been possible to do this in WoW for nearly a decade.


While I love this game, the UI makes it feel like driving an old car with a manual transmission and steering - not hard, just more tedious than it needs to be.


You can highlight some buffs like procs for example

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I just use the "show only cleansable debuffs".


I know it means I don't get to see non-cleansable dots but boss animation, graphics on the player and losing health are quite hard clues to miss.


As a side note, when I starting bringing dot specs into ops I also did the highlight my own debuffs and set them first, ordered based on timer. Made things a lot easier than searching through 15 odd debuffs on a boss to make sure I had all my dots up (by the time I had looked through all the debuffs, they would have run out anyway lol).

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I just use the "show only cleansable debuffs".


I know it means I don't get to see non-cleansable dots but boss animation, graphics on the player and losing health are quite hard clues to miss.


As a side note, when I starting bringing dot specs into ops I also did the highlight my own debuffs and set them first, ordered based on timer. Made things a lot easier than searching through 15 odd debuffs on a boss to make sure I had all my dots up (by the time I had looked through all the debuffs, they would have run out anyway lol).



I wish that were a possibility. It does remove the clutter, but there are too many things that appear on the debuff bar that need to be tracked. For instance the Writhering Terror has that dot that has to be cleansed, but doesn't show up if you have that option toggled. Revan has essence corruption that you gotta be johnny on the spot for. Or things like the bond. There's just too many debuffs that mean something that get hidden.

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