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LFG: returning player


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Hello. I haven't played in 4 years and I'm looking to getting back into the game. I have experience in mmos and would like to find a guild that accepts casuals who are active as well as potentially wanting to raid. I'd prefer a large guild that is active. Please let me know if you have room for me!
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Does your choice of avatar mean that you are looking for an Imp side guild? My guild seems like it could be a good fit based on your post, but we're Pub side almost exclusively. Our website link is in my signature or feel free to DM me if you have questions more specific to your circumstances.


Whether for faction or other reasons, happy to help you find the right guild for your return any way I can!



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Howdy to ya!


From Reading your post I'm thinking that Souls of Fate and Gentleman Bastards may be a good fit for you. We are dual Faction guilds who enjoy doing everything this game has to offer and making up our own events to get the most out of what BW has provided us in SWTOR.


We have folks who just wanna level toon after toon and enjoy the game play, folks who really dig endgame, PvPers and us select few who really dig GSF. So no matter what your prefered playstyle is you will fit in well with SoF and GB.!


Check us out our websites at http://gbastards.enjin.com & http://www.soulsoffate.enjin.com and if you like what you see submit an application and find any member of either guild online and tell them that Drivan sent ya!


Happy hunting and I hope to see ya around!

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