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Sith Empire (star wars) Vs System Lords (star gate)


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This question has been on my mind for a wile and i would like some input. In an all out war who would win: The Sith Empire or The System Lords?


To clarify I am Talking about the Sith empire as it was in its golden age (around 5000 BBY) and i am taking the System Lords as they where at the start of the SG1 TV series. We are amusing that there shielding, energy weaponry and hyper drive technology is on the same level.


This would be an all out war the goal being to completely destroy the other. This would include both ship to ship and ground battles between Jaffa and Massassi.


Who would win and why?

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This question has been on my mind for a wile and i would like some input. In an all out war who would win: The Sith Empire or The System Lords?


To clarify I am Talking about the Sith empire as it was in its golden age (around 5000 BBY) and i am taking the System Lords as they where at the start of the SG1 TV series. We are amusing that there shielding, energy weaponry and hyper drive technology is on the same level.


This would be an all out war the goal being to completely destroy the other. This would include both ship to ship and ground battles between Jaffa and Massassi.


Who would win and why?


The Sith had the meditation sphere and the ability to create supernovas at this time..




Factor in that and from there we might have a debate.

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From what ive read on the lore just now, the Sith Empire would probably win because:

1. The force-- the sith were very immersed in the darkside (including the massassi) and in the case of naga sadow, used it as battle meditation shifting the battle with the Republic heavily in their favor.

2. The massassi appear to be the superior warriors compared to the Jaffa.


Both societies appear to be really volatile in terms of leadership, which ultimately, led to both of their downfalls. Despite the wiki's statement of the system lords uniting to fight a common enemy they still stabbed each other in the back when the opportunity arose (specifically, anubis and ba'al) so I'm gonna give that one a draw status because the sith did the same thing.


I'm biased to the sith empire though so, could be some unjust judgements in there somewhere, if so point them out please.

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As a huge fan of both series, I believe I can be unbiased about this.


The system lords have exactly one chance: Go'auld using a really powerful Sith as it's host. If that happened, things could get really interesting.


Without the Force, though, Sith faceroll the System Lords, and make the symbiote of every one of them into a BBQ platter.


The tech might be equally powerful, but star wars ships fire faster, there are more of them, and they have force users piloting them.

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I think a lot depends on the assumptions you make: is this happening in the SW universe or the SG universe? Or some hybrid of both? Does the Stargate network exist? Are the Empire familiar with it and its use? Are the System Lords aware of the Force and able to take Force sensitives as hosts? Could a Goa'uld symbiote be Force sensitive itself? Are there species other than humans and Unas for the System Lords to use as hosts/Jaffa? Could a Force sensitive Goa'uld symbiote take a Dashade as a host? :eek:


We only ever see the System Lords after they have grown very complacent in their position of power. Standard Jaffa weapons and tactics are designed to terrorise, to shock and awe those who already see the Goa'uld as gods. Against an actual military threat they seem to favour nuking the site from orbit, or (which is easier) lobbing extremely powerful bombs through Stargates. How well that would perform against the Empire depends on a lot of unknowns.

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I think a lot depends on the assumptions you make: is this happening in the SW universe or the SG universe? Or some hybrid of both? Does the Stargate network exist? Are the Empire familiar with it and its use?


The Empire knows of similar Gree and Rakata technology (hypergates, infinity gates) they can use but are (yet) unable to move or reconstruct. The stargates with their abundance and their locational independence seem to be an easier object of research, and they won't be useable for surprise attacks for long.


Don't fool yourselves, the goa'uld are just mini-hutts living in people. Even if they were force-sensitive they still had the same disadvantages. A stagnant culture tied to selfish pseudo-immortal individuals with a slow reproduction rate, and a very long time in a vulnerable infant stage. The sith are no strangers to mind control or races with a different biology, and they certainly can't be impressed by "magic". Many of the difficulties SG1 faces come from inferior technology and moral restrictions that definitely don't apply to the Sith.


The Sith would find a better challenge in the Asgard or Wraith , the Hutts vs. the Goa'uld may be interesting, though:

Edited by Mubrak
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I'm not sure the Goa'uld are as smart as the Hutts. :p When the Empire has fallen and the pure-blood Sith lines are extinct, the Hutts will still be around, laughing it up. They're tough, resourceful survivors and not too proud to beg when the going gets tough. The Goa'uld System Lords have been listening to their own propaganda too long, and started to believe it. They're incapable of seeing their own defeat creeping up on them, even when it's much too late.


But I still wouldn't count the System Lords out as a threat to the Empire. Sure, the Sith can figure out a Stargate, but even if it takes only them a few days to figure out how the things work, the Goa'uld need mere hours to lob a high-yield bomb through each gate to an Imperial world. If you don't know in advance to bury the gates or block the event horizon in the right way, there is no way to stop an attack of that kind.


I don't think the Empire having space superiority is a given (Erinelf said to assume that shield, energy weapon and hyperdrive technologies are roughly equal, and the Goa'uld do have cloaking technology that in some cases can hide a whole Mothership), but if the Goa'uld are unable to win in space they can invade in force through the Gates, putting the battle on the Empire's own doorstep, and that's where the questions about Force ability and access to alien species come in.


A Goa'uld in a regular human host is immensely strong, hard to kill, and carries a device that can block energy bolts and bullets apparently without limit. Add in Force ability and/or a Force resistant host species and things could get very interesting.

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Joachimthbear dose have an interesting point. I think it would make sense that the Goa'uld, given the chance could take a Force sensitive host or any of the other SW races. However until the fighting started nether side would have encountered each other species, abilities or technology other than what is in there own universe. I think in order to keep the fight fair the Goa'uld would have gate travel between there own planets but not to that of the Sith. As for where they are fighting i think a "hybrid" of there two galaxy putting them in simpler proximity to the Empire and the Republic or the Goa'uld and the Aschen.


I hope that makes it more clear.

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Hmm. If an all-out war started immediately in those circumstances? I think the Empire would win.


The Force is a pretty strong advantage. Not just for personal combat, but for space battles as well (with Battle Meditation and the ability to predict your enemy's surprise attacks). I suspect a Sith would also be able to detect the presence of a Goa'uld in a human host, making infiltration very difficult. That's even discounting the trick of blowing up stars that was mentioned above (though the Goa'uld could do that too, if they can figure out Carter's trick for it).


The Goa'uld might have a few technological tricks that are helpful to them, but I don't think it would tip the balance. On the other hand, the way the System Lords keep their populations under control - with superstition and intimidation - would make it way too easy for the Sith to stroll in, say "we're your gods now, check out these powers" and take control without much of a fight.


In short, if the System Lords can't use the Stargates for a pre-emptive strike, infiltrate their enemies by taking over key officials, or scare anyone into submission, their main tactics for war are all badly undermined. The Empire is much better geared up for this kind of warfare. The time the System Lords would need for any serious adjustment in the strategy would be too long, and they'd have lost the war already.


That's my take on the given scenario, anyway. So let's have some fun with it. :)


If we remove the assumption that the weaponry and shielding on both sides is basically equal, and exploit some bad science and inconsistencies, the Goa'uld might have the Empire hugely outgunned. The Stargate wiki suggests that each of a Goa'uld Mothership's main weapons may have a maximum firepower yield of over 200 megatons per bolt, which is... just plain silly and contradicts all kinds of scenes where those weapons are seen firing at planets... but if it's true, and the shields of a Mothership can still stand up to that for any length of time, then the relatively puny power of turbolasers (and any shield that turbolasers can pierce) is going to seem very small in comparison. :D

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If the Goa'uld are using Kull Warriors, then the Massassi can kiss their butts goodbye since they have armor that is impervious to just about all kinds of damage. And, if the Goa'uld are using the eyes of Ra as a superweapon, then they should be able to destroy sith planets with ease as well as large numbers of ships at once.

Also, assuming that the gate network is active in this hypothetical war, then the system lords could use Anubis' s gate destroying weapon to blow up any sith planets that have a gate on them.

I think the system lord worms win this one.

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