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New performance improvements seem to be a double edged sword.


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I play the game and I noticed all of these things. I think it looks silly how objects pop in and out at such a short range. If you notice very little issues, well good for you then. For the rest of us, ours eye are still working properly and we don't like the changes.


Well, I wish I knew what that's like, because my draw distance is only marginally less. It isn't glaring at all.

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You know, actually playing the game and not spending however much time you did on pointing out the flaws in the rendering, I noticed very little issues. Perhaps you should play instead of complain?


Well I've been playing the game and they hosed up several things graphically with this patch. The most glaring example of this is the Alderan WZ sky (or maybe black is the new blue). However, the laundry list includes noticeably worse frame rates, weird slow-mo run animations, mobs suddenly teleporting instead of moving, mobs sliding instead of playing their walking animations and a whole host of other things that were not present before this patch with my computer on the exact same settings.


Much like the OP, I understand the word optimize to make stuff better not shuffle things around to make it appear better in some areas while screwing it up in others. And before you or others say (again) that's just the way optimization works in programming...NO...IT DOESN'T. Never in my 15 years of programming and system design have I knowingly said I optimized performance while actively making them worse. I may have mistakenly claimed to "optimize" it and made it worse....and then I acknowledged it and fixed it. Hopefully they will do the same if all the white knights here don't convince them otherwise.

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Well, just went through Balmorra and it was just about unplayable areoung the Sundari areas. Constant screen bulrring / blanking out and flickering and some objects did not appear even after I ran into them.


I have never since launch had a problem in that area.


You may want to take a look at that and even fix it.

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