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So am I stuck on a dying server?


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I really need advice, note I am a subscriber.


I really want to stay on "The Prophecy of the Five" server but am really unsure of its viability right now. Depending on the time of day there are not that many people on. For example at 5:30 PM today there were 33 level 60s logged on and I have been checking from like noon today and the number has been as low as 12 and has high as 40. I don't mind the low population a lot of the time when i am just messing around, but the queue times for BGs and groups can be an hour or longer and queue times for raids never pop. This issue really popped its head up when 2-3 large guilds transferred off a month or so ago.


I understand that they are either offering free or only 90 cartel coin transfers currently but that really does nothing but start all the issues if I decide to transfer. I really hate losing my character names but at the end of the day if that happens I can probably live with that.


I have spent a lot of time and credits buying and decorating my 4 strongholds, as I understand this all stronghold unlocking only happens on the transfer if this was paid for with Cartel Coins which most of mine were paid for in-game credits, so this could be a size able costs to reopen that could be in the 40-50 million credits or more range. In addition, I would have to redecorate all 4 strongholds and that would take a considerable amount of my time. In addition with what I am reading I could lose another 10-20 million credits and or a lot of cartel coins reopening other unlocks like Legacy storage and other things that don't transfer.


I really like playing the game but am struggling, I am hoping this is just a slow period before the new expansion comes out in a month but my gut is telling me that will fix the issue for a short time but exasperate it later.


I don't want to quit playing the game but those kind of issues are weighting on me very hard right now.


I contacted customer support and got nothing but to contact in game support and a lot of wishy-washy answers about transferring.


Do I wait it out till server consolidation maybe occurs again, but my feeling is that probably will never do that again unless they figure out all the other issues before then.


Please advise

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Server has a low pop but, I never have a problem doing anything.


I take it you're not a level 60 if you're having difficulty getting into warzones. That's understandable due to 12x xp currently going on. Especially now people are trying to grind as much as they can in the last month of it.


My suggestion would be to join a larger guild if you're in a guild at all. Group up and have fun.


Customer service will not help you on this matter. Any info you need on character transfers is already out in the open for you to read if you need more detail.

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Thanks for your response, but I have 7 level 60s. I often wait for 30 min to 1 hour or longer for BGs to pop, I can't always play during prime time evening hours.


While your response is valid it does not really respond to the overall issues here.


If we transfer servers all assets and game accomplishment should transfer, this is the developer just not spending the time to address this issue, while offering free transfers so that they hopefully wont have to either by people electing to transfer on their own.


Future comments welcome.....

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Not a bad suggestion and it may be the only option. But when you have invested so much into fantastic strongholds I think it would be hard for me to swallow.


I did hear from a couple people that the developers are looking into these types of issues and have even mentioned it a couple times on twitter and live feeds. I don't think anybody wants to commit to anything hard right now because I think they are working hard on the expansion and if they make it ultimately successful then this is a lessor point they can address in the future as needed.


Thanks for your comment.

Edited by RTBOWEN
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I completely understand the attachment you have to both your Legacy and strongholds. If you want to wait and see, the other alternative you have is to start a mini legacy on another server free of charge and just enjoy lowbies/midbies on whatever ACs you prefer the most or the mirrors. You will still maintain the proficiency, play on, and can decide on anything else later. Or BioWARE will roll in the servers and you will retain your stuff and your 'true' Legacy. Anyway, hope it's going to be Okay. :)
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Along your thought line, transfer some level 60 to another server and take the overall legacy and decorations to that server. So now its a mirrored legacy and you really understand what transferred and what was lost in the transfer. If you don't like it transfer back at a later time. I just need to think which toon to transfer and make sure i have enough credits and other mats to be somewhat self reliant.


I know I have 1 free transfer, just not sure if transfer from our realm are free right now or are transfers still on sell for 90 CC or not.


What are your thoughts about this?

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If you have not used your one free transfer, you will transfer 1 character for free, after that it will be 90 cc. Whatever you have in the cargo hold and the inventory, and what credits he has on him will come with. Mail doesn't. All account unlocks transfer with you (species unlocks, companion bonuses, class bonuses), and you are asked to pick a new Legacy Name. If your character name is taken, you will be picking another one.


I have only transferred one toon, but I can't think of anything that was a problem. I used a free transfer, and then after a while returned him back to the home server for 90 cc.


I have never carried a lot in the stronghold investments, so it was not a concern. I just wanted to play for a while on a different server, and it did not pan out. :)


BioWARE just posted that transfer service is on hold again, so you have time to think about it for a while.

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Thanks for the info on your lessons learned. Yea I just found out that transfers were probably on hold till Tuesday.


I know I have 1 free transfer and hopefully they stay on sale for the next few weeks.


Now just to make sure i have what i want and don't want to be in that characters storage. I use alts banks as storage for the good and bad of that.


Thanks again...

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I feel your pain man, moreover, my entire guild is in your position....as are many across all the PvP servers. We'd love to leave the server, but we can't or we'd loose everything we've worked so hard for. Being a small guild, it would take WAY TOO long to re-earn it all. It's a hard choice to make, but we've decided to stick it out. I assume that eventually it's going to cost more to keep these servers online if not one is playing on them, so at that point we may see a merge.

PS: This topic was covered in this weeks "Bad Feeling PodCast.




PSS: My guild is looking for other small guilds to merge with at this point, provided they don't mind coming into our fold. Officer positions would be offered to existing leadership. If anyone is interested, please contact me.

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I just need to think which toon to transfer and make sure i have enough credits and other mats to be somewhat self reliant.


I know I have 1 free transfer, just not sure if transfer from our realm are free right now or are transfers still on sell for 90 CC or not.


As long as you take a level 60 somewhat geared, you can become self reliable easy. Run dailies, Ops/PvP depending on what's your thing. Won't take long & you can quickly amass a decent amount. If you have crew skills, that's all the more a benefit, although I'd say take your mats with you when you transfer.


Remember stuff in Legacy bank doesn't transfer with you! Only in your cargo hold & inventory.

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