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Lightsaber/Vibrosword holster/draw animations


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I recently was inspired to make a sentinel cyborg and that the cyborg would use the series 917 cybernetic set. So I thought it would be cool if I wielded both a vibrosword AND a lightsaber instead of 2 vibroswords or 2 lightsabers. My cartel coins haven't come in yet so I was doing some preliminary previewing of said combination and came across a bug. It seems the holster/draw animations for each arm are not independent. The dual draw/holster animation is used/chosen based off of whatever your mainhand is. In this case my mainhand was a Fira Vibrosword and my offhand was a lightsaber. However, the animation drew and holstered both the the sword and the saber from the back even though the saber was holstered on my hip. When the holster animation takes place both weapons are holstered on my back but then my saber magically teleports to my hip. At that point is when the saber actually turns off and the blade retracts.

However, if I make my lightsaber the mainhand and the sword the offhand the animation draws/holsters from and at the hip. So then the vibrosword teleports to my back. Although I have mentioned that I think the fira sword should be hip holstered anyways, that's not the point. Not only is the blatantly annoying, it's also a design oversight since the animations should have been independent between each arm. That being said, I implore that this be fixed.


Thank you for your time.

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