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Really Need A Sentinel Cheerleader


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My original intention was to be a Guardian, but the allure of dual-wielding lightsabers clouded my judgment. Now I am a level 40 Sentinel and have been hating it for over 20 levels. I keep reading it gets better later on, but...I'm still waiting to see it. I don't even feel like my character is a Jedi. It just feels like some melee gladiator with lightsabers.


So right now I really need someone to help clue me in on something that makes the Sentinel stand out and be awesome. As it stands I have to play my best, use all my CD's, and not make any mistakes to see average results on the battlefield.


Right now the only thing that is keeping me playing is the storyline. Other than that all I can think about is rerolling.

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There are several good posts on this forum talking about the positives sentinels bring to the table. I'm not going to try to cover up the fact that we are a weak class and there are some pretty glaring imbalances especially in PvP. In PvE, I think we do fine and all three trees can be competitive.


If you're having trouble with PvP, read the Primer, the PvP guide by Rankith, and several of the very good posts on the Focus tree by MBirkhofer.


The single best advice I can give is to play in a group. Having a few friends who can focus a target, a tank to guard you or a healer to make you feel invincible is the only way to play a sentinel in Warzones right now.


The game is still very new and enough people are creating thoughtful and thorough posts on the current problems with the Class. Problems will be ironed out in the future and the imbalances will be addressed.


Also, rah rah sis boom bah, gooooooo Sentinel!

Edited by Maefly
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