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Where are my togruta's ears?


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Do togrutas have ears? Does echolocation completely replace conventional hearing and if so, how do they communicate and understand spoken language? Do they "hear" through the Force just as Miraluka see through the Force? (Hey, you never know.) Am I supposed to assume that there are tiny holes along the sides of her montrals that serve as ears but I just can't see them?


This has been bugging me. :o

Edited by CloudCastle
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echolocation uses the same auditory senses as normal hearing, what will work for one will work for another. (Even humans are quite capable of developing echolocation with our pathetic (compared to the rest of the animal kingdom) auditory sense, though only blind people ever bother)


Simply put, the montrals act as their ears.

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Here's another question along similar lines:


How do female Twi'lek hear? Males have actual ears, but females have those weird little cones on the sides of their head.


Those are their ears, just a different design to human ears.


I wonder if it's ever been addressed why the males all seem to have human-style ears though. I'm not sure whether it's all Twi'lek males, or just all in game model, but I wonder if it's been discussed whether it's simple sexual dimorphism, or whether it's something to do with human/Twi'lek breeding- we know they *can*, it's just that a Twi'lek mother will always produce a Twi'lek child, phenotypically speaking, from what I remember hearing elsewhere on this forum, however, hybridisation is what's led to the more "human flesh coloured" Twi'leks.


Perhaps the ear dimorphism's part of that as well- that the 'human' ear genetic code is normally recessive, but dominant when on a Y chromosome? Or whatever the Twi'lek equivalent is?

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