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Path of Destruction: Sith Warrior


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This is my first time writing fan fic, well its my first time writing anything on a public forum. Still don't pull any punches on criticism and advice cause any is seriously welcome. Life going to be a bit chaotic for until July next year so updates are going to be sporadic. This story is about my Sith Warrior Aindri, her character profile is on the create a character thread, though my characters from all other classes (particularly imperial) do make appearances. The story goes from the prologue right to Ziost which means several things, 1st it's a long term project, 2nd there's going to be massive class story spoilers, 3rd i'm using the bioware chapter titles. Anyway I really hope you enjoy the story.


Prologue: Part One

The floor of the command deck vibrated slightly under the hum of engines as the harrower-class dreadnought crawled its way through hyperspace. The Reclaimer’s captain watched passively as star systems stretched passed in columns of light.

“Sir, we’re approaching the Horuset system.” the captain turned his head towards the technician who had spoken up from the console.

“Good, prepare to exit hyperspace.”

“Already done, exiting hyperspace now.” the technician replied pulling back a lever on the consoles side, sending shut-down instructions to the dreadnoughts hyperdrive. As the ship came out of hyperspace Korriban’s orange surface, with its thin patchwork clouds wondering lazily over the surface, appeared below the ship its, moons hanging in the distance. The captain watched as fighters sped across space dreadnoughts lumbered through Korriban’s orbit, before pressing the comms button on the nearest console.

“PL-1 Kanra, prepare a shuttle for the flight down to Korriban.”

“Understood Sir.” came the reply. The captain addressed the nearest trooper who was unlucky enough to not have anything important to do.

“Private, go inform our guest that their shuttle is ready.” The trooper began to shake his head before noticing the impatience in the captain’s eyes. Swallowing the trooper saluted and hurried from the command deck.


Walking down the ships corridor, the trooper kept his hands fisted at his side trying hard not to wring them as he reached the cabin. Swallowing, he raised his hand before hesitating, letting it drop before raising it and hesitating again.

“Come in.” A soft voice called from within cabin, sending a shiver up his spine; Emperor, he hated Sith even if they were just acolytes. Shaking his head the trooper dislodged the thoughts and entered the room, standing at attention by the entrance.


The room was rather bear given somebody of Sith status. There was a bed set into the corner just underneath a long narrow window and a desk with a computer and a rare paper book. The Acolyte, had light brown skin and wavy black hair, cut at the shoulders and wore only a form fitting top and loose trousers. She sat in the middle of the bed, legs crossed, hands in her lap and eyes closed. In front of her an incomplete Atorian puzzle cube rotated in mid-air, the remaining pieces hovering besides the puzzle, defying gravity. The Acolyte fought a smile as the trooper watched slack jawed whilst the remaining pieces slotted into place; once the puzzle was completed. The trooper started as the Acolyte opened her eyes, fixing him in place with stormy grey eyes as she regarded the trooper quizzically.

“Eh, um…sorry my Lord, the…um the shuttle is ready to take you down to…Korriban.” he stuttered. The Acolyte nodded at him and stood picking up a grey outer tunic from the bed, leaving the puzzle floating in the air.

“I’ll be ready shortly.” she said. Taking his que the trooper hurried out of the room, waiting in the hallway.

The Acolyte smiled to herself as she pulled on her tunic and tied her belt around her waist. Reaching down she picked up the training saber that leant against the end of the bed and clipped it to her belt. Walking to the desk she picked up her book and tucked it into a pocket sewn into the inner lining of her tunic. Exiting the room, she nodded to the trooper, who jumped as she released her mental hold on the puzzle, causing it to drop into her open palm. The Acolyte chuckled and walked towards the elevator that would take them to the hanger, leaving the trooper to catch up to her.


Both the Acolyte and the trooper exited the elevator once it reached the hanger deck and walked towards the shuttle that sat at the far end of the bay where a pilot waited.

“My lord, I am the pilot who is to take you down to the surface.” the pilot informed her after giving a slight bow. The Sith nodded and walked up the boarding ramp taking a seat on one of the benches, the trooper followed her and takes a seat near the ramp on the opposite of the shuttle. He shifted uncomfortably under the Acolyte’s stare, considering his answer to the unspoken question.

“We’ve had trouble with some acolytes, some of the former slaves tried to escape.” Satisfied, the Acolyte, watched the pilot as she walked up the ramp and past them to take her seat in the cockpit. Hearing the click of a switch she turned her head and watched as the boarding ramp rose and slammed shut.

“Command, this is KRS-01, requesting permission for travel to Korriban.”

“Permission granted KRS-01, you are cleared for landing at the Korriban Arrival Port.” Enhancing her hearing using the force, the Acolyte listened to the exchange, before settling back against the shuttle wall. The shuttle filled with the sound of humming as the engines started up and the shuttle begun to move out though the floor of the hanger. Once the wings of the shuttle descended and attached themselves to the sides of the shuttle, the engines roared to life and powered the shuttle descent towards the surface. The Acolyte, closed her eyes and submerged herself in the ancient darkness that permeated Korriban, trying to pinpoint the specific nexus’s of Dark Side energy that dotted the planet’s surface. In her mind’s eye came an image came of sand filled tombs their walls etched with ancient Sith markings, and a massive roaring beast.


The floor jolted as the shuttle hit the landing pad, breaking the Acolyte’s concentration, opening her eyes as the boarding ramp lowered its self onto the landing platform. The Acolyte stood and walked down the boarding ramp; the shuttle still vibrating as it remained primed to travel back to the dreadnoughts above. She looked around, noting the guns mounted on spaceports roof that had been installed in the aftermath of reclaiming the planet from the Republic. The trooper and pilot stopped behind her as she stepped off the boarding ramp, craning her neck to see the tip of the pyramid that housed the Sith Academy. Turning, the Acolyte dismissed the trooper and pilot who both bowed before re-entering the shuttle.


From the platform, the Acolyte could make out the shape of a person standing within the shadow of the spaceport and started down the walkway towards them as the shuttle lifted of the platform and began its ascent into Korriban’s orbit. As she neared the building, she could see the person in more detail; male in his late forties, weathered face and black buzz cut, with a lean and hard physique and scarred black battle armour that belied a life of combat, lightsaber clipped to the left side of his belt. Right-handed then, the Acolyte mused. She stopped in front of him placing her hands behind her back and waited for him to speak.

“At last you’ve arrived. Good, good. There is much to do and every moment is critical.” His voice gruff and tinged with impatience.

“I’m overseer Tremel and for decades, I’ve administered the trails that prove who is and who is not worthy to join the Sith Order.” The Acolyte knew that in the academy only senior overseers could administer trials, and even then did so rarely as the Lords and Darth’s that visited Korriban, held a tight grip on their authority, lest it be wrenched from them in a moment of weakness. Tremel administering her trials and being brought to the academy early meant that Tremel was playing a dangerous power game. The Acolyte fought a grimace as she had neither the desire nor patience to be dragged into Sith politics. Her mind having wondered, the Acolyte brought her attention back to Tremel.

“The trials are a chance to weed out the weak. Those who face them either survive and become Sith, or die.”

“I will be Sith.” the Acolyte stated firmly.

“That remains to be seen, you are here and ahead of schedule because of me. I expect you to obey.”

“You face your trials, you serve me, and I will make you the most powerful acolyte here.” The Acolyte stayed silent as she mulled over Tremels words.

“The trials themselves are difficult enough, but they are hardly the greatest threat you face.” The Acolyte raise an eyebrow curious at what could be more dangerous than the infamous Sith trials.

“There’s an acolyte here named Vemrin. He’s your enemy, and he will try to kill you. We must prepare you for when that time comes.”

“Why is he my enemy?” She asks

“All you need to know is that you are a threat to him, and he to you. We’ll make sure you can stand up to that threat” Aindri frowns

“That practice sword you’ve arrived with is insufficient.” She glanced at the saber attached to her belt.

“It is the blade of lesser acolytes. You need a dominating weapon.”

“And where do I get this weapon of great domination.” if Tremel heard the sarcasm her didn’t show it

“In the tomb of Ajunta Pall, there’s an old armoury. A strong Sith warblade awaits you there. This tomb is thick with K’lor’slugs – deadly, savage creatures. Be speedy but careful. They’ve been the end of many an acolyte.” She had heard rumours of Korriban’s horrors and looked forward to facing them herself.

“So will I.”

“There is a rule that there is no killing other acolytes on academy grounds.” She raised an eyebrow

“I’m surprised the academy was able to implement such a rule.” Commented Aindri.

“Yes well, in the Tombs, without witnesses, the rule is waived, so keep guard.” She nods and files away the information for future reference.

“And after I retrieve the blade? Where can I find you?” she asks

“Once you acquire the warblade, I suggest you spend some time in the Tomb bloodying it. Then come to me in my chambers in the Academy.” Trial assigned Tremel turned on his heel and walked away briskly. As she watched him leave, Aindri smiled to herself as one thought ran through her mind; monsters, deadly trials, extremely competitive acolytes, and permission to run wild in the tombs this was going to be fun.

Edited by StarHunterChaser
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Welcome to the world of fan fic writing :D Nice job. It's a lovely pastime, and I'm sure once things settle down a bit for you, you'll be wanting to get right to it. Have fun with it. :)

Thanks, sorry its taken a while to get back, I had a 2000 word history essay to write + a psychology project :( so I was a bit busy. Once the summer rolls back around i'll definitely get stuck in.

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Finally finished the next part, hope you enjoy.

Prologue: Part Two

The Acolyte struck down the massive K’lor’slug with a whistling overhead blow, spraying green ichor across her clothes; she curled her lip in disgust and hoped that the academy had spares. She turned, and eyed the K’lor’slugs fangs and talons, big enough and strong enough to tear limbs, as they skittered across the sand, compacted by the boots of acolytes. As the Acolyte swung her training saber at the nearest slug, she heard a crackling behind her and ducked as purple lightning arched over her head. Looking over her shoulder the Acolyte saw a light red skinned Zabrack, nine horns poking out of raven black hair. The Acolyte turned around to get a better look and took note of the Zabrack’s of the sparks dancing between the fingertips of her outstretched right hand and the training saber held loosely in her left. The Zabrack, wore a red form fitting tunic, black leggings and soft boots. The Zabrack met the Acolytes eyes with her own.

“What?” she asked and the Acolyte shook her head.

“You stole my kill.”

“Oh really? Well it’s your fault for being too slow.” the Zabrack commented offhandedly before stalking to a K’lor’slug a few meters away. The Acolyte gripped the hilt of her saber tightly and bending her knees jumped, sailing over the Zabrack she landed and stuck the K’lor’slug dead. The Zabrack stared at her before realising that her mouth was hanging open and snapped it shut.

“Now we’re even.” The Acolyte met the Zabrack’s stare with her own and it was a few seconds before the Zabrack nodded. Looking left towards the tombs entrance, she glanced back, eyebrow raised.

“You’re obviously going in, and from what I’ve seen you’re going to need help” The Acolyte scowls at the Zabrack, who laughed and the Acolyte to scowled harder.

“You’re buttons are way too easy to push.” she remarked pushing past the Acolyte and walked towards the tomb entrance.

“I’m not going to be manipulated into helping you” she informed the Zabrack crossing her arms. The Zabrack stopped and turned looking at her with surprise and a new measure of respect.

“Most people fall for that, you’re smarter than I gave you credit for, what are you training as?” deliberating for a moment, the Acolyte opted for the truth.

“Warrior, you?” she asked wondering if the Zabrack would extend the same courtesy as they descended into the tombs depths.

“Inquisitor.” The Acolyte glanced sideways observing the calculating look in her eyes and the seductive grace with which her body moved; this was a woman who promised equal parts pain and pleasure, and could get any man or woman to spill their darkest secrets.

“You’ll be a good one.” Acolyte commented as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Well duh, I’m the most powerful one in my group and I’m going to ground that Pureblood into the dust.” The Zabrack spat venomously before being distracted by a red and grey armoured trooper armour, who stood behind a stack of crates, waving them down.

“Hmm, wonder what he wants.” Walking towards him the Zabrack struck up a conversation with the trooper, whilst Aindri waited.

“Like blowing stuff up?” she asked returning

Aindri raised an eyebrow quizzically

“Sergeant Cormun and his men were targeting the slug’s egg chambers with explosives but couldn’t complete the mission, so we’ll do it for them, there’s hazard pay involved.” The Zabrack informed her, pointing towards a corridor branching off the antechamber to the right of them.

“And a chance to build ties with the military.” The Acolyte added and nodded to the Zabrack.


Walking through the archway, the Acolyte and the Zabrack turned the corner, cutting down the K’lor’slugs with ease. Reaching the chamber they split, the Acolyte moving towards the charges deposited against the right wall, whilst the Zabrack moved to the charges at the left. Setting the charges they sprinted out of the chamber as dust and bits of masonry rained down from the ceiling in the wake of the explosion.


After informing Sergeant Cormun that they had completed the task, they continued their way through the tombs antechamber as the Zabrack continued to complain about her overseer’s stupidity and the K’lor’slugs.

“Great, more slugs” the Zabrack muttered as she cut down another K’lor’slug. The Acolyte kicked at one of the K’lor’slug carcasses littering the floor, evidence of passing acolytes that could swing a vibrosword. Looking past the dead K’lor’slugs, she spied the body of an acolyte and frowned.

“Hey are you listening!” The Zabrack shouted as the Acolyte squatted down to examine the corpse.

“Doesn’t this look strange to you?” She asks absently, causing the Zabrack to frown and kneel down next to her. Inspecting the body, the Zabrack’s eyes widen.

“These are blaster marks, what the hell?” The Acolyte raised her head and looked around, seeing nothing but slugs.

“That’s what I want to know, come on” The Acolyte stood up, and the Zabrack looked at her suspiciously.

“I don’t give a damn what you do, but we’re going to be done a lot faster if we go through the tomb together, and I don’t know about you but I want clean clothes.” The Zabrack sighed

“Fine, but we’re still slaughtering everything in sight, I want to show off.” The Zabrack brought her tunic, stained with luminous green ichor, up to nose and sniffed.

“Do you think they have spares?”

“Force I hope so.” The Acolyte replied.

“Well, I can always threaten someone, I’m Tormi by the way, you?”


“Well nice to meet you, now murder and mayhem await.” Tormi grinned.


They fought their way onward, Tormi shocking the K’lor’slugs further afield, whilst Aindri smashed into the ones closet to them. Aindri’s, blade rose and fell in bewildering patterns; lunge, kick, backhand, up diagonally and overhead. As the tide of K’lor’slugs slowed, Aindri slammed her fist into the ground creating a shock wave that dazed the remaining K’lor’slugs and Tormi finished them with a single bolt of purple Force lightening.

“Blaster fire” Tormi looked at her before glancing at the archway in front of them. They walked towards the sounds, treading lightly to avoid revealing their presences. Popping her around the archway, Aindri looked into the chamber and motioned to Tormi.

“Well, that it explains it, tomb looters.” Tormi commented, scowling in contempt. Aindri regard her out of the corner of her eye.

“I dislike looters.” Tormi answered the unasked question and Aindri choose not to comment. Looking back into the chamber, she analysed the ongoing melee. Well, no wonder why the previous chambers where empty, Aindri thought as she watched acolytes and looters clash.

“Let’s hurry, otherwise we’ll also have to deal with the other acolytes.” She begun to weave through the crowd, cutting herself and Tormi a path.

“Let’em try.” Tormi grinned, lightening dancing between her fingers, as she followed Aindri, laughing as she shocked looters and acolytes alike. They got to the other side in seconds.

“Task?” Aindri shouted over the din.

“Need to find a hermit named Spindrall, to ‘prove myself’ as an acolyte, apparently.” Aindri skidded to a halt.

“Wait, Spindrall’s still alive?”

“You’ve heard of him?” Tormi queried.

“He was teaching at the Academy when my uncle was an acolyte. He told me that Spindrall teaches failed acolytes and provides counsel on the Sith Code.” She frowned as she registered the heavy sarcasm that had laced Tormi’s voice.

“You’ve already proven yourself as an acolyte, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.” Tormi scowled.

“Humph, if you fail his test you have no right to be Sith.”

“Oh I’ll pass whatever test he gives me, I don’t plan on letting an old geezer prevent me from being Sith.” Aindri laughs.

“At least that’s a challenge, I’ve just got to get a bloody sword.” They stopped in an antechamber, the armoury to her left, another chamber in front of them and an ascending staircase leading to the tombs upper floors to their right. Tormi looked at her smugly.

“Well, that just means you’re weak if the overseers expect you to die from something as easy as that.” Trix’in commented haughtily as she walked towards the other chamber.

“Shut up.” Tormi tossed Aindri a smile over her shoulder and disappeared into the gloom of the chamber. Aindri rolled her eyes and descended the stairs to the armoury.


Once in the armour proper, Aindri craned her neck and looked the massive chamber for a suitable blade. The floor, was littered with pieces of crumbling armour, rusted weapons and bits of eroded masonry, several of which were warblades, but too dull to be of any use.

“There’s got to be one, somewhere in this pile of scrap metal.” She muttered. Kneeling in the centre of the room, she closed her eyes and sharpened her focus, letting the Force guide her. She stood as she felt something pulling at her core and turned to the side of the room where the pull felt strongest. She opened her eyes and walked to the rack located at the back of the chamber. The rack held a single blade, which was slightly rusted at the bottom of the hilt and the upper side of the rounded guard. Aindri pursed her lips as she inspected the blade and gave it a few experimental swings.

“I’d prefer if it wasn’t rusted at all, but the blade seems strong enough.” Shrugging, Aindri removed the training saber from her belt and tossed it into the rubble, clipping the warblade in its place. As she began to walk out of the armoury, she heard a whirring noise and stopped as four droids, two in front of her and two behind, started up. Unclipping her warblade she brought it in front of her, taking a defensive stance.

“Where the hell did those come from?” Aindri deflect the first blaster bolt with her saber, hitting the first droid square in the chest, before stepping up and bisecting it with a single strike. She rolled forwards to avoid a strike from the second droid and span, thrusting out her hand, released a Force Push, sending it crashing into the wall, before crushing it with the Force. As the remaining droids approached her, she called the training saber, which lay discarded on the floor to her hand, blocking a blaster bolt from the third droid and an overhead blow from the fourth. Pushing the droids vibrosword away from her, she cut it into thirds with two quick strikes and stepped forward impaling the third. Stepping back, Aindri let out a huff as the droids collapsed and exited the armoury, demolishing the remaining droids as she climbed up the staircase.


Re-entering the antechamber that she and Trix’in were in before, Aindri turned left and walked up the stairs to the upper levels, groaning as she entered, a long hallway crawling with K’lor’slugs.

“Well, at least I’m getting to stretch my muscles.” She murmured. Charging forward, Aindri fought her way through the hallway, before stopping at another flight of stairs as snippets of conversation floated down from the chamber above.

“Come on you nerf-herders, the quicker we shift this lot of relics, the quicker we get paid!”


Creeping up the stairs, Aindri watched as the looters shoved relics into crates, gritting her teeth at the lack of care and respect they were treated with. Narrowing, her eyes, she fixed her gaze on the man directing the other looters, and raising her saber, leaped at him. The looters watched horrified as the warblade split the man’s skull, blood pooling on the floor as the corpse hit the floor. Taking advantage of their panic, Aindri attacked the rest of the looters, quickly beheading those nearest to her. Having witnessed the carnage, the few remaining looters fled the chamber, dropping their weapons as they ran. Alone in the chamber, Aindri clipped the warblade to her belt and crouched by the crates and carefully removed the relics to check their condition.

“Thank the Force their not damaged.” Aindri breathed. Gathering the relics, she carefully packed them into a crate, stuffing clothing, stripped from the looters bodies, in at the bottom and sides of the crates. Satisfied that the relics had some form of protection, she sealed the crate and hoisted it onto her shoulder.


Picking her way carefully through the rest of the tomb to avoid damaging the relics, she stopped to peer over a balcony that overlooked the tombs main antechamber, where other acolytes fought their way through legions of K’lor’slugs. Aindri wrinkled her nose as the stench of dead K’lor’slugs reached the upper levels, quickly moving on before the smell got any worse. Climbing up the final flight of stairs, she exited the tomb, shielding her eyes from the harsh Korriban sun. Once her eyes adjusted, she whistled as she took in the towering pyramid that constituted the Sith Academy, Sith of various stations ranging from acolytes darths walked through the academies entrance.

“No sense in keeping Tremel waiting.” Aindri told herself, closing her eyes and taking a breath, she steeled herself and started towards the Academy.

Edited by StarHunterChaser
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Good stuff! I enjoyed the exchange between Trix'in and Aindri. I think you might have left out the word 'hair' when you described her in the first paragraph after 'raven black...'


For next time, you might also want to consider a space between your paragraphs and between each line of dialogue. It makes it a bit easier to read. I'm glad that you found time to keep on with it! :)

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heh, heh thanks for the advice, I've edited the post so it should be better now.

I'm glad you liked the interplay between Trix'in and Aindri. Aindri is my main, while Trix'in is my Sith assassin, though I've changed her species from Human. I'm going to try to include a lot of my alts from the various different classes. Glas you liked it.

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Along with posting the third part I've also updated my first post to make it easier to read, hope you enjoy.


Prologue: Part Three

The Academy was impressive to say the least; flanked either side by towering tombs, its pyramidal structure was held aloft by the backs of two massive statues of kneeling slaves. At its apex, the setting Korriban sun made the structure blaze, sending its sprawling shadow out over the Valley of the Dark Lords.

After, Aindri dumped off the relics with a soldier in the small market just outside the academy, she trudged up the wide staircase, coughing up dust and sand.

“Why on Ziost did the Academy have to set up shop here?” She muttered.

Letting out a sigh of relief as she stepped into shadows of the academy, and out of the suppressive heat. Walking across the entrance hall, Aindri noticed an overseer waving her down. Stopping in front of her, Aindri examined her as the overseer examined her back.

The overseer was a bit shorter than her, with blood red skin and eyes, black hair tied back in a bun. It was the high cheekbones and bony protrusions from her ridged eyebrows and jaw that marked her as a pure-blooded Sith. The black–red amour moved with her as the overseer curled her lip up in disgust at the smell. Well, Aindri assumed it was the smell, the ichor staining her clothes absolutely stank.

“Acolyte, I come with a message. You will be living here in the academy from this day onwards as you face your trials, Overseer Tremel wishes you to visit the dormitories before you see him in his chambers.” Aindri nods and moved to walk away but the pureblood caught her arm just before she left.

“Some advice, overseer Tremel can teach you the ways of the Sith, but not all of the skills. For that, there are specialists in the Academy. You would be wise to meet them.”

“Why, are you giving me this advice?” Aindri asked curiously.

“If Tremel dies another will take his place, when that happens another is promoted to overseer. You would remember well that every Sith is expected to orchestrate their own promotion.” Aindri nodded.

“Learning from specialists, I gain power and through power, I gain victory.”

“An acolyte who thinks, good, you will be a pleasure to teach I’m sure.” The overseer gave her a brief smile.

“Now go, you are expected by Tremel in his chambers shortly.”


Dismissed, Aindri walked through the small hallway connecting the entrance to the main hall, trying not to stare at the Sith honour guards that stood between grandiose statues of the Emperor. Stepping into the main hall, Aindri whistled as she took in the towering statues of the Emperor that stood either side of her and the massive stone monument that stood in the centre of the hall. Circling it, Aindri examined the anguished faces that had been carved into the stone and ancient Sith symbols etched around its edges. Looking up, she saw multiple blood red banners, decorated with the Empire's symbol, hanging from the ceiling.

“Looks like patriotism is alive and kicking, let’s see how long that lasts.” Various Sith, travelled across the hall; after a minute, Aindri spied a lone acolyte, his head bent and eyes on floor, muttering to himself. As he walked past she caught his elbow, causing him to stumble, she grinned at him.


The acolyte didn’t like the look in her eyes and quickly pointed to the right handed stairs, mumbling something about to the left. She watched amused as the acolyte scurried away; shaking her head she walked up the stairs and turned left. As she approached the first room, she heard a shout and a larger clatter.


The voices turned silent, as sevens heads turned, to examine Aindri as she entered dorm room. The room itself was a long rectangle with eight bunks lined both the walls, which each had its own set of draws underneath for storing valuables. A rope ran across the width of the room, which meant a curtain could be drawn to separate the set of beds belong to male and female acolytes. Spying an empty bunk at the end of the room, Aindri walked towards it as the bickering resumed.

“You stink.” Aindri, turned her head to see a male pureblood, standing behind her.

The Pureblood, was a couple of inches taller than Aindri, with a muscular physique and broad shoulders. His dark brown hair was closely cropped so it wouldn’t get in the way when fighting, a few strands fell in front of his eyes. He moved smoothly and confidently in matching black tunic and pants, loosely fitted allowed for easy freedom of movement.

“You’re forward.” He shrugged.

“Well, we do have to sleep in here and you do stink; refreshers through that door.” he pointed to a small doorway in the right hand wall.

“Though, I’d visit the quartermaster first, you can get fresh clothes from him.” Aindri looked down at her clothes and wrinkled her nose.

“I want to burn these.”

“Good idea. The supply room is next one over if you go now you should catch him before he leaves, which is in minute.” Swearing, she sprinted out of the room a down the hall.


Aindri, managed to skid to a halt before she collided with a lean elderly man, with grey peppered hair and a weathered face and wore ill-fitting clothes and tattered boots as he was locking the door. Glancing at her, he sighed, unlocking and walking, limping slightly, back through the door.

“They’re getting later by the day, I know they are desperate to get people in the field, but they ought to be teaching you timekeeping as well.” Aindri frowned.

“Are you going to continue standing there like an idiot or come and get your things?” His voice, light and soft, was tinged with impatience. Aindri, shook her head she walked into the room as the man walked amongst the crates and shelves. She stopped in front of the desk, waiting for him as he rummaged to get the things that she needed.

“Backpack, datapad, holo-communicator, spare vibroblade parts, sanitary products, spare sheets, new clothes…” the man raised an eyebrow, and gave her a once over.

“And lots of spares; anything missing, anything missing? Ah yes.” He hobbled to the back of the room with surprising speed. Aindri, watched curiously as he walked back towards her, a durasteel case in hand muttering to himself.

“Here we go, this was sent for you ahead of time.” He raised his hand, stopping her from asking the question that was on the tip of her tongue.

“And no, I don’t know who sent it, it’s my understanding they wanted to remain anonymous. Now off with you.” Limping to the door, he waited for her to exit the room before shutting and locking the door, walking off in opposite direction. Aindri shook her head for what felt like the hundredth time that day.


Entering the dorm, she stuffed the gear she got from the Quartermaster into a draw underneath the bed, slotting her book in between two sets of clothes at the very bottom, and locked it.

Making her way to the showers, Aindri stripped off her clothes tossing them into the trash. Stepping into the shower, she let her head fall back, sighing with delight as the hot water hit her skin. Taking an extra hour to scrub the ichor from her skin, she stepped out, feeling a lot more human than when she stepped in. Dressing in her new clothes, Aindri inspected them in the mirror. The Sith duelling leathers were slightly looser than her old tunic, and a lot redder, the chest and back protected by tough, dark brown leather. The area around the knees and elbows, along with boots and gloves were also reinforced with the same tough leather. Satisfied with her new attire, she entered the room, turning to seeing the Pureblood.

“Much better.” Aindri gave him the finger, as she slid her blade through the loop of her belt.

“Where are you going?” Aindri halted in the dorms doorway, and regarded him before shrugging.


“Okay but I’d be quick, most acolytes go to bed quite early.”



“Aindri.” Nodding her thanks she exited the room.


Walking through the hallway and down the stairs. Spying another acolyte, crossing the hall, she shook him down for directions to Tremels chambers. Entering the hallway of the left of the main hall, Aindri stopped, shivering as she felt a chill down go her spine, as she sensed an air of malice. Stopping at the top of a small flight of stairs, as she spied two acolytes who talking to each other at the bottom of the stairs.

“Oh, this is going to be interested.” The acolyte on the right was taller and more overtly muscular, bald with a tattoo taking up the right side of his head, and wore simple grey pants and matching grey outer tunic over an inner red tunic, with armoured shoulders and knees. The acolyte on the left was more similar to her in height, and wore light black armour with armoured shoulders, two scars crossing one another just under his eyes. She eyed the one on the left warily, sensing the tightly contained violence roiling below the surface, and zeroing in on the warblade strapped to his back. The one on the left, still had his training saber.

“Hey, there acolyte. Hold on a moment. Let me get a look at you.” The smaller of the two demanded.

“Hmm. So you’re Overseer Tremel’s secret weapon huh? Impressive, to be sure. Afraid the old man waited too long to make his move though.” Aindri frowned, the man, giving her a good idea of who he was.

“I’m Vemrin, and unlike you I’ve fought and bled for everything I have. I demand respect.” Aindri raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve earned my way.”

“Please. Everyone knows what Tremel is doing.” He scowled, crossing his arms.

“If overseer Tremel had made his move a year ago, when I first arrived, you might’ve had a chance. But now too little too late.”

“This is ridiculous, Vemrin. Let’s just kill her and hide the body.” Suggested the other acolyte.

“We’re not on Balmorra anymore, Dolgis. There are rules. Traditions. We’ll leave the shortcuts to Overseer Tremel and his last pathetic hope here.” Aindri crossed her arms and regarded him.

“You know, you really ought to relax, all this aggression must be doing wonders for you blood pressure.” She smiling.

“You’re not funny.” Aindri pouts, causing Vemrin to snort in disgust.

“Just pathetic. You’ve been warned.” Stabbing a fingering to her chest.

“Coming Dolgis?” He asked hand dropping back to his side.

“Be right there Vemrin.” Dolgis replied as Vemrin walked off without a backwards glance.

“Friendly.” Aindri commented as she turned her head to watch Vemrin leave.

“Listen to me, you useless priss.” She turned back to Dolgis, eyebrow raised.

“Acolytes aren’t allowed to murder each other. But accidents happen. It isn’t murder without witnesses.”

“Yes it is.” Says Aindri, placing her hands on her hips.

“No more warnings.” He growled. “Vemrin’s the alpha monster here. You go after Vemrin, you die.” She watched as Dolgis stalked off before entering Tremel’s chambers.


Tremel, was talking to another acolyte when Aindri entered his chambers. Seeing her he halted the conversation and examined her, nodding his approval.

“Good, you’re here. You seem to be one piece. Tell me, how do you like your new blade?”

“There are slugs and looters are in several pieces.” She replied cheerfully.

“What are you doing Father?” Aindri looked curiously as the newcomer interjected.

“I only just got my warblade, and I’ve been here six months.” Looking at the daughter more closely, she could see the resemblance. With similar skin tones and hair colour, the main difference were the three scars running across the left side of the daughters face. She wore, a dark grey outer tunic over a red inner tunic with a metal chest plate stopping just under her breasts, loose grey pants and matching grey boots.

“I have my reasons, Eskella. And you will not breathe a word of this to anyone. Do you hear?” She thought she saw Eskella scowling at Tremel, but it disappeared too quickly for her to sure.

“Yes. Yes father.” She nodded, moving her hands behind her back.

“Acolyte, this is Eskella, my daughter.” She turned her head to glare at Aindri, before she quickly switched her attention back to Tremel.

“She’s one of the advanced students here. On her way to becoming Sith, if she minds herself.” Eskella’s hands dropped to her side, clenching her fists.

“I’ll keep quiet about you’re new charge father. But I won’t be here if whatever you’re planning blows up in your face.” She snapped, turning sharply on her heel, she stormed out of the room.

“Don’t mind her. She’s just sore that I’m keeping secrets. She growls but she’s loyal.”

“Now, I thought I heard Vemrin’s voice in the adjacent chamber before you arrived. Did he make his move so soon?” Aindri shook her head, and Tremel stroked his chin thoughtfully.

“If he didn’t, he must not fully comprehend the threat you represent. Good, good.”

“Still, I’d hope we’d had more time. Vemrin’s not the type to sniff around for too long before trying to take a bite.” Tremel, walked around the desk and sat down, leaning his arms on the desk.

“In a drive for sheer numbers, the criteria for Academy admittance has been relaxed. Now anyone with Force sensitivity is allowed entrance.” Aindri walked to the front of the desk, raising an eyebrow.

“Vemrin is mixed blood. The invisible rot eating at the foundation of the Empire. He must not be allowed to advance.”

“So, you’re an elitist snob.” She remarked drily.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing. It’s the Sith way. Only the best, most pure, should be enough.”

“If we fail to change, we will not achieve victory.”

“That maybe so, but you’ll find many who disagree. Unfortunately Vemrin’s caught the eye of Darth Baras, one of the most influential Sith Lords. He’s being groomed to be Baras’s new apprentice.” Aindri frowned thoughtfully, storing the name in her brain.

“As Darth Bara’s apprentice, the power at Vemrin’s fingertips will be considerable. He could change the Sith for the worse.” Picking up the datapad resting on the desk, he tapped the screen eliciting a series of beeps.

“Whilst you are here, you will receive training along with the rest of the acolytes. I have sent the schedule to your datapad and I will contact you with the details of your next trial soon.” Dismissing her with a wave, Tremel, shifted his focus to back to his datapad. Aindri nodded and left the room and walked through the hallway back into the main hall. The main hall, and upper levels were quieter, and Aindri only passed two overseers who were in deep conversation on her way back to the dorms.


Entering the dorms she ducked behind the now drawn curtain and stripped off her clothes, flopping down onto the bed yawning. Leaning over the edge of the bed, she unlocked the draw and removed her datapad. Resting back on the pillows she flipped through the documents that Tremel had sent, finishing the final page as an acolyte nearest the entrance turned off the lights. Switching off the datapad, Aindri placed it into the drawer, and relocked it. Turning on her side, Aindri closed her eyes and fell asleep within minutes.

Edited by StarHunterChaser
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hiya, finally have time to get the fourth part posted, hope you enjoy.


Prologue: Part Four

Aindri woke up to the sound of clattering of acolytes getting ready for the day. Stretching out her limbs she wondered into the bathroom; turning on the water she splashed cold water onto her face. She looked at her reflection in the mirror for a second before drying her face. Walking back into the dorm, she got dressed and clipped the warblade to her belt. Trudging down to the mess hall, with the other acolytes, she grabbed food from the dispenser and sat next to Venitas.

“Lot of people.” She commented, tearing into the bread as she watched more acolyte’s stream into the hall.

“The Academy has 15 different dorm rooms, each housing eight acolytes, not to mention the overseer’s quarters and Dark Council chambers.” Venitas informed her chewing thoughtfully.


Finishing their food, Aindri and Venitas, climbed up a flight of stairs that led to the archives. Aindri looked around as they walked deeper into the archives, coming to a side corridor packed with other acolytes. Standing on her tiptoes, Aindri glanced over Venitas’s shoulder. The room’s door was open, allowing us to catch snippets of conversation from the acolytes already inside. The room’s floor space was clear, the desks and chairs stacked at the sides. At the back of room was a raised dais, on which rested an ornate stone chest. Craning her neck, Aindri was only able to see other acolytes.

“Seems he hasn’t arrived yet” Venitas commented, leaning against the rooms back wall, as Aindri spots Vemrin in the crowd. Noticing her out of the corner of his eye, Vemrin turned scowling at her and Aindri flashed him a smirk. Growling he, switched his attention back to the acolyte he had been talking with.

“Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’ve already made a friend.” Aindri glanced at the doorway to see Tormi entering the room.

“Oh really? What about you? I’d expect you’d to make friends real quick.” Tormi, stumbles slightly as a pureblood, in a blue robe pushed past her. Tormi, stared daggers at the purebloods receding back, before turning to Aindri and Venitas smiling sweetly.

“Oh, don’t worry I have plenty of friends, and that was just one of them.” Aindri was about to comment on Tormi’s ‘friend’ but stopped when she sensed a ripple of power in the force. Shifting her gaze to the door, Aindri watched as a dark skinned Sith Lord, with dark brown hair, strode down the hallway. Venitas inclined his head as the lord passed them; Aindri and Tormi shot him a questioning look.

“Lord Cestus, he’s doing research at the academy for a few months, so he was asked to teach us.”

“And you know this how?” asked Aindri, Venitas shrugged his shoulders.

“When a Sith Lord arrives on Korriban it’s usually to either for research or to pick an apprentice, so news travels fast.” The room fell silent as Cestus stepped onto the raised dais, crossing his arms as he coolly regard the acolytes before him. The acolytes shuffled closer to the dais, pushing her, Tormi and Venitas to the centre of the room. Eventually, luckily or unluckily depending on your point of view she thought, Cestus decided to put the acolytes out of their misery.

“Meditation.” The acolytes let out a collective groan, causing Cestus to glare at them, daring someone to speak up.

“Why? We moved on from that months ago.” Shouted an acolyte from the back of the room.

“Because I said you’re going to meditate!” Cestus shouted, angrily causing of the acolytes of flinch. They glanced at each other and Venitas shrugged, sitting down on the floor eyes closed. Aindri and Tormi followed him; Tormi knelt down, palms resting on her thighs; whilst she sat cross legged hands cupped in her lap, eyes closed. Cestus grunted in approval as the last acolyte had sat down, casting a watchful eye over the acolytes in various meditation poses.

“As you all no doubt know, Force sensitives can sense and draw upon the force. However, extent to which one can commune with the Force, the amount of power drawn from it, and control over that power varies depending on the individual. Therefore, one must practice…”


Cestus’s voice grew more distant as Aindri’s focus shifted inward, immersing herself in the Force. Aindri felt the presence of the other acolytes in the room, certain presences stronger than the others; a strong immovable force, crackling electrical energy, simmering hatred, and deep-seated fear. Delving deeper into the Force, she cast her senses out over the Academy, feeling the darkness that permeated its walls. Aindri felt something pull at her very core; curious at the deep ancient darkness she felt at its source, she sharpened her senses and followed it. As she got closer to the source she felt herself being pushed back by bursts of force energy. Gritting her teeth, she steeled herself and fought onwards against the swirling maelstrom of darkside energy. With one last burst of strength, Aindri reached out to touch the shifting mass of pure dark energy at the centre of the maelstrom before being slammed back into her body.


Aindri’s flew open, and found herself staring at the stone chest, her enhanced eyesight allowing her to read the ancient Sith markings carved into the stone. She winced as the sound of Cestus impatiently tapping his foot, thundered in her ears. Two legs appeared in front of Aindri causing her to blink; looking up she saw Cestus standing over her arms crossed.

“Well, well, well, looks whose back.” Cestus, walked away from her to stand over Tormi who was still meditating. Leaning back on her hands, she watched Tormi, grinning as she opened her eyes and stretched languorously.

“Welcome back.” Tormi turned and smiled smugly at the acolytes sitting on the side lines, the pureblood and Vemrin seething among them. Cestus stepped to the front of the room, drawing their attention back to him.

“Congratulations Venitas, Tormi and Aindri, for successfully achieving a meditative state, especially as the majority of you didn’t even manage to stay focused for twenty minutes.” Cestus kept his voice controlled, but it rose several decibels as he spoke.

“But, my lord they must have cheated, a former…” the pureblood stood, objecting; Vemrin using the opportunity to interject his own complaints.

“That’s right, there’s no chance that someone who took shortcu…”

“Silence!” The other acolytes flinched, whilst she, Venitas and Tormi watched in amusement.

“Fon, you have been trained in the ways of the Sith since birth, I expected much more from you. And you Vemrin, have no right to whine, especially since you feel asleep within ten minutes of starting!” shouted Cestus, before turning to face the rest.

“The rest of you, don’t bother coming back until you’ve had another good ten years of practice!” Cestus stormed from, muttering something unsavoury about womp rats and acolytes as he left.


Aindri, caught Vemrin glaring at them, out of the corner of her eye and let out a big yawn, causing him to growl. Tormi looked over her shoulder at Vemrin, smiling she winked at Aindri and sauntered over to him, her lips curling in a seductive smile. Aindri and Venitas watched as Tormi, leaned down to whisper something in his ear, her hand resting on his thigh. Aindri, watched amused as Vemrin blushed a deep scarlet and mumbled something under his breath, causing Tormi to laugh. Tormi said something else, her voice too low to carry over to where she and Venitas where standing, but loud enough so that the acolytes near Vemrin laughed. Vemrin’s blush deepened, but it was one of humiliation, standing he stalked over to them.

“Yes?” Aindri asked, adopting a bored tone to hide her amusement.

“You’re nothing. I am the better Sith, and I will prove it; get in my way and you die.” Aindri raised an eyebrow and turned to Venitas.

“You know, this is the second time in twenty four hours that he’s threatened me.” She commented drily.

“Well, you did show him up with that mediation trick of yours.” Tormi commented as she stopped next to Venitas.

“Trick? What Trick? Unlike Vermin over here” Aindri jerked her thumb at him “I practice mediating; besides I’ve never been so bad that I’ve fallen asleep.” She replied indignantly. Seething, Vemrin opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when Aindri rounded on him smiling. As she sauntered towards him, Vemrin quickly stepped backwards to avoid her, but she continued to advance on him, until his back hit the wall. Copying Tormi, she leaned forwards and whispered in his ear;

“I will beat you down,” she whispers as Vemrin’s face grew redder, “You will never defeat me, you are the one who is nothing.” Stepping back, Aindri gives him one last smile before waltzing from the room, Tormi and Venitas following behind her.


They were halfway down the hallway when he reacted, grinning as Vemrin’s shout of rage and the sound of chairs being thrown against a wall, echoed in the corridor.

“Slow, isn’t he?” Tormi giggled, as they exited the corridor into the archives.

“What have you got next?” asked Venitas changing the subject.

“Two hours of Sith History and Politics, then lightsaber instruction what fun.” Tormi answered as she consulted her datapad.

“You?” Aindri, checked hers and frowned.

“Three hours of lightsaber instruction.” She turned to Venitas “Inquisitors and Warriors have different schedules?”

Venitas nodded. “We, tend to devote more time to lightsaber combat than the Inquisitors do.”

“Then are all days going to be like this?” She asked, and he shook his head.

“It depends on the day. Trials, for example tend to last a day or longer, so you normally don’t have lessons on those days.” As they round the corner, they step aside to allow an overseer to pass them. Tormi picked up the explanation as they entered the main archive room.

“They usually change it to accommodate visiting Lords as well so they’re able to give us lectures.”

“Hmm, so where’s the training hall?”

“There’s various training rooms, but most are more for one on one practice. There’s a larger area for classes but it’s not a hall per say.” Aindri raised her eyebrows.

“You’ll see, what I mean.”


They said goodbye to Tormi and exited the archives, whilst Tormi walked deeper into the archives. Walking down the stairs to the main hall, they entered the corridor that lay directly behind the stone monument. In front of them was a set of stairs that descended into the bowels of the Academy. She followed him down the stairs into a long gloomy corridor.

“Storage rooms for training equipment.” Venitas pointed to the doors as they passed them

Stepping out of the hallway, Aindri brought her arm up to shield her eyes from the glaring sun as her feet hit the hard packed sand. As, her eyesight adjusted to the light, she found herself standing above a massive open air arena. An obstacle course ran around the whole arenas edge, whilst in the centre of the arena was a large stage where two older acolytes duelled furiously whilst an overseer watched them closely; the space in-between was split into several sections containing practice dummies. Aindri whistled as she looked out over the arena, only half listening to Venitas explain that classes were sometimes conducted at night, to accustom acolytes to fighting in the dark.

“Come on, the duel will be finished soon.” She followed Venitas down the steep slope, dumping their datapads at the arenas edge, and jogged towards the stage, reaching it as the defeated acolyte limped off the stage. The overseer regarded the crowd of acolytes that had gathered in the arena, before he fixed his gaze on Aindri.

“I see we have a new face. Try to keep up, with the rest.” She stared at him coolly.

“Hmph. Five laps around the arena.” The group let out a collective groan.

“Now!” He snapped.


Jumping to attention, the acolytes set off at a steady jog, Aindri and Venitas staying in the middle of the pack. By the third lap, the weaker acolytes began falling behind as the stronger ones pulled ahead. Aindri’s lungs burned as she ran the fourth lap, leaping over and ducking under obstacles. Drawing on the pain in her muscles to fuel her strength, she put on a final burst of speed, as she reached the home stretch. Aindri, skidded to a stop in front of the overseer, breathing hard, Venitas and Vemrin coming to a stop behind her. Vemrin, took in her heavy breathing and grinned at her smugly; Aindri glared at him, fighting the red haze that threatened to cloud her vision. The overseer, watched her and Vemrin’s exchange with cold interest, as he waited for the other acolytes to finish the course.

“Let’s see if any of you pathetic lot have improved, since the last time.” Splitting the acolytes into several groups, he sent them off to different areas of the arena, stopping Aindri as she followed her group.

“So you’re Tremel’s supposed hotshot; let me be clear” he stepped towards her and leaned in.

“I don’t care why you were brought to the Academy early, until I see your skills for myself you are nothing.” Aindri kept eye contact and her face strait as her temper flared.

“Hmph.” He turned on his heel, and walked off shouting at the acolytes on the other side of the arena.

“He doesn’t like me much” she commented.

“Most of overseers don’t like any of us, particularly Rance, unfortunately he does like Vemrin.” Replied Venitas

“Great” she muttered.


The hours flew by as the acolytes bashed away at the dummies, alternating between Shii-cho and Makashi as Rance shouted at them. It was late afternoon when the acolytes collapsed, as Rance called an end to the lesson and dismissed them. Packing up slower than the others, Aindri was soon the only one left in the arena. Glancing around, Aindri stepped up to the stage and inhaled deeply before expelling her breath, along with her built up anger. Centring herself, she adopted Niman’s low guarded stance and closed her eyes working her way through one of its sequences.


Bringing her left hand up, she created a Force barrier, blocking an imaginary blow. Bring the blade up she slid it deep into the imaginary foes stomach, before slamming them back with a force push. Reversing her grip, she thrust the blade upwards, impaling another imaginary foe through the neck. Switching back to a normal grip, she angled the blade upwards and moved onto another sequence. Working her way through the sequence, she let her mind wander as she fell into the familiar rhythm of practice.


“Why do I even have to learn this form?” Aindri asked clenching and unclenching her fists.

“Because I said you do brat.”

“Why?” She repeated through gritted teeth, trying to remain calm. Her uncle sighed, and eased himself out his starting stance.

“Because it’s useful.” He replied

“How? How is it useful? It’s nicknamed the ‘Diplomats’ Form for Forces sake! We’re Sith, we don’t negotiate!” Aindri shouted venomously causing her uncle to laugh.

“You will learn; but don’t worry, you won’t be learning the art of negotiation.” She continued to scowl at him and he regarded her thoughtfully before speaking.

“You said, that you wanted to create your own form, correct?” She nodded.

“Niman, was created by combining techniques from the other Forms, so it will provide a good foundation when it comes to creating your own.” Aindri frowned thoughtfully.

“It also provides a foundation for incorporating force powers into lightsaber combat and is a gateway to Jar’kai, which you’ve been insistently demanding I teach you.”

“Really?” Aindri grinned, and her uncle nodded. Looking the vibrosword with renewed interest, she took up the starting stance he had showed her and nodded.

Finishing the sequence, she opened her eyes blinking away the memory and glanced upwards she noted the suns position. Picking up her datapad, she exited the arena and walked through the academy to the mess hall.


Getting a tray, she piled it high with food and sat down at the nearest empty table.

“Where have you been?” Asked Venitas sitting down beside her.

“Practicing.” Aindri replied, looking over the next day’s schedule, as Venitas looked at her in disbelief.

“After a six hour session?” She shrugged, stuffing food into her mouth.

“Big breakfast.” He shook his head, as Aindri frowned, and looked over her shoulder

“Ah that, we normally have morning training every day but due to Cestus’s visit it was moved to the afternoon.”

“So why don’t we have him tomorrow?”

“Heard he’s going to study the tomb of the Sith King Dathka Graush in the Valley of Golg, on the other side of the planet.” Tormi said grumpily as she slumped down opposite them.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Sith politics is so boring!” Tormi groaned. “Hey do you think Cestus will take me with him?” She asked hopefully.

“Probably not.” Venitas commented

“Damn, damn, damn, damn.” Tormi moaned d****** herself across the table, rolling from one side to the other. Aindri and Venitas swore as they quickly removed their trays from the table before Tormi could send them flying.

“I should have known that the lessons of the Academy would be too hard for a slave.” Tormi stopped rolling as a shadow fell over the table and turned to look up at the pureblood who had spoken.

“Ah Ffon, how nice to see you so soon.” Tormi pushed herself upwards.

“Hard, you say? More like predictable; anyone could see those betrayals coming from a mile off.” Tormi smiled at him slyly.

“Ah but given you’re…‘privileged’ upbringing, I’m sure that mummy and daddy protected you from all the big, bad people in the world and so,” Tormi entered his personal space, hands held loosely at her sides, but Aindri could see the sparks dancing between her fingertips.

“You, probably won’t see it until you’re power base has been destroyed and you’re lying on the floor, bleeding. Dying. And I’ll be there laughing.” Twisting, Tormi sauntered away, leaving the Ffon standing there speechless.


Smothering their laughter, Aindri and Venitas deposited the trays and walked out of the mess hall and to the dorms.

“Well, at least we won’t at a loss for entertainment, Tormi’s as interesting as ever.” Venitas chuckled.

“How long has she been here?” Aindri asked curiously

“Two years; we arrived at the same time and she was placed in Overseers Harkuns group, not that he was very happy about it with her being both an alien and a former slave.”

“Elitist?” She asked.

“Through and through; he delayed her trials for as long as possible but the Lord who tasked him with finding an apprentice ordered him to give Tormi her first trial.” He replied.

“I met her near the arrival port though.” Venitas nodded

“That makes sense, she had been sent to do training offworld for a few months.”

“Hmm.” Entering the dorms she bid Venitas goodnight and ducked behind the curtain, dumping the datapad. Undressing, she walked into the refresher to wash off the sweat and loosen her aching muscles. Towelling off, she wondered back into the main room, and picked up her datapad from the bed, connecting it to the Academies mainframe to check the Imperial HoloNet News. After an hour of flipping through the various HoloNet channels, her eyelids began to flicker. Turning the datapad off, she stowed it in the draw and went to sleep.

Edited by StarHunterChaser
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  • 11 months later...

Sorry it's been so long, life's been very hectic the past year and now I finally have breathing room. This is the 5th part of the prologue, but I'd go and re-read the previous entries because I made very significant changes. Enjoy.


Prologue – Part Five

Tremel set down his datapad, and leaned his elbows on desk, interlacing his fingers, thinking. The report sent to him showed that the acolyte was progressing well and promised to become one of the best warriors in the Empire. He had heard whispers of discontent among the other acolytes and overseers at her being brought to Korriban early. But now that they had a taste of her abilities, many grudgingly admitted that she deserved her place. Leaning back he plotted his next move; knowing that the rumours had mostly likely reached Baras, he knew that he needed to act quickly. Picking up his datapad he looked over the list of potential prisoners and selected the three cases that would test her mind. It was time for her second trial.


Aindri had been at the Academy only a few weeks before was called to Tremel’s chambers for her second trial. Upon entering the room, Tremel wasted no time in laying out the contents of her second trial.

“For your second trial, you are to interrogate three prisoners in the Academy jails and decide their fates.” He walked out from behind the desk and stopped in front of her.

“Consider each criminal’s story carefully. The decisions you make will be scrutinized, so let your passions guide your judgements.” Aindri frowns.

“And who presumes to judge my actions?”

“Me. When Darth Baras catches wind of you, it’s going to be my neck on the line as much as yours.” He replied matter-of-factly and she inclined her head in understanding.

“Go to the Academy prison. Speak to head jailer Knash and return to me after you’ve passed judgment on the prisoners.” Nodding, Aindri exited the room.


Walking through the Academies halls, she passed the corridor that lead to the arena and turned right, entering the jails. Some prisoners banged on the ray-shielded cells, as others sat on the floor having long since given up on release. Walking through the jail, she listened to the screams of the prisoners as they convulsed on the tables as the inquisitors blasted them with bolts of electricity.

“Chirp, chirp, chirp.” Aindri stopped surprised and looked towards the sound.

“Chirp, chirp, chirp.” Following the chirps, she entered a small room to see a balding Sith, leaning against a stack of crates with his arm crossed, talking to a red skinned female Twi’lek standing in cage.

“One more chirp from you, little bird, and you’ll regret it.”

“Chirp. Chirp, chirp.” Pushing himself off the crates he pressed the button on the remote control of a shock collar. The Twi’lek convulsed, grabbing at the collar around her neck with her hands.

“Ow! Jerk.” She groaned holding her head. “If you don’t like that, just say so.” She shook her head and grinned at him.

“If you like that just say so. I can do other animals too. Dire-cat, frog-dog, Kowakian monkey-lizard, you name it.”

“Manka cat?” Aindri asked amused.

“You know, I never learned that one, guess I’ll need to work on that” the Twi’lek replied sitting down as the balding Sith, turned round to shout to the acolyte for interrupting his fun but calm down as he recognised her.

“You. I’m jailer Knash. I run these cells and slave pits. You’re the acolyte Tremel sent for the test right?” Aindri nodded.

“Hrmph. He thinks highly of you.” Aindri shrugged, if he didn’t she wouldn’t have brought to the Academy early after all.

“You should know this situation is highly unusual. Normally an acolyte goes offworld for the interrogation, or interrogates a prisoner caught on Korriban itself.” Knash looked her up and down; he had heard rumours about this one, and was interested to see how this would play out.

“But overseer Tremel had these three shipped in for you.” He watched gauging her reaction, but Aindri stood there passively, keeping a straight face.

“Hrmph. He thinks you’re the next coming of Exar Kun. But you ought to know, Tremel ain’t the only one paying attention to you.”


Walking past the Twi’lek, he led her to three cages, the first of which held a woman, the second a bald man in Sith garb and the third held an alien, who was the only one sitting on the floor.

“Now these are the three prisoners that were transferred here for your inspection. You gotta interrogate them as needed and then decide their fate. They’re normally executed or given a trial by combat to see if their worthy. Whatever you decide you will be the one to carry out the sentence.” She nodded, looking over the prisoner entry on her datapad; name Solentz, occupation assassin, charged with attempted assassination of an imperial officer.

“Let’s get started. This one on the left…”

“You freaks aren’t getting anything new out of me. Just do whatever you’re gonna do.” “Talk to me or the inquisitors, and I promise I have a much sunnier disposition.” She commented offhandedly as she read through the report. Solentz scowled at her.

“Get lost I’ve been through this routine, I already know all your inquisitors by name.”

“Impudent to the last.” Knash remarked as he regarded Solentz coolly.

“As I was saying, she was sent to kill an imperial spy in the Yavin system. Throughout her torture, she maintained that she was hired anonymously.”

“Get it through your damn head I had no idea he was imperial and I don’t know who hired me.”

“That is the standard practice. But republic assassins are trained to resist torture.” Aindri looked up at her.

“I’m not political. I work for whoever pays.” Sensing truth in her words, Aindri turned her attention to Knash.

“The point is she doesn’t deny the charge. So you must decide execution or trial by combat. Which do you choose?” Aindri frowned thoughtfully as she considered her options.

“Neither. She may be useful, send her to Imperial Intelligence.” Solentz crossed her arms.

“I won’t work for free.” Aindri turned on her heel and walked to the next cell.

“Hrmph. You spared her. Interesting.” He commented following her.

“Please I am a fellow Sith, judge me with an open mind an grant me trail by combat I beg you.” He implored her.

“A true Sith doesn’t beg. If you want an open mind go find a damn Jedi.” She stated crossing her arms

“This pile of waste is Devotek. Once a valued Sith champion until he botched an important mission an caused a thousand Imperial deaths. Now look at him.” The disgust in his tone obvious.

“I served faithfully for twenty-four years then one mistake and they threw me away. Now I have been left here to rot. Please let me feel the weight of a weapon once more.” Regarding Devotek thoughtfully, she walked over to the opposite side of jail picking up a vibroblade, she tossed it to him and adopted a low guarded stance.

“My thanks young warrior.” Devotek gripped the blade and brought it in front of him.

“Hrmph, this should be entertaining.” Knash said as he opened the cell.

Raising the blade above his head, Devotek stepped forward and brought the blade down. But languishing in the jails for all this time had robbed Devotk’s strike of its power and speed. Stepping back she turned on her heel so that she faced Devotek’s side, she brought her blade up and lunged, impaling him through the neck.

“Well he didn’t put up much of a fight did he?”

“That wasn’t the point. The final criminal?”

“Hrmph. Well, he’s a bit of a puzzle. He’s called Brehg and he’s a jittery little wretch.” She checked his prison record on her datapad.

“Suspected of supplying forged documents to Republic agents. Strangely enough he maintains his innocence despite being severely tortured.”

“That’s because innocent I am! Believe me you gotta, I had nothing to do with forging no papers. Set up, I was set up!” Aindri crossed her arms and watched him silently. As the silent grew so did the tension, until eventually Brehg broke it rushing to explain himself.

“I have no idea who it was. Absolutely none. Did some time I did in a Republic jail for forgery so I was the perfect candidate to implicate in this. But straight I’ve been since getting out I swear!”

“Hrmph.” Aindri looked over her shoulder at Knash.

“He’s never wavered from that line and the evidence is circumstantial. I suppose it’s actually possible he didn’t do it.” He explained rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

“So what do you decide?” Aindri regarded Brehg one last time before coming to her decision.

“Send him back to the inquisitors. If nothing comes from it execute him.”

“Please, no, not fair, it’s just not fair!” Brehg feel to his knees as she begged her to release him.

“Shut up, you fidgety fool. The decision’s been made.” Knash ordered, as he hit him, sending Brehg sprawling to the floor.

“Hrmph. Well that’s that. You’re an interesting one kid. I can see why people are keeping tabs on you. Head back to Overseer Tremel and see what he thinks of your choices.”


Aindri glanced the Twi’lek as she left jails; the Twi’lek held her gaze then looked away in disgust and sadness. Aindri felt a twinge in her chest and shook her head, she must have imagined it. Walking through the hallway she accidently bumped shoulders with another acolyte, causing them to stumble backwards.

“Watch it!” The other acolyte snarled shoving past her. She watched the acolyte stalk away, wondering what had gotten under her skin. Shaking her head, she turned into the corridor that led to Tremel’s chambers


As she neared Tremel’s chambers she heard him talking with, what was presumably another acolyte.

“Is this everything?” Tremel demanded impatiently.

“Everything Lord Renning was able to obtain, yes.” Aindri watched feeling slightly sorry for the spluttering acolyte

“Then run back to your master in the beast pens before I cut you in half.” Aindri entered the chamber, glancing sideways at the other acolyte as he left. Tremel pinched his nose and sighed.

“Sorry to make you wait acolyte. These interruptions are incredibly annoying. On to the business at hand, your test in the jails.” He stood and walked around the table, reading the report that Knash had most likely sent the moment she left.

“First the assassin Solentz. She attempted to kill an Imperial spy but was unaware of her client’s affiliation. You assigned her to Imperial Intelligence. I commend you that was excellent thinking. Never waste a potential resource.”

Aindri shrugged, “It was an obvious.”

“Obvious to you, but many before you would have simple executed her. Now Devotek, the failed warrior, why grant his wish for trial by combat?”

“I wanted to see for myself if he had any worth.”

“That holds some merit” Tremel conceded “but it should have been obvious he was far past any use. Devotek was an utter waste of space. Once something is no longer useful, it should be eradicated. Remember that.”

“It is a matter of perspective Tremel. Remember that.” Aindri held Tremel’s stare as she threw his words back at him. Tremel gritted his teeth but let the matter drop.

“Lastly, the forger you sent back for more torture even though he seemed innocent. A strong decision. Leave no stone unturned.”

“The ripple from even a tiny stone can flow a great distance.” She commented lightly.

“Well, well, look who just turned deep and insightful.” He commented stroking his chin in surprise.

“It’s always best to know beyond any doubt. After all, what is on man’s sanity or life versus the fate of the Empire?” Aindri kept her face neutral as she thought back to the sad and disgusted look on the Twi’lek’s face.

“Hmm, each time, each prisoner, you made the best possible decision. You may yet be able to challenge Vemrin for Darth Bara’s attention. To celebrate: a small reward.” Tremel hand her a small relic, she looked over it briefly before returning her attention to Tremel.

“I am ready.”

“Don’t be so hasty, acolyte. There’s more that must be done before we expose you to Baras.” He chided her.

“Because I forced you into the Academy ahead of schedule, Darth Baras will be predisposed to judging you severely. And by severely I mean fatally.” Aindri rolled her eyes.

“Go. It will take time to organize your next trial.” Tremel dismissed her tightly.

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Hey, thanks for all the great comments I'm happy you guys are liking it so far. Since I'm quite a slow writer I'll be posting a new part every fortnight and if not i'll try give a rough estimate for when I can post it. Right now that, that's out of the way enjoy the next part. :D


Prologue – Part Six

Aindri flipped through the class materials on her datapad only half listening as Markan paced up and down the room ranting about what he deemed was, the increasingly lax standards surrounding admission to the Academy.

“It has always been a privilege to face the trials at the Sith Academy.” Beside her, Tormi rolled her eyes.

“The Academy is a monument to the power of the dark side and the might of the Empire. Would-be-students throughout Imperial space compete for the privilege of studying with these halls. However since the loss of so many Sith, the Academy has opened to anyone displaying a strong affinity for the Force such as aliens, and even slaves.” Markan shot Tormi a look of disdain, and she yawned in response.

“Overseer. I thought we were meant to be learning about Sith history.” Aindri interjected as Markan opened his mouth to shout at Tormi. She knew that if an argument started now it would go on for hours. He glared at her and she raised an eyebrow expectantly. Growling, he marched back to the front of the room.

“There have been numerous Dark Lords of the Sith throughout the Order’s history.” He began, launching into the lecture.

“The first was Anjunta Pall, who lived before the Empire and Sith Order existed. When he was a Jedi Master, he learned and developed techniques which allowed him to create and shape life itself through the Force. Of course the Jedi, being the fools that they were and still are, condemned his actions so in an act of defiance he turned his newfound power against them. Banished, he and his followers where exiled to the Outer Rim, where they found Korriban and the Sith species.” He inclined his head towards Afon, who looked down at the other acolytes smugly, before continuing.

“Impressing the Sith with his power and technology, they soon revered Ajunta Pall and his fellow exiles as gods.” “Ah, to be worshipped by legions of minions and venerated as a god” Tormi sighed dreamily, her eyes glazing over with desire.

“Oh I don’t know. I imagine it would get pretty annoying to have people constantly kissing up to me.” Aindri remarked.

“And that is where we differ my friend; I could imagine nothing better.” Aindri rolled her eyes as Markan glowered at them.

“Quite finished?” Tormi smiled at him sweetly and there was a silent battle of wills until Markan gave up and continued with the lecture.

“Ajunta Pall was eventually named the Dark Lord of the Sith, and he was essential in the founding of what would become the Sith Empire. Upon his death he was entombed in the Valley of the Dark Lords; I’m sure many of you have been, or will go, to his tomb when undergoing your first trial.” Aindri wrinkled her nose, she certainly remembered the stench.


“The next Dark Lord of the Sith was Tulak Hord; also known by the epithets Lord of Hate and Master of the Gathering Darkness.” Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Tormi yawned

“His command of the dark side and mastery of the lightsaber won him many battles, earning him enemies within and outside of the Sith, but none who challenged his might was successful. Among his greatest triumphs were the battles of Yn and Chabosh.” Aindri remembered listening to her mother telling her stories of those famous battles when she was still a child; it was one of the few good memories of her parents.

“Tulak Hord later went on to conquer the Dromund system, which played a significant part in Dromund Kass becoming the Empires current capital. Imperial historians believe that hundreds of worlds were conquered by Hord, unfortunately any records from that era were lost in the Great Hyperspace War. However, that hasn’t stopped generations of Sith obsessing over unearthing his teachings and artefacts.” Aindri glanced sideways at Tormi.

“Revan found Hord’s mask when searching for the Star Forge, whilst his lightsaber was also discovered on Dromund Fels by Darth Marr before his ascension to the Dark Council.” Many sat up at the mention of Marr; he was a legend among the Academies acolytes as a defender of the Empire, dealing defeat after defeat to the Republic forces, and he was one of the few Sith that Aindri immediately respected.

“Heh, well the one who’s going to discover all of Hord’s secrets will be me.” Tormi whispered to her.

“Good luck with that.”

“Strength, power and strategy marked the rule of Marka Ragnos. Descended from the original Sith and dark Jedi, he conquered his competitors to become Dark Lord of Sith after a series of quick and ruthless campaigns. He held this title for more than a century due to showing a great level of strategic discipline; for example rather than directly clashing with Sith who would challenge him, he played them against each other, weakening and then destroying them.” He lectured as he paced across the front of the room.

“He was also one of the few Sith, who knew that the Republic and Jedi existed but choose not to attack; why?” Markan asked casting his eyes across the room, Tormi avoided his gaze as she hadn’t been listening

“Because, Marka Ragnos knew that the Empire was not ready and therefore decided to wait and focus on strengthening the Empire. He knew that if the Empire’s force clashed with the Republic then, they would’ve have been defeated and the Empire destroyed.” Aindri answered placing her datapad on the desk.

“Not that it wasn’t destroyed anyway when Naga Sadow became Dark Lord.” Tormi pointed out.

“That was because Sadow, was too impatient, ambitious and overconfident; if followed Ragnos’s example and waited the Empire wouldn’t have lost the Great Hyperspace War.” Aindri replied.

“Correct. Despite, initial success conquering Republic planets and Naga Sadow’s mastery of Force illusions the Republic far outmatched them in both numbers and firepower. Therefore, once the Republic forces realised that his illusions made the Empire’s fleet seem larger than it actually was, they regrouped and managed to push Sadow’s forces back to Koros. When he fled back to Korriban after failing to invade Republic space, the Republic followed him back to Sith space, which…”

“Led to the loss of Korriban.” Afon finished for him and Marken nodded.

“Did, Sadow die on Korriban?” asked an acolyte sitting in front of her.

“No one is entirely sure of Sadow’s fate, but the most commonly held belief is that sought refuge, and later died, on the moon of Yavin Four.” Markan checked the chrono on his wrists.

“That’s enough for today; next week we’ll be going into the various titles a Sith can earn and their origins.”

“Well, that’s going to fun.” Tormi muttered as Markan exited the room.

“I thought you wanted power? And with power comes titles.” Aindri remarked stretching out her limbs. Tormi was about to retort before she noticed an acolyte was waving at her from the doorway.

“Looks like, Harken’s calling.” She sighed. Leaving Tormi with the acolyte, Aindri wandered down to the canteen, picking up lunch before walking to the arena. Sitting down on the slope she chewed thoughtfully as she flicked through the pages of her book.


A couple of minutes later, Aindri heard the voices of a couple of acolytes coming from the hall and slotted the book back into her robes

“What do you reckon we’re doing today?” She followed the other acolytes down to the arena where Rance waited on the stage.

“Today, we’re doing practice duels.” Rance told them, his eyes roaming the group of acolytes before him.

“You and you, you’re first.” Rance called pointing at two acolytes sitting near the front. Standing they stepped up to the stage, the light skinned acolyte with short brown hair and green eyes, entered Ataru opening stance, whilst the other acolyte entered the opening stance of Makashi.


“Begin.” Aindri whistled as she watched the light skinned acolyte launched into a series of brutal attacks.

“Who’s that?” She asked no one in particular.

“Thana Vesh; she’s meant to be the daughter of some wealthy family on Dromund Kass, and she has a really explosive temper.” Aindri watched the fight carefully as she listened, analysing Thana’s strengths and weaknesses. “Apparently she killed eight guards; it was said that they looked barely human when they were found mangled in the hall” Whispered an acolyte to the left of her, wincing as Thana dealt the other acolyte a savage blow to the head.

“Yeah? Well I heard that when her parents tried to supress her power, she went berserk and razed an entire city block.” Said another.

“Her parents?”

“Died in the blaze.” Thana delivered a savage strike to her opponents head and the resounding crack could be heard throughout the arena.

“Thana wins.” Called Rance, before pointing to the acolyte lying on the floor.

“Someone get that pathetic piece of trash out of my sight.” A couple of acolytes scurried onto the stage and picked up the defeated acolyte, before heading to the med-bay.

“Aindri, you’re up.” He called pointing at her. Nodding she stood and took her place opposite Thana on the stage, entering into Soresu’s opening stance.


“Begin.” Thana charged at Aindri, swinging her vibrosword at her neck. Blocking the first strike with ease, she allowed Thana to press the advantage. Parrying strike after strike, she led Thana in a dance of steal; keeping a critical eye on her opponent’s movements, Aindri watched as Thana’s rage continued to build. Now. As their blades locked once more, she yawned. Snarling, Thana disengaged quickly and lunged at her wildly. Sidestepping the blow, Aindri stuck out her foot; already off balance Thana was unable to prevent herself from falling face first to the ground. Aindri pressed the tip of her warblade to the back Thana’s neck, ending the bout.

“Aindri wins.” Rance called

“That, was an excellent display of lightsaber combat.” He told her, nodding his approval, before turning to Thana who sat up fuming.

“And Thana, any idiot could see that Aindri had complete control of the fight. She was leading you on from the beginning and you didn’t even notice!” Rance shook his head in disappointment and called up another acolyte to the stage.

“I’ll get you back for this.” Thana hissed, as she pushed past Aindri and stormed off the stage. Ignoring Thana’s scowls, she mirrored the other acolyte as he took up Makashi’s opening stance.


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Part seven is served, enjoy.


Prologue - Part Seven

The next day Aindri once again found herself in Tremel’s chambers as she awaited the details of her next trial.

“You’re here good, every moment that passes we risk discovery before we’re ready.” Tremel stood.

“For your next trial, you are to go to the Wilds and enter the tomb of Marka Ragnos.” The name of the ancient Dark Lord reminded her of the lecture from yesterday.

“In the caverns of his tomb is the beast he left to guard his legacy. Go there, sit among the flames and wait for the beast to come for you”

“That’s hardly be a challenge.”

“Don’t be rash.” Tremel snapped “Defeating this creature will take your best effort. Find the tomb of Marka Ragnos. I’ll see you when the beast is slain. Good luck”


Exiting his chambers, she walked up to the dorms to collect some things, knowing that a trip to the Wild’s would be longer than a day. Rummaging through her draw, she withdraw the backpack and shoved in a clean set of cloths, and the spare vibroblade parts. As she was about to close the draw, her eyes fixed themselves on the durasteel case. I’d completely forgotten about that, she thought making sure no one was in the room before picking up the case.

“Hmm.” Nodding she came to a decision and put the case in the backpack, before hoisting it up onto her shoulder.


Walking down the Academies front steps she made her way to the taxi pad to the speeder that would take her to the Wilds. Before she could talk to the taxi droid, a Sith in blue robes, identifying himself as Inquisitor Arzanon stopped her. She listened as he and an intelligence operative laid out their concerns of traitors in the valley.

“It is the Emperor’s will that the sands of Korriban be slaked with the blood of these traitors. Prove your allegiance by executing them.”

“It will be done my Lord.” Aindri bowed.

“In serving me, you serve the Emperor. Remember that as you exterminate those vermin in the valley.”

“Here is the list of traitors. Eliminate them and prove your loyalty.” Said the intelligence officer sending the list to her datapad.

“I will be watching your progress with great interest. Go now and see that the Emperor’s will be done.”


Aindri prowled the areas around the Academy’s entrance, defeating the acolytes whose identities matched with those on the list. Anyone that attempted to stop her only needed to follow her gaze to the area were Arzanon stood to back off.

“The traitors have been eliminated.” She informed them returning to Arzanon and the intelligence officer.

“I watched you deal with those traitors. Well done. That was an impressive display with loyalty.” Arzanon nodded.

“Take this reward as a token of the Emperor’s favour… and wear this badge. It marks you as a defender of our Empire.” Arzanon handed her the badge, which she clipped the badge to her collar.

“Stay vigilant. Our enemies lurk where you least expect them.” Aindri nodded goodbye.


“Lower Wilds.” She ordered jumping into the nearest taxi as the droid tapped the coordinates of a camp in the lower wilds into the taxis navcomputer. It took a couple of hours to reach the camp, and she spent it watching Korriban’s scenery fly past. In her mind’s eye she could still see the valley in its prime, but now all that remained were the statues of bowing slaves towering over the valley. Further slaves were carved into sections of the valley’s wall, whilst the scattered red pillars were engraved with the fading writings of ancient Sith. Ahead she saw the camp rapidly approaching and the taxi slowed to a stop.


As Aindri waited for the medical droid to get the medpac’s she had requested, she listened to the troopers who were standing just outside the medical tent

“We really going in there sir? Last few squads that entered the tombs never came back.”

“We have our orders Private. Ours is not to question but to obey.” She knew that troopers were taught to respect the Sith, but god she wished they had more of a backbone.

“But, they say the tombs drive people who aren’t Force sensitive insane. I’ve heard the other squads are still down there, howling mad and killing each other.” Aindri frowned, that was something she needed to look into.

“Those men didn’t have proper protection. Lord Renning has assured me that these new stimulants will protect us from the tombs protect.” Nodding her thanks to the medical droid, she packed the medpacs into her backpack and closed.

“That’s what they said about the aural bands. And the implants…” the Privates voice trailed off as she walked towards the camps exit.

Exiting the camp, she turned left and picked her way careful around the abandoned mining equipment littering the ground.


By was midday, Aindri came across a gap in the rocks; the spot provided a good place to rest as it shielded her from the harsh Korriban sun and prevented predators attacking from behind. Opening her bag, she removed a ration bar and the durasteel case.

“Good thing I brought it with me, it’s impossible to keep anything secret in the Academy.” She muttered, turning the case over in her hands. As her thumb touched the front of case it let out a hissing sound and emitted a harsh light. She blinked.

“Biometric locks?” Shaking her head, she opened the lid and whistled. In the box was nestled a bright red lightsaber crystal. Picking it up she held it against Korriban’s bright orange sky entranced by the power that emanated from it. A long howl resounded throughout the ravine, snapping Aindri had out of her trance. Shoving the rest of the ration bar in her mouth she placed the crystal back inside the case, and relocked it, stuffing it back into her bag. Poking her head out of gap, she reached out with her sense and quickly scanned the area. Satisfied that it was safe, she stepped out into the ravine and noted the sun’s position in the sky.

“Damn.” She walked quickly, spurred by the knowledge that it’d only a couple of hours until dusk and the desire to reach the camp before that. With her sole focus being on the camp, she almost didn’t sense the Tuk’ata waiting in the shadows.


Aindri turned around slowly and found herself staring at a pack of Tuk’ata snapping and growling at her.

“Nice beast? ****.” The biggest Tuk’ata charged from the pack and pounced on her. Landing on her back she hissed in pain as the beast’s jaws easily ripped through her gauntlets and tear into her skin, but at least it stopped its jaws from savaging her neck. Gritting her teeth, she brought her legs up and kicked hard at the beast’s throat. Rolling backwards into a crouch, she thrust out her palms and blasted the beast with the Force sending it hurtling backwards into another beast, both smashing into the rocks and fell to the ground twitching. The remaining Tuk’ata stepped back, eying her warily. Breathing heavily Aindri snarled, stepping forward as the Tuk’ata retreated, her rage building. Unable to contain her anger any longer, she let out a feral roar; the Tuk’ata yelped and sprinted away, scrambling up the face of the ravine.


When the last left her sight, she collapsed to ground, swearing.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She berated herself, she couldn’t believe she had let down her guard like that. She glanced down at her arm.

“Idiot.” Shaking her head, she tried to assess the damage done her arm but gave up as the ripped gauntlets obscured the wounds.

“Ahh, this is going to sting.” She grabbed the top of the gauntlets and yanked, sucking in air through clenched teeth. Swearing a blue streak, Aindri grabbed the water flask from her belt and washed the sand and blood out of the wound. Thankfully the tough leather had absorbed most the force of the Tuk’ata’s bite so the wound wasn’t too deep. Still it was going to leave a scar. Opening the backpack she withdraw a medpac and worked Kolto paste into the wound before using what remained of gauntlets as a makeshift bandage. Satisfied with her administrations, she withdraw a spare gauntlet from her bag and pulled it on. Standing, she continued her trudge through the ravine this time making sure to use all her senses to scan the environment for signs of danger. Exiting the ravine, she found herself on top of a hill that overlooked a vast sea of dunes, the occasional rune poking out of sand. She could just make out the tombs in the distance. Just below her, protected by a massive durasteel wall at its front and by a rugged cliff face at its back, was the camp.


Slipping and sliding down the hill, she entered the camp just as the sun was setting, and headed straight for the medical tent, knowing that the extent that her emergency treatment would prevent infection was limited.


Nodding her thanks to the medical droid, Aindri grabbed dinner from the mess tent and wandered the camp, weaving around the cages littering the camp. Chewing on a bread roll, her attention was drawn to the dissected Tuk’ata resting on a collapsible research table.

“A fresh young acolyte, come to view my experiments? Good.” The portly Sith removed his hands from the beasts insides and turned to her

“I trust the sight of a messy operating table doesn’t disturb you?” Aindri popped the remaining bread into her mouth.

“Right, well, this used to be a Tu’kata – the hound like creatures infesting Korriban’s tombs. On the surface, nothing special. But I alone can see this creature is an expression of pure dark-side energy – aggression made manifest.”

She must off looked like she need more convincing, though what he said next didn’t assuage her doubts at his claims.

“The Force told me so; it speaks to me. The Force is alive, and it expresses its will in the physical world. This Tu’kata was one such form.”

“Are we another of these, um, ‘forms’?” she asked indulgently.

“Sith are the highest manifestations of the Force’s will.” She thought that honour belonged to Force Entities.

“I’ve dissected hundreds of Tuk’ata, forging a direct connection to the dark side. Each beast I examine advances me towards perfect unity.”

“You look more angry than unified.” She commented viewing him through Force. The Sith’s face scowled.

“I now stand at a new frontier but find myself thwarted. My most perfect specimen – a Tuk’ata mutant - escaped to the tombs before I could analyse it.” The Sith said bitterly

“Perhaps I could help recover your specimen.” She offered, stroking her chin thoughtfully; it would pay in the long run to have this Sith in her debt.

“Yes, I was hoping as much. My apprentice Malora saw which tomb the mutant beast fled into. Find out what she knows, assist me, and you will be rewarded.”

“I’ll speak to your apprentice and retrieve your Tuk’ata brain when I head into the tombs.”

“You found a great calling in my service. I trust you appreciate that.” The Sith smiled before turning back to his research. Leaving the field research area Aindri looked up at Korriban’s now dark sky and decided she’d find Malora in the morning. She had no desire to hunt a Tuk’ata in the dark.

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I really like how you've expanded and added more vivid detail to the situations in the game. Smart girl, Aindri, better to do that in the daytime. ^^


If you liked that then hopefully you'll like what I do with huttball and pets, when I'm eventually get round to them. With my writing I'm aiming to expand in game situations, not really confident enough yet to do an original story, though I will include original scenes as well. And yep, there's no way I'd go hunting a Tuk'ata in the dark, that's just asking for trouble.


I am really enjoying this. I particularly like the fact your not afraid to have your main character get hurt and have to use and rely on medical droids and med packs rather than having them all be close calls.


Thanks, I figured that it'd be bad story telling if Aindri was super powerful even at the very beginning; so she gets injured, learns from it, and doesn't get injured like that next time.

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Good news! I finally have over thousand views! :D:D:D Oh and I've created a forum signature, but that's not too exciting. Anyway, hope you enjoy the next part of the Aindri's story.


Prologue – Part 8

Aindri plonked herself down at one of the tables in the mess tent opposite a woman with black hair pinned up behind her head and two locks framing her face. Placing her datapad on the table she leant forward and watched

the woman as she ate. A few minutes later she sat back, abandoning her breakfast.

“What do you want?” she asked irritably.

“Your master sent me Malora. I’ve been tasked with retrieving that Tuk’ata brain of his. Apparently you saw where it went.” Aindri told her as she began tucking into her food.

“Ha. Seeking Lord Renning’s lost pet are you?” Malora laughed.

“Don’t waste your time. That fool’s research is pointless.”

“So you want to go and get it then?” Aindri asked pointing her fork at Malora, but she remained silent

“What I’m after is a deadly beast, not some harmless vermin.” Aindri continued.

“That may be, but you still risk your life for nothing.” Malora grumbled.

“I’ll decide what I risk my life for.” She told Malora pointedly.

“Fine. But Renning deludes the Dark Council into believing he’s advancing Sith knowledge. The truth is he wastes the Empire’s time and resources dissecting mindless animals.” Malora said bitterly, she was obviously not happy to be here, and not happy to be apprenticed to Renning.

“But if his experiments were discredited, he would be banished – and I would be rewarded.” Aindri raised an eyebrow.

“Look, just a minor alteration to the mutant Tuk’ata’s brain would allow me to reveal my master as a fraud.” Malora leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially.

“Bring me the brain before delivering it to Lord Renning, and I’ll make it worth your while.” Aindri polished off the last of her food and brought up the map on her datapad.

“I have no desire to be dragged into some squabble between Master and apprentice; if you wish to stab him in the back, do your own dirty work.” Malora scowled at her and she crossed her arms, looking at Malora expectantly.

“The mutant Tuk’ata escaped to the tomb of Marka Ragnos. It’s much larger than the others, so it’s easy to spot.” Malora relented pointing to a place on the map.

, stabbing her fork into the food that remained untouched on the plate.

“There that wasn’t so hard.” Aindri stood smiling and Malora glared at her, stabbing her fork into the food remaining untouched on the plate. Aindri’s smile grew wider and she exited the tent whistling a happy tune, leaving Malora brooding. Stand at the camps entrance she surveyed the desert before her. She reckoned it would take half the day to travel to the tomb and back and thanks to a goodnights sleep along with plenty of Bacta her injury had healed nicely so should provide little problems during her trial. She’d be back at the academy by nightfall.


Hiking through the sand it was a couple of hours before she came upon the first of the ruins that she had spied from the camp. Crouching she touched a fallen pillar, tracing the ancient Sith script, barely legible after centuries of being eroded by the elements. Standing she closed her eyes and reached inside herself, drawing the Force around her mind to shield it from the encroaching darkness. A memory came unbidden to her mind.

She and her uncle sat mediating on the top of a massive cliff overlooking the lower wilds. She fidgeted as the sun beat down on their backs, unable to concentrate.

“Out with it child. You are preventing me from concentrating.” Her uncle instructed, his eyes still closed and breathing slowly

“Why are we here?” she blurted out.

“Because Korriban’s is an ancient darkness my child; many a weak minded Sith have had they’re psyche twisted and broken here.”

“I think I’m too stubborn for that.” Her uncle chuckled.

“You may be right child, however it would still be prudent to learn to shield your mind, not only from the darkness but from other Sith as well.”

“What do you mean?” she queried. Her uncle opened his eyes and turned to her.

“Shielding your mind will allow you to protect your thoughts and your secrets, something which is imperative given the cut-throat nature of the Sith.” She nodded her understanding.

“Now relax and find that place in your mind where no one can touch you; a happy memory works best when protecting yourself from the darkness.”

“But, doesn’t the Code teach us that hate is what gives Sith their power?” she asked confused.

“No, it teaches us that our passion is what gives us power and passion comes in many forms.”

“But…” she started, but her uncle held up his hand to stopping her.

“Child if I explain everything to you, you will never learn to think for yourself. It is important for you to come too your own conclusions.” She frowned thoughtfully.

“Then when protecting secrets from other Sith you, empty your mind?” she asked.

“Or crowd it with other thoughts. Now again, relax and focus.”


Aindri released a breath and opened her eyes; then promptly coughed up sand.

“Urgh, I hate the Wilds.” Shaking her head, she walked through the ruins, cutting a path through the knots of psychotic soldiers. She craned her neck as she approached the massive tomb that towered over the sand and ruins. Whistling she took in the slaves and ancient Sith script carved into its walls. Checking the map for the area that the Malora had pointed to she looked around. Walking up the steps she entered the tombs western wing, pulling a face at the stench of K’lor’slugs. Stalking up to a K’lor’slug, she killed it with a single slash to its neck then began gutting it. Gagging, she hacked away at the tough muscles and blinked away the tears as her eyes watered from the stench. Walking into the antechamber she threw the meat on a crate and waited, straining her ears for any signs of the Tuk’ata. She unclipped the warblade from her belt as a deep growl echoed throughout the chamber and took up Makashi’s opening stance. Aindri whistled as she took in the massive beast, which was twice the size of a normal Tuk’ata, entered the chamber. Tightening her grip on the blade, she stepped to the left dodging the swipe aimed at her head as it jumped on her. She stepped forward, grunting as she thrust the blade into the Tuk’ata’s chest. She planted her feet on the ground as the Tuk’ata thrashed about on the blade, impaling its self even further. As the tip of blade reached the heart muscle, she gave the blade a final thrust piercing the beast’s heart. She waited until the beast stilled before removing the blade, which easily slid through the muscles and skin, blood and body liquids oozing from the wound, the body fell to the floor with a thump. Aindri knelt beside it and removed the brain, quickly and carefully using dissecting equipment picked up from the camp, placing it into a specimen case. She placed the specimen case at the bottom of her bag and packed up the dissecting equipment.


She climbed over the rubble and stepped through the gap the Tuk’ata had charged from into a narrow hallway, hoping to get to the reliquary via the corridor.

“Damn.” Large rocks and collapsed columns blocked the way, preventing her from going further. Walking back through the tomb she stepped back out into the desert, and checked the map for another entrance to the reliquary. Skirting the edge of the tomb to avoid further clashes with soldiers, she soon reached the entrance that had been indicated on the map and slipped inside. Fighting her way past the failed and aspiring acolytes – probably coming from the nearby settlement of Dreshdae to prove themselves she though– she entered a massive chamber filled with abandoned excavation equipment. Off to the right was another chamber, whilst off to the left was another corridor.


Turning left Aindri walked down the corridor and stopped at the top of the stairs, shivering slightly as a chill that had nothing to do with the temperature shot down her spine. The darkness was stronger here; she felt it pushing at her mental shields as it attempted to invaded and twist her mind. Briefly closing her eyes Aindri tightened her mental defences before casting her eyes across the room. On the other side of the room was a staircase, obstructed by wreckage of one of the statues that flanked it. Three further statues stood on stone altars set against at the back of the chamber, spilt into three separate walls by support columns. A stone sarcophagus rested beneath the statue set against the centre wall. Given pride of place was an ancient stone tablet set between six stone bowls that held flickering purple flames that cast an eerie glow across the tablet. The chambers floor was illuminated by a single shaft of sunlight coming from a hole in the ceiling. Descending the staircase Aindri crossed the chamber to the tablet pausing as she heard a crunch; looking down she found herself standing on a skeleton and removed her foot to see the ribs cracked and broken. Shaking her head she climbed the steps to the tablet and examined the ancient Sith script carved into its surface. Kneeling, she tapped into that place in her mind where she kept her darkest memories and drew on the dark side of the Force. Breathing deeply and steadily, she mediated until she sensed a rumble from deep within the tomb. Snapping her eyes open, she stood and unclipped her warblade and span round just in time to see the back wall explode in a shower of dust and debris. Aindri whistled as the Beast of Marka Ragnos, easily triple times her size hulked through the gaping tear in the wall.

“Cool a Sithspawn; and it’s a Terentatek.” The beast exuded pure malice and she was both disturbed and in awe of the pure dark energy that oozed from it. But beneath the barely contained rage she sensed a deep seated pain that made her feel sorry for the creature; though she only had an vague idea of how Sithspawn were created, she knew it wasn’t a pleasant process.

“No. I can’t afford these feelings, not here and not now.” Strengthening her resolve she kicked a piece of rubble and it clattered down the steps. The Terentatek sensed the sound and turned its massive head towards her before letting out an earth shattering roar. Aindri grinned and gathering the Force in her open palm, she thrust it outwards sending a blast of energy crashing into the beast. The Terentatek barely moved but the force push achieved her goal; the beast let out an enraged roar and charged towards her.

Aindri rolled forwards as the Terentatek launched a massive fist towards her sending a shower of dust and shards flying into the air. Staying constantly on the move, her blade sliced at the Terentatek’s thick hide as she danced around it. Sparks where her warblade skated across the Terentatek’s armour. Coming underneath the beast she stabbed upwards and dragged her blade through its underbelly, retching as warm blood drenched her clothes and skin. Springing backwards, Aindri easily avoided a blow as the Terentatek swung its fists wildly. The beast, weakened by the blood lost from its wounds and the guts spilling from its stomach, moved sluggishly. But her own blade hand started to shake as the wound from yesterday began to throb, sending a dull pain arcing up her arm. Adrenaline rushed through her veins and time slowed to a standstill. Her senses sharpened and she assimilated everything. The blood roaring in her ears. Her boots sliding across the floor slickened by blood. The bones and rubble scattered across the cavern. The stench of sweat and blood. She tightened her grip on the warblade as time accelerated back to normally speed. Grabbing her blade in both hands she sprinted forward and slid underneath the beast. Pivoting, she leaped up and planted her foot on a spine, using it as a platform to jump higher into the air. Spinning the blade, she brought it slamming down into the gap between the beast spines impaling it through the throat. Gritting her teeth she held on for dear life as the Terentatek thrashed around screeching. The Terentatek shuddered and collapsed its breathing getting shallower as the life left its body. Withdrawing the warblade she walked slowly round to the beasts face, keeping her blade raised and ready to deal with any unexpected surprises. Looking into the beasts eyes she could’ve have sworn that it looked at peace, relieved that its suffering was finally over. Closing its eyes, the Terentatek let out one last shuddering breath, before stilling completely.


Hanging her head back she let out a triumphant roar, drinking in the warm afterglow of a well fought battle. As the last of the echoes of her roar disappeared she leaned forward and breathed deeply. The oppressive darkness which had saturated the room slowly dissipated, making it easier to breath with every passing second.

Once her injured arm stopped throbbing she straightened and tugged at her clothes, wet with blood and other bodily fluids, in disgust.

“Eww.” Stripping off her blood soaked cloths and tossing them aside, she grabbed her bag and rooted through it for her spare clothes. Setting the clothes to the side, she unscrewed the lid of her water flasks and dumped their contents on her head.

“Not exactly a shower but it will have to do.” Scrubbing away the blood as best she could she dried herself by the flames. Redressing the wound with a clean bandage and pulling on her clothes she felt a lot more human as cshe lipped the warblade to her belt and she trudged up the stairs and out of the tomb.


Trudging up the stairs and out of the tomb, Aindri blinked shielding her eyes from the harsh glare of Korriban’s sun. She noted with satisfaction that it was only midday She’d easily be back at the academy by nightfall. She met with little resistance as she walking back through the desert and reached the camp within a good amount time. Entering the camp, she made her way towards Renning, who was poking at the fat of a new Tuk’ata corpse that rested on the makeshift research areas dissecting table.

“I’m running out of patience. Have you finally acquired the mutant Tuk’ata brain, or should I send someone else?” Renning demanded as he heard her approach. Aindri removed the specimen case from her bag and held it out too him.

“I have what you asked for.” Renning dropped his scalpel onto the table and turned around.

“Ah, ha! Wonderful! Let me see it.” Extending his arms, he took the case from her careful and brought it up to eye level .

“Look at the mottling along the frontal lobe. I can’t wait to analyse this.” He stared at the brain reverently through the glass; Aindri coughed slightly and Renning snapped out of his reprieve.

“You’ve done me a great service, but now I must continue my research.” Placing the specimen case on the table he withdraw a credit chip from her belt and gave it to her.

“You’re reward, if there’s nothing else?” He asked her.

“Nope. Good luck with your research.”


Aindri could feel Malora staring daggers at her back as she left the makeshift research area and walked towards the lift that would take her up to the camps Taxi pad. Grinning to herself, she hopped into the taxi and ordered the droid to send her to Academy. Gazing into the distance, she took one last look at the hazy outline of Marka Ragnos’s tomb as the taxi climbed up cliff face. The lower wilds disappeared from view as the taxi entered the Valley of the Lords.


Aindri climbed up the academy steps and walked towards Tremels office, frowning once she saw Dolgis standing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Well look who’s here. Remember me?”

“What do want Dolgis? Actually don’t answer that just get out of my way.” Aindri sighed, she was tired, she was hungry and she was not in the mood to deal with Vemrin’s stooge.

“I put myself in your way buddy. On purpose. Notice anything interesting?” Aindri rolled her eyes, she had noticed as soon as she stepped into the hallway, which was surprisingly empty given that lessons were ending for the day.

“No witnesses. No witnesses means no rules.” She drummed her fingers against the hilt of her warblade.

“No more shortcuts. No more special treatment. You’re just going to be another dead failure on Korriban.” Dolgis charged towards her, his training raised. She pivoted away from his blade and slammed his neck with the hilt. Dolgis staggered forward before whirling around growling. She pivoted again, and again staying always just within his reach but never close enough for him to land a blow. Aindri grew bored and yawned as Dolgis lunged for her desperately. Drawing her warblade she disarmed him and brought it to rest at Dolgis’s throat. He gulped staring down at the blade.

“N – no! Hold up, hold up! Look I was wrong.” He said quickly, his voice trembling slightly. Gulping he looked up at her imploringly; his fear filled the space and she could see the terror in his eyes.

“What they’re saying about you… totally true. So… strong. I don’t wanna die!”

“And I don’t care; if you aren’t prepared to die then you have business yielding a weapon. Besides you didn’t even give me a challenge and that, just pisses me off.” Blood gushed from Dolgis’s neck as Aindri drew her weapon across his throat spraying the walls with a fine red mist. Dolgis collapsed to the floor spasming; he attempted to reach out and say something but the blood cascading down his neck meant there was only a wet gurgle. Stepping over Dolgis fallen body Aindri entered Tremels chambers to find them empty.

“I have slayed Marka Ragnos’s beast.” Tremel looked up from his datapad as she spoke.

“I know. I felt it.” Aindri frowned at Tremel’s tone and sensed his unease.

“Well… ” She asked.

“Yes, yes. You are dismissed for now.” He said distractedly. Aindri’s frown deepened as she left Tremel’s chambers and walked back towards the dorms.


Aindri entered the dorm, nodding to Venitas as she passed him. She knew that she would find out what had rattled Tremel in time, so there was no point in worrying, but still. Shaking her head, she stripped off her clothes and climbed into bed; she fell asleep as she read through the materials for the classes she had missed whilst in the Wilds.

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Rather short but hope you enjoy.


Prologue – Korriban, Part 9

Darth Baras placed the datapad on his desk and sat back, steepling his fingers. He, like many others at the Academy, had felt the tremor in the Force when the Beast of Marka Ragnos was slain. He had his suspicions and his inquiries had confirmed these suspicions. Tremel was a staunch traditionalist and he had known that he had made preparations for his own initiate to be brought to Korriban out of a misplaced sense of duty towards ensuring the purity of the Sith. Baras had decided to allow it thinking that if nothing else, they would provide suitable motivation for his own group of acolytes. But now. He tapped his fingers against the armrest; he thought both Thanaton and Harkun an idiot for ignoring the potential threat that the Zabrack acolyte posed. They would pay for that mistake and he would not do the same. This acolyte was powerful enough to slay a beast that had ended the lives of countless Sith and it paid to keep powerful individuals were he could easily end them should they prove a threat. He saw Tremels image flicker to life in the periphery of his vision and let the silence stretch.

“My lord?” Tremel asked when he could no longer deal with the silence.

“Tremel, bring this acolyte of yours too me.” He ordered after a couple of minutes.

“My…” Tremel began, but Baras cut him off before the lie could leave his lips.

“Do not lie to me. Did you not think I wouldn’t know of your protégé?” He asked letting the silence stretch, as he sensed Tremel’s unease grew.

“Send her to me Overseer.”

“Yes my Lord.” Tremel answered bowing and Baras ended the call. Sitting back, his mind already began selecting and discarding options. Ultimately regardless of what transpired his endgame would not change, but he required a pawn strong enough to achieve his goals in the interim. If it would prove to be this unknown acolyte then so be it, and if they died it would only serve to make the acolyte who does become his pawn stronger. He smiled underneath his mask as the first of his acolytes entered the room. It was time to begin.

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Prologue – Korriban Part 10

Aindri narrowed her eyes as the other acolyte charged forward. Pivoting she flipped the acolyte over her shoulder, who exhaled forcefully as his back slammed into the ground. He attempted to scramble to his feet but fell back clutching at his nose and screaming as she delivered a savage downwards punch.

“Acolyte.” Aindri looked up to see Tremel standing at the top of the arena and frowned; his Force signature was muddied with a mix of unease and hatred.

“My chambers. Now.” He turned sharply on his heel and stalked from the arena, obviously expecting her to follow. Venitas met her eyes from across the arena and raised an eyebrow quizzically. Shrugging she made her excuses to Rance and collected her datapad and warblade before climbing up the slope and out of the arena. Ducking into the gloomy corridor she sprinted down it and up the stairs, slowing to a jog as she entered the Academy proper. Aindri unease grew as made her though the Academy, its normally busy hallways deadly quite as if all its denizens had been told to keep themselves occupied. Aindri slowed to a walk as she approached Tremel’s chambers; if she had a trial Tremel would have informed her, but to be pulled out of morning training like this. She knew something was wrong. Baras; that Darth was the only person in the Academy who could elicit such a response from him.


“We must speak quickly, acolyte, there isn’t much time.” Tremel turned to her as she entered the chamber; she could see dark bags under his eyes and the worry etched in the lines of his face.

“I may have made a slight miscalculation.” He admitted.


“The beast if Marka Ragnos was a great source of dark energy here on Korriban. When it was slain, there was a tremor in the Force. Darth Baras felt that tremor and has been aware of you. He demands an audience.”

“So that’s why you’re worried, but you needn’t be; I am ready for Baras.” She stated confidently.

“After meeting him, you may find yourself wishing you had more time to prepare.” He cautioned.

“Baras is a serious man but a master of deception. Everything he does and says is calculated.” Tremel clasped his hands behind his back

“He will attempt to trip you up, test your nature, and get to the heart of who you are. Always take him seriously. And I mean always.”

“I can handle Baras.”

“Baras is usually the one doing the handling. We might not speak again, acolyte, you’re the best chance of stopping Vemrin. If you fail, I doubt there will be another strong enough. Meet Darth Baras in his chambers. And hurry, he won’t take kindly to waiting. Good luck.”




Aindri leaned against the wall catching the tail end of Baras giving, Vemrin and several other acolytes their trial. She raised her eyebrow as Baras launched into what she presumed was meant to be an inspirational/threatening speech.

“Most of you will not return from this endeavour. If you die, you will be forgotten. If you give up, you will be killed. Now, out of my sight.” It was certainly motivational. The majority of the acolytes left the room as soon as they were dismissed, but Vemrin and another acolyte, wearing a gold chest plate, stopped in front of her.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

Vemrin snorted “You should. This is the end of the line for you, Klemral. Just make sure you stay out of my way.” Klemral glanced at her.

“Look here Vemrin, I see the upstart and Dolgis didn’t return yesterday.”

Baras stood and regarded them coolly “Klemral, Vemrin, you have been dismissed.”

“Yes master.” Klemral bowed slightly and hurried out of the room, obviously eager to not get involved, whilst Vemrin glared at her

“I underestimated you by sending Dolgis. It will not happen again.” Vemrin stormed from the room.

“Are you having trouble with acolyte Vemrin, supplicant?” she kept her features neutral as she answered the question despite the annoyance that she felt surging through her, she did not like being patronised.

“Vemrin has paid his dues. He’s fought a deck stacked against him to get here. You, on the other hand… let me get a closer look at you.” Crossing her arms, she waited as Baras circled her.

“Yes, as I suspected. Overseer Tremel has done you and this Academy a great disservice.” He affirmed stepping back.

“Your warblade came early, prisoners flown in for your convenience, even a beast here on Korriban instead of offworld in the wild. The pacing of the trials is deliberate. Only full immersion over time produces results. Your mind is soft, unhoned, undisciplined.”

“I’ll make you regret those words.” She said tightly.

“I won’t regret cutting you down were you stand.” Baras growled.

“The first month of trials should be dedicated to philosophy, conceptual tactics, understanding of the Sith Code.”

“Recite the Sith Code for me, acolyte, and explain its meaning in battle, war and politics.”

Aindri knew the Code by memory and could recite it easily, but knowing the extent to which she could deceive Baras would be useful information. Taking a breath she calmed her mind and focused on Baras’s mask.

“Sure, give me a minute. There’s the Dark Side, the Light Side and, well, there you have it.” Baras remained silent and she began to wonder whether she had succeeded or not.

“Pathetic. I can read the lie from a nascent Force user with my eyes closed.”

“I am your master now. Tremel was becoming lax before you ever arrived and his unwillingness to adapt to the evolving Sith paradigm has become a liability. These are the actions of a traitor and traitors, are executed.”

“I can’t go and just kill an overseer.” She pointed out.

“I grant you immunity from punishment. Go, kill Tremel and bring back his hand as proof. Don’t return until you’ve killed him.” Inclining her head she left his chambers and started towards Tremel’s offices for the final time.




Aindri smiled slightly as she sensed the surprise that rippled through Baras’s Force signature when she entered his chambers. Given his reaction to seeing, he had thought that this was the last time he would see her. She had to give credit where credit was due though, Tremel may not have been a Lord or a Darth, but being an overseer at the Academy, where assassinations were an almost daily occurrence, was no easy feat. Stopping before him, she threw a brown skinned severed hand onto Baras’s desk and waited.

“What’s this?” “The acolyte returns and with a bloodied weapon, I assume this means Tremel is no more.” Picking up the hand Baras regarded it before removing a golden ring from the ring finger and holding it out to her.

“Here, take this one ring as a memento. Remembering the past can strengthen resolve and embolden the spirit.” Or hold you back, she couldn’t help but think as she took the ring and slipped it into her pocket. Baras regarded her thoughtfully.

“I am impressed you had the fortitude to destroy him. You know, he thought of you as family. How did it feel to betray him?”

She shrugged “I did what was called for.”

“You mask your feelings well. As long as you don’t suppress them. You have taken your first step to understanding the Sith Code.” Baras stood and turned to look up at the statue of Emperor, but she sensed that rather than loyalty he only felt ambition when he looked upon the visage of the Empire’s ruler.

“Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, we gain strength. Through strength, we gain power. Through power, we gain victory. Through victory our chains are broken. The Force shall set us free. By embracing the code and destroying Tremel, you have freed yourself from his shackles and escaped his fate.”

“And now I’m bound by your chains.” She commented drily.

“You’ll fund they are a marked improvement, with much greater potential range.” Until you decide that I am no longer of any use, she thought as Baras brought up a map of the Valley and pointed to a tomb just past the Academy on the right hand side of the valley.

“Now, there are sacred ruins in the tomb of Tulak Hord. The ancient inscriptions that once adorned the walls of each ruin lie in pieces. You will venture through the entire tomb, search all of the ruins, and bring me a shard from each of these inscriptions. You will do this or you will die.” She fought to keep her features neutral as a sudden urge to roll her eyes surged.

“Vemrin and my other acolytes have already been sent and there are no rules regarding how they secure the shards; they will stop at nothing to get them. Fight your way through the tomb, and bring me the shards from each of the ruined shrines.”

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