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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Hey all, I'm on a big debate on what augments to take. I sorta want to go surge/end and crit/end. But most people say go aim/end. I really want to score those huge crits honestly. What augment would you recommend and why?
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Well, it generally depends on what level of gear you're using.


For the most part you want to use Reflex (aim/end) augments. Though you might have to use a couple accuracy ones to insure that you get your ranged accuracy to between 99 and 100%. The higher gear level, the fewer accuracy augments.


You most certainly do not need to augment for crit or surge.


I would also highly recommend maxing out your affection with your companions and finishing up their story lines. The companion buffs will also affect your augment situation. Not to mention finishing up Chapter 2 with each of the 4 story lines to get those buffs as well.

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Aim Augments are the way to go with both DPS specs, the free Crit % isn't anything to laugh at when you get a free 10% Surge for 6s each and every time you Crit. So, don't be afraid to get Crit, but just don't stack it. I currently have full Aim Augments, but will more than likely switch to 1 Accuracy 13 Aim Augments to better optimize for HM raids.
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