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The Suggestion Compilation Thread - Regularly updated!


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As I was reading an official response to another thread, it struck me that CS here are the same as the Blizzard CS (by closing a thread that I would have liked to reply to). In other words, lets just delete anything we don't like. Maybe you will find this comment constructive, maybe not, but I am sorry I purchased this game plus 6 months subscription. You have already surpassed Blizzard in Maintenance time for a one week period IMO, plus the fact you decided to do maintenance on the very same day that Blizzard does theirs. Not the greatest idea in the world. Some people actually play more than one MMO.



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I made a stand-alone post for this, but: put the set bonuses for endgame gear on their amouring/barrel/hilt mod instead of the item itself. If we've got a set of oranges we're attached to, and we're willing to fork out the credits to strip the mods out of the Columni (etc.) gear...let us!
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This is my post from another thread that Mod closed it and suggested that we post in here. So I'm doing it.

The original thread that evolved mainly round the way zones are currently designed and what ppl don't like about them - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=247975


3. Static, Lifeless, "Cardboard-like Worlds": The games graphics arent bad, but even then TOR looks like it came out in 2008. But the biggest issue here, for me, is the total lack of immersion and interactiveness of the worlds. No random NPC doing a routine task, no wildlife, no weather patterns, no day/night cycle. If you play Wow, go to SW and you will see kids chasing squirrels. Is it so hard to come up with basic code to least make the worlds seem alive. The only thing you see is unclickable npcs frozen in the background that move very slightly. This either reeks of this game being rushed or being to concerned with sales forecasts. Again the outdated Hero-engine doesnt help.


This is my biggest issue with this game. Together with the zones single player like design that makes you feel you are constantly in tunnels/mazes even on zones that are supposed to be "open". You try to walk around a big hill obstacle only to find that you hit dead end "tunnel" or invisible wall - there are un-explorable places in the middle of a zones. True MMO zone should not restrict you exploring it. All this together with what OP said for the lifeless, non-interactive and sterile feel of zones that look rushed and a bit unfinished in places is sad. I think the rush and lack of a lot of small details makes them fell empty and sterile. Because all this is probably almost impossible to correct past initial game development stages makes me doubt that I will continue to play this otherwise great game for longer than 2-3 months. If there is actually some way to make NPCs more active/"alive" and diverse in type and number and remove small "dead"/un-explorable spots and invisible walls in the middle of a zones it would be really great and i think it will more than worth the hassle. Or at least dramatically change future zones design toward more free, unrestricted and non-linear tunnel/maze exploration (inside a single zone on itself). Make future zones possible to really wander/explore freely and not only by following mazes of yellow lines on the map.

Edited by SBite
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All Advanced Classes with a healer tree have an in-game resurrection ability BUT for the Trooper and the Bounty hunter. Give the healers for those two classes an in-game rez just like the other 6 classes. This appears to be a major feature oversight.
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I'm not complaining that you've completely taken away the autonomous profitability of slicing-by-missions alone. If you want slicers to "work hard for the money" by harvesting nodes, so be it.


My suggestion is that if you are going to make the slicing missions operate typically at a loss or very minimal profit (if we're lucky), then you need to significantly up the rate of mission drop "criticals" we get. I for one don't think losing 1K in credits for sending out my 5 companions on missions is worth the low chance that I will get a mission I can sell on the market for 5-10K.

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I was told to post this here sooooo here you go.




I am really concerned for this game. Honesty I don't see much of a future judging by how things have been going over the last ~40 days since per-release started. Here are some key points I would like to make judging by what I have seen so far. Think of it as a review...


1. Leveling


It took me about a week to get to 50 on my main character and yes I paid attention to the story line of my Trooper Vanguard and it has taken me 4 days to go from 1-50 on a commando since I already knew the story. I am currently leveling a Scoundrel and Sentinel, but I am starting to get bored with the same "grind" of quests right now.


A) Grind


So there is no grind in this game? I do believe there is. If you want to do the bonus quests for your side quests this will often lead to a grind of killing 20 of them the first time and then killing 40-45 more for stage 2. Also most quests are still kill x number of mobs or pickup x number of quest items from certain mobs. You can also skip all side quests and just do your main quests / space quests / warzones, but this could lead to not having credits and being under geared.


B) Heroics


These were fun to get gear the first time around on my main, but honestly I had to skip most of them when leveling my alts since I couldn't get people from my guild to help me with them and you can only spam general chat for so long asking for a group with only 10 people on your planet. I would just drop them when I finished all other quests and had to leave the planet. They will honestly have to make these eventually be soloed by players to do them. They could lower the outcome xp and rewards or they for the most part won't be done.


C) Flashpoints


Same as Heroics it is just really hard to find groups to actually do FP's and not rely on a guild member to just run your through it.


D) Voice Acting


Was this really necessary for all the side quests? I didn't mind reading the story and objectives for side quests because I honestly think that everyone who skipped readable side quests in MMO's would just skip voice acting in side quests in this MMO. I love the voice acting and movies for story quests and even in the flashpoints / operations, but after doing all the side quests once on my main I can't imagine why anyone would watch them again.


2. Operations


These are what is in stored for end game PvE. Like most MMO's of this nature this requires teamwork and good players to complete and you can do them on Normal/Hard/Hardcore modes with 8 or 16 man groups. Unfortunately there are only two ATM. I have completed both on hard mode 16 man and don't care enough about PvE gear to complete them on nightmare.


A) Gear Grind


Lets be honest. This is the only reason to do the same operation more then once. To get yourself and your guild geared out for the next difficulty. Gear drops pretty fast and especially on hard mode. I have obtained 3 pieces of gear from one hard mode 16 man before. I currently have 6 pieces of my Columni gear and can't bring myself to spend 2+ hours doing them again for a chance to get doubles and maybe 1-2 pieces of gear.


B) Bosses


These are honestly the easiest part of each Operation. The trash are really difficult at times lol especially our first couple of runs through it. Maybe it was because we were impatient, but w/e. The bosses are really simple and easy to beat. Of course I bet they are difficult on nightmare, but I can't see a reason to do nightmare when you can get all your gear from normal and hard mode.


3. War Zones


As of now we have three war zones and one is a rugby type called Huttball, one is a point capture and hold called Alderaan Civil War and one is an invasion type called Voidstar. All three require teamwork and people being on their game at all times.


A) AFK / Leaving


While I do enjoy the fact that if you AFK in a war zone while in your spawn you will get kicked, but this is easily avoidable by just moving to a hiding spot away from your spawn and AFKing there. If you do leave or get kicked there is no penalty for doing so. Like Rift if you quit a war zone you get a deserter debuff and you can't requeue for what I believe was 15 min. I don't understand why this isn't implemented into this game. It is game breaking because once people start leaving you are outnumbered for up to 1-2 min while more people come in and that just spells disaster for your chance to win.


B) Alderaan


This is by far the best war zone IMO. I have the most fun on this one simply because you work to capture a point and then you protect it and you get awarded for doing so by medals. It is easy to direct people where to go and to move from point to point to help each other out. The only problem I have with this war zone is that if you capture a neutral turret at the beginning of a match it takes ~6 sec for it to fire on the imperial ship where it is instant fire once capture for imperials to hit republic ship.


C) Voidstar


This is the 2nd best IMO out of the three and simply because again it is a neutral playing field. This one has bugs though and one was recently patched. It is not as easy to work as a team unless doing a premade with guild members, but can be done. This one currently has a bug where Republic can jump over the force field wall and be near the door ready to plant on attackers side way before the round starts. There was a bug where you could cap doors in stealth, but I believe that one was fixed.


D) Huttball


The worst of all three war zones. This one has some bugs, but they are minor. The problem with this is all about your classes abilities. Force Leap and Escape being the primary two OP skills in huttball. A lvl 50 Guardian can leap to a friendly player ever 15 sec I believe from 30m away and makes it really easy to get past fire pits and evade enemies. I am not sure what the ability is called but there is one that pulls a friendly target from 30m away to you also, but I believe it has a 1m cool down. This can easily be avoided though by keeping an eye out for people who are moving ahead of the ball carrier and knowing your classes and spells. I tend to pull via harpoon enemies that are going ahead waiting for a pass, pull, or jump to.


4. Open World PvP


This in its current form on Ilum is almost non existent. The first two days of the Ilum patch to make dailies/weekly missions require kills and not point control was the most fun I had in this game. Now it is one little skirmish and whichever team lost goes and hides in their base. I am currently on a Republic dominated server called Crucible Pits and every time we go out to Ilum with ops groups of about 40-50 people we kill the guys camping our base and might fight them once on our way to their base in central assault, but eventually we will be doing the same to them at their base.


A) Player World Cap


Huge mistake IMO, but it seems like to me this is just a temporary fix for the time being until they fix the lag/UI/graphics in Ilum to where it can run decently for once. Though there are ways around the player cap and I think I have still seen 120+ in one instance of Ilum it is still restricting and all it does is allow whoever is getting tired of being beaten a way to leave the zone and continue what they were already doing without harassment that was happening on the previous world.


B) Defenses


So there are no actual defenses in this game as of yet. The turrets outside the base are buggy and in open field so they are very difficult to defend and if you get on and off them too much they completely bug out and don't come back until the servers are restarted. There are two turrets inside the base that now one shot people as they go into the enemy base. Which is why all that happens now is PvP at one of the bases entrances and instead of at their spawn.


C) Fun Factor


None really. I do my daily which takes about 30 min at most and leave the area. There is no reason to stick around once you have battlemaster other then for titles and maybe a new mount, but I don't care much for either of those as I use The Pure title and my Light V mount.


5. RNG


Nope not rangers, but RNG (Random Number Generator). This is a system I believe used by developers of an MMO at first release to show players the lack of content they have for their game. Anything that is based on a straw pull and not player skill is deferred to as a causal player mechanic, but not correct. A casual player can play any MMO and eventually be good at it. It doesn't need RNG systems or anything like that. They just need time and any long lasting MMO can provide that. What RNG should be titled is a Lack of Content Game Mechanic. Where they keep people who "rush" to Battle Master or to lvl 50 playing every day by keeping them on the edge of their seats waiting for that next piece of gear. BTW I have been lvl 50 for over 3 weeks now and I have 8 helmets, 5 relics, 0 Chest Armor, 0 Gloves and 1 of everything else that is Champion/Battlemaster. I am not doing it anymore. I only do my Ilum daily and that is it. I hate war zones.


6. Balance / Class Diversity


This is a big problem for me. I play an MMO for one reason and that is to play with lots of other people in a huge world and to kill large groups of other players. I am a PvP fanatic and I love it. I also like D&D the table top version and the games based on its rule sets. I like how every class in the actual D&D system kind of works on a Rock/Paper/Scissors type of archetype. What I don't like is how this game has "balanced" classes to get rid of the Rock/Paper/Scissors archetype classes and made them all ROCKROCKROCK.


A) Mages


While they do wear light armor and are considered "Squishy" they are all but that. Each one of these classes has abilities to completely escape combat with any target that would win a fight against them and has other abilities to turn the tides vs more "tanky" style classes. Whether it be long CC's, Heals, or snares these classes have them all and some even have defensive bubbles that allow them to take damage for long periods of time while still dealing out the most DPS. Any player who knows how to play this class will not lose a 1v1 fight vs a trooper heavy armor type class. Healers being the only exception to this and they should never 1v1 anything since they are support classes to begin with.


B) Medium / Utility


These are the classes that are in between most of them have nice utility skills that make up for them not being the highest DPS in the game. These classes have skills like vanish that allow them to exit combat for a short period of time and go stealth while doing so. Sure if they have a DoT on them then they will break out of stealth, but this can be avoided if played correctly. Stuns, knock backs, and snares are highly utilized by these classes also. These can lead to deadly combos that spell death for any player not ready for them. Once again they have the ability to 1v1 any class if played correctly and can easily escape danger if they can't.


C) Heavy armor


These classes can spec DPS and unleash hell on the playing field, but are also very weak to most damage types since it would be OP to tank everything. Heavy armor does not prevent damage from internal or elemental damage and these classes are very susceptible(Sp?) to CC since they rely on close to medium range combat. These classes should not do the most DPS, but they can. Again with the system of classes in this game every class can deal the most DPS and have the most survivability depending on how you spec them.


In conclusion this game needs work and I haven't seen anything from Bioware that has said that this game will be revamped to be the best PvP game ever and that is what I am looking for. Good Luck to everyone who wants to stick through it and have fun with your alts and and raids. I for one am tired of doing everything over and over for chance.

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Was refered here for this post:



Hi, I wasn't too sure where to post this, but here goes.


I'm playing the game, everything is A1 quality, but what I hate is when the cursor just gets out of the game screen. I don't know why, but alot of the new games have this issue, and each time the mouse is allowed to exit the game screen, and just find itself on the secondary one.


There is one fix for this though, and it's to set the game in Fullscreen(Windowed). This is great, but the mouse still leaves the game screen; the only advantage is that it doesn't close, or Alt+Tab the game. The game keeps running, but you just clicked out as if it was a window.


My question is: will this ever be fixed, or patched, to have an option where the mouse can't leave the game screen when in Fullscreen mode (not Fullscreen Windowed). This is one thing that I'm sure would be greatly apprecieated by alot of multiple monitor owners.



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I want to enjoy the story, please remove the drudge. Let characters have the speed run buff from level 5, and speeders from level 15. Why do you enforce unecessary slow walking for so long. Even once we have the speeder at high levels it is still a long trek between areas, and this really drags when you just want to enjoy the story.


Also grouping is rarely worth it for the 2+4+ areas due to low numbes of people in high level zones and the fact they have to take 5 mins to get to your area. This could be improved by adding a port to team mate option when one person enters the group zone.

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Some things I feel would be fun to have are...


1. Jet packs as a "speeder/mount" option. Seriously, I don't remember Jango or Boba using a speeder. Since BHs have jet packs or jet boots, let them use them as their mount. They can get training at the same exact level as everyone else but (similar to Paladins and Warlocks on WOW) its a class specific mount. Furthermore, with the jet pack characters should be able to fall from heights without damage and should be able to jump higher! The jumping/falling feature could also put in for jedi/sith as a force jump/force fall if its a balance issue.


2. Auto attack: I know its been mentioned, but for for BHs it could be helpful when heat builds up.


3. Some sort of chat bubble or whisper notification. I like to play with general chat hidden, so I have no idea if someone's talking to me or not, which is not only annoying but could be seen and very rude (since I don't respond, since I don't know you just told me thanks!)


4. An easier way to break up stacks. Right now Shift-clicking and dragging is annoying and it posts in chat if you're not careful.


5. More music in-game and a looping music option.


6. Class specific mods. For instance, using the BHs as an example (can you tell I haven't played any of the other classes yet :o) a heat mitigation mod would be super helpful.


7. Day/Night cycles and Weather; Not easy for different planets, I'm sure, but it would be nice.


8. More opportunity to just explore. I'm not sure how this would look, but things do feel linear. Perhaps building in more reasons to explore, such as lore based quests, actual treasure hunts, things like that.


9. Free Form Space Combat: I know this has come up and would probably be more trouble to develop then most think, but I'm thinking something placed in game that harkens back to the days of Xwing vs TIE-Fighter. It could be a zoned mini-game, or even a flashpoint!


10. Space Combat PVP zones: How fun would that be! It is Star Wars, after all.


Okay, so the list is longer than I thought, but that's my two-cents for some fun additions.

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GTN sell modifications.


When you add an item to the sell tab it should list all identical items automatically. It should sory them based on price per item. you should also be able to list a stack based on price per item, instead of having to constantly have calculator open to work out 78 x 139. etc etc.

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This has many threads going but I figured I would get it into this compilation as well in hopes it gets some visibility.


Red combat error text needs an on/off button. Currently if you play a class that has to spam attacks often (warriors I know do) then you get red text that will fill up the center of the screen making it difficult to see what is going on in the game. This error text needs to be moved to the chat windows and out of the main screen or at least have an on/off like other fly text. (no there isn't any way to turn this off currently, I don't know why.


The below threads I was able to find easily today on this, but I know there have been many more threads from people complaining of this issue.





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  1. Empty Slot Orange Gear themed to each planet purchasable by Planet Commendations

      I would love to see each planet have a full set of gear that was themed with the planet itself. Something "outside" the ordinary for the class too. Ex. Coruscant could have a "Dress Uniform" of types, Tatooine would be desert themed with light cloth coloring and face coverings for mouth (sandstorms), Alderaan could have a more elegant type of clothing, Balmora could be hard combat gear, Hoth would be cold weather gear...things like that.


[*]Customizable Ships - Just adding my vote for this. Would want interior and exterior mods

[*]PvP Space Combat - Just adding my vote for this

[*]Team Space Combat - Just adding my vote for this

[*]More Variety in Space missions



Speed Runs (races) (introduction of engine mods for speed) would be kinda nice. I want to make the "kessel run" (or equivalent). Give it high obstacles with a new engine mod that allows for speed boosts and adjust the power converter to allow for the third option of dumping all power to engines


[*]Day/Night cycles - Just adding my vote for this



Edited by Moondragon
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My Suggestions would be:


1. To see more 2 person heroics and flashpoints. I don't find it fair that they are all made for 4 players, if your going to make a game that can be single or multi player, then why not add more options like 2 or 4 player heroics and flashpoints, or allow to change difficulty. Not everyone that plays likes to hang out with children pretending to be adults.


2. Better chat system with companions or more dialogue.


3. UI Customization and Macro system.


4. Customization of ships. (like colour, furniture, art..etc..so we can make our own, not all cookie cutter fashion)


5. Pop up chat windows for whispers. like msn or yahoo. that pop up on screen while playing so when you have the chat window off, (cause moron's don't know what a /tell /whisper is and have there entire chat on general so u turn it off)...so we don't seem rude when some one is using the proper mode of chat. (something the developers must have over looked :mad: )


I'm sure i'll come up with more as I play...for now this will do. And see if its taken into consideration.

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I know all us star wars fans are really starting to miss SWG now and you never really know what you have until it has gone. Yet there are many lessons that SWTOR can take from what was a great game at one point. It started off just like this with a lot of people not liking the gameplay and many things not up to scratch (It diddnt even have space until JTL).

These are my oppinions from what I learnt from SWG and other MMO's to improve this game.


at no.1 and most important.... FREEDOM!


Freedom in every sense is the most important thing in any MMO these days. A mmo is not just about leading someone down a garden path and looking at the pretty flowers as you walk down there, you need to stop and walk around the flowers, maybe smell the flowers and feel them and I feel this is what is really needed. I would like to just visit planets and have things to do and look at. Maybe things from the canon that we can all enjoy (those of us who read the books or play SWKOTOR). I would maybe like a medal system or a collection system to say I have been there and also have actual things to do when I get to these places. I would like to play minigames like chess at a cantina or have a swoop race on some planet. Maybe a hunting minigame with plaques to put on my ships wall (which I will get to soon). Freedom is the biggest thing as stories can be completed but freedom to roam and do what we want can last as long as we want it to. Star Trek online missed this one by a scrape when it came out. They could have allowed people to visit planets from the series and let people walk on the surface and see things from episodes/films. They could have let people decorate their own ships and do stuff inside it but yet it is the most restrictive and boring game there is now. All recent MMO's are do what we say and do not try and think for yourself.


2. Classes & Crafting


Really there are only 4 classes but doubled as all the classes are matched with the oppisite side down to a T. Just different looks on the move but yet the same really. What about actual difference in the moves and non-fighting classes. Why not make crafting its own class with its own subdivisions to choose from. It would be nice to be able to do something for the community and not for the story that has been wrote for this game. We want the chance to make our own lives inside this game and leave our own marks on what we do in this game. We want good makers of items to be known by having the item marked with their name in a good way so you know if you buy it on the market that you can trust someone who has made their mark in that server. Even picking up stuff for crafting needs to be changed big time. It would be nice to have a way of getting ore while you are away from SWTOR so it will build up over time and when you have worked hard enough you can pick it up and make good gear. Crafting of the gear should be more involved and have more options to make different gear and colors and looks of the gear. Being able to pain different parts (would either need a model to show the parts or make the parts themselves 3D rather than a static 2d image like all MMO these days)




This is a big thing. I know a lot of people say the "rail system" is good enough but as a star wars fan the ship part is half of star wars to me. Seeing that Fing big ship at the start made me want to fly it as a boy. I wanted to fly around space fighting when I feel like it or maybe stopping in the middle of nowhere to just take in the view of a beautiful planet maybe looking out a port hole. I hate the fact it is like a shooting arcade game that could easily be made in flash with maybe a little less graphics. It has no imagination and no way for me to feel like this ship is mine and this is my life inside the old republic. I would like to add bits to my ship that change the look of it and the style of it. Maybe add tips to my wings rather than extra cannons or something to make its turning better (when space is improved to freedom). It would be nice to paint it a nice color and maybe choose between a selection of ships that I have to work towards to get the next class of. Space XP not being apart of ground XP. Have its own skill tree and such for what sort of pilot you wish to be. Maybe be a smuggler and trying to outrun ships with smuggled gear from one area to another. Go to a cantina and someone asks you to smuggle a load of stolen gear from tatt to corr. You could even just be a peace keeper and stop pirate ships from looting people or hell be a pirate and loot people for parts and credits.


and finally 3... Mixed


All I can say is FREEDOM! give people choices in the game and the rest will come. PVP would be nice in areas of maps that loads of people could join and it not be like a queing system from a free MMO. Let people wander into areas where PVP is and have massive online battles. At the moment it feels like a TV game of the future, sending 4 and 4 to battle each other in a tight area. I would like ground battles too maybe where people can own tanks to drive around town and maybe have warzones where people can use their vehicles to have land battles.


The most important thing is allow people to make their own person in their own world. they want to be able to make their mark on that server and make it look like them and play how they would like to play. I just feel so sectioned off at the moment. Maybe also people diddnt have to pick a side to fight on until they know the game a bit better and have the first 10 levels with generic fighting that is replaced when they pick their path. They would be able to remain nutral and sell to both sides or even fight both sides. I just would like to play a game from early 00's again where freedom and choice and the game come first. Not story, Graphics and 2 second wowness come first. I really hope the changes come fast as the game is starting to loose its wow factor for me already.:(

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Why when I die, I have to re-click sprint? IN a PVP WZ I could die several times and very fast but having to re-select SPRINT is soooooo annoying. If I select SPRINT, let it stay SPRINT until I deselect. -





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