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Looking for a Mature RP/PVE guild


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My name is Nethogen, i am also known as Atrineas or Desokas. i am a 26 year old player who has played most if not all of the major MMO's that have come out. One thing i always found difficult to do is find a guild that is mostly mature and easy to get along with. I play this game after work to relax and have fun, i don't want to to feel like a second job


I also enjoy the aspect or Role-playing, i am not as dedicated to the hobby as some, but i do enjoy being able to "live" through my character, they are an extension of me so why not make the most out of it . I am not the type to be sat at a bar all day emoting my day away, i am more the type to text chat and react the way i feel my character would.


If there are any Mature RP guild out there, i would love to hear from you and get to know you before i jump into the rabbit hole, you can contact me on my current main (Desokas), if i am not on her please send me a mail either in-game or here on the website, i look foreword to hearing from you, and thank you

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-Begin HoloNet Tranmission-

The Republic needs you, Aegis Initiative needs you. AI is a small task force group formed by a group of like-minded Soldiers and Jedi to answer distress calls, High-risk Missions to drive back the Imps and most importantly, The protection of The Republic. We are still considered as a Spec Force team still under Republic Command and is in need of Private Contractors, Intelligence Agents, Soldiers, Scientists, Slicers and even Smugglers with unique skills and Talents. If you're intrigued by this Message on the HoloNet and wishes to serve The Republic any way you can, please contact Jedi Brynk, Jedi Aasoen, Daelinzo Vao, Sergeant Jevak, Ruvihri or Specialist Rane (( IGN : Tera-Rane )).


Good luck and Godspeed,

Specialist Rane


- End of Tranmission-


OOC: If you have any questions please go on to http://aegishub.shivtr.com/ for more Infomation. If you aren't the type to visit websites or still have questions regarding AI, Please refer to the contacts above and feel free to ask, Don't be shy, We won't bite! And If you can't get a hold of anyone listed above, Feel free to contact my other Republic Toons Aly'ysia, Paolamay and Tena-rane or simply search "Aegis Initiative" under the Who Tab.

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  • 3 weeks later...
If you haven't found an RP guild yet please consider taking a look into the Shadow walkers of Oricon. We do a pretty decent amount of RP and we are a very friendly group many of us are college age some older. We are constanly looking for new players to join our family. If you are interested send me a message on here or message me in game on P'lissken, If you cannot reach me there Æbrams (alt code 9874) is my alt in the guild I can set you up with an interview if you like. I hope you find a place to call home.
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