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Guild Help


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My friend and I have been playing this gamme for over two year now. We thought it was a good idea to start our own guild (on imperial side). In the beginning we had some people who were active and did some things together and stuff. But lately most of them are getting inactive and the guild is falling apart.... We wanna rebuild it but we would like someone who wants to join us (as a co leader/admin) in that and help us gettibg this guild back online so to say. We want to get some members again and we would like to do things with the guild. If necessary we wil change the setting of the guild (bank options, ranks, etc.) :o

(Server: 'The Ebon Hawk')

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Set up a forum on Enjin where you can describe what you guild does, what kind of players you seek, what it has to offer them.


You can then link annoucements in game or on your server directly to this site.


Also, group content is a great way to meet people and see if you get along. Gives you a feel of the person.


Starter planets of course, but then again a majority of the people you recruit there only play the game for a month or so and then leave. But even on high level planets yo'ull still have players that are guildless or are fed up with their guild.


I'd strongly advise you not to let just anyone in. Even if you're small.

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