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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Disappointed with LiveStream


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Amateur stream brought to you by a bunch of amateur developers. Maybe if Bioware actually streamed more often, they would know what they are doing.


With just over 2 months until the big launch, the only information I took away is that the game is becoming like Netflix but a game, where you pay £9 a month for a short cut scene driven drivel story with short bursts of action where you traditionally wanna feel 'heroic' and fight the 3 mob before running off into the sunset playing stale content whilst you twiddle your thumbs waiting for the next 'instalment' @£9 a month.

you could always stop playing this game.
After what I saw, I will be once my current subscription ends. I have no intentions of paying £9 a month for 'story'. I'd rather stream 3 good movies WITH pizza for that money.

You won't. And if you do, you'll be back once KotFE. After seeing The Force Awakens the latest. You'll be: "Well, Star Wars. KotFE is out. Can't hurt spending nine bucks on twenty hours, can it? Nah, I'll go for it. It's christmas.". Mark my words.

@DarthMaulUK. That's the whole point of subscription services, KotFE gives you the freedom to unsubscribe, only need to resubscribe once enough monthly chapters release to suit your fancy. Take a 5 month break as an unsubscriber, then unlock new chapters.


@Alssaran. Oh he'll be back, just like I came back. I preordered Shadows of Revan, 3 month subbed myself and didn't play 1 minute of it. booting up the game and loading up my character I suddenly remembered why I quit this game in the first place, and dreaded every second spent ingame, "I really don't like MMORPGs," I said. Now that yet another expansion is incoming, I'm back again all the dread and hate for this game forgotten, I've made myself love it again to maximize my playtime before everything changes once and for all. Never to see this current game version again. It's a sad but joyful time to be resubbed. Once the new expansion hits I'll gauge my expectations and see how much I like it then. If operative gets nerfed again, I'll surely rage.


@DarthMaulUK again. What happened man you liked this game 2 months ago, what's changed since then? BTW, Musco teased that a "changes to crafting" stream or dev announcement would be coming relatively soon. It was the last thing musco spoke of during the twitch august pax make-up livestream.


This thread is just bad news, its only going to circulate negativity, I felt my thirst for upcoming expansion info to be quelched, satisfied. Knowing there's more announcements to be made has me eager and hopeful for more good announcements. Some people are just setting their dev stream expectations ubsurdly high. The theme of this dev stream was companions, we got what we wanted to hear.



I wonder if any of the devs really play their own game seriously or not. It sounds like they are more excited about the cutscenes than the actual gameplay. I wish they were more excited about a new gameplay mechanic than a cinematic.

In my experience, and is it relates to this game they do play. Of course they will not advertise it or even let you know, but they have said on 1x1 interviews that they play when they can, especially after the release of something new.


I'll see if I can find the quotes for you.


They don't play as themselves of course.

@Floredon that senior lead guy (left side) was excited that the cinematics team was given the proper tools to up the one-man ship in the cinematics front. He was happy they got the tools they cried for. Now he wants to see what that specific team did with the new tools they got.


@Rafaman people in fleet chat play "catch the dev." You ask game dev related questions, even unrelated questions or loaded questions to illicit a game dev response to try and out the developer.



I wonder if any of the devs really play their own game seriously or not. It sounds like they are more excited about the cutscenes than the actual gameplay. I wish they were more excited about a new gameplay mechanic than a cinematic.

What new gameplay mechanics were there? Looked like the same combat as always.

Good point, I suppose there is nothing new to show from a gameplay perspective.

@MillionsKNives;Floredon Hurr what? you guys think companions aren't a significant gameplay mechanic? A companion is always at your side throughout the entire game (obvious exception: starting planet)

One of the biggest annoucnements in the livestream was companion level-stat scaling, companion gear is now cosmetic, and infinitely reselectable combat roles for all companions. (tank, dps, heals) Those were new gameplay mechanic changes. Did you two even read Mr. Musco's recap of the livestream before raising a pitchfork in this thread?


Hey folks!


After that we took on some of the more commonly asked questions around Companions in Knights of the Fallen Empire. Here they are:


What happens to my existing Companions in KotFE?

When Fallen Empire launches, all of your existing Companions remain accessible to you outside of the story Chapters. In the KotFE story there is a specific cast of characters that is a part of that ongoing storyline.


Is there more combat customization for Companions?

Absolutely, in fact every Companion can now choose any role you choose at any time; healer, tank, or DPS.


How does gear come into play here?

Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level, regardless of the gear they are wearing. However, you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look. (note: this is not a part of Appearance Designer)


What about all of that Affection I farmed for my Companions?

We haven't forgotten the relationships you've built; the affection you earned will not be lost and the relationships you built will continue to be relevant.


If you have more Companion questions, feel free to ask them in this thread. We will work to answer them throughout the rest of the week. Keep in mind of course that we will not answer spoilery questions. Finally, we ended the stream with a video clip from Chapter 1 of Fallen Empire which shows an important decision made around one of the character's Companions. Sparing any spoilers, check out the archive for the clip.



Edited by Falensawino
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