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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commando Assault 3.3 Rotation & Stats.


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Video Commando Assault 3.3 Rotation & Stats.



Translate skill names:

Salve Incendiaire = Incendiary Round (IR)

Rafale Irrégulière = Serrated Bolt (SB)

Tirs Auto = Full Auto (FA)

Tirs de Canon Chargés = Charged Bolts (CB)

Décharge Magnétique = Mag Bolt (MB)

Plastique d’Assaut = Assault Plastique (AP)

Salve Explosive = Explosive Round (ER)

Électrofilet = Electro Net (EN)

Tir Pilon = Hammer Shot (HS)

Économie de Cellules = Reserve Powercell (RPC)

Recharge de Cellules = Recharge cells

Manipulation Technologique = Tech Override (TO)

Supercharge = Supercharged Cell (SCC)


Stats Translate:

Bonus dégats = Bonus Damage

Bonus soins = Bonus Healing

Précision = Accuracy

Chance critique = Critical chances

Multiplicateur crit. = Critical Multiplier

Regain cellules energ. = Heat dissipation

Alacritée = Alacrity


Strenght = Vigueur

Presence = Présence

Aim = Visée

Astuce = Cunning

Endurance = Endurance

Willpower = volontée

Expertise = Expertise

Edited by Dark-Leitsim
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Even though the entire game was in French, I could still understand the stats. You neglected to show your Ranged Damage values in the video. Edit: Your APM and therefore your DPS could go higher if you weren't clicking all of your skills. Edit 2: Erm, the Parsely Rotation "Guide" is in French... Could you translate the skill names into the english? Edited by Kaos_KidSWTOR
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