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The Path of the Dark Side


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Greetings internet, my name is SamsterHam and I am piloting a new story over on FanFiction.net. As some of you may know it is nearly impossible to quickly pick up views and recognition for Star Wars fanfics on FanFiction.net so I have decided to post it here as well. As this is a new type of story I'll be writing, I'd like some feedback on its Prologue. If you'd prefer to give your feedback over FanFiction.net, the link for the Path of the Dark Side is here. Anyway... on with the story:



Star Wars: The Path of the Dark Side


Prologue: Heroes


Heroes. The mighty Clone Wars, a war which had ravaged the galaxy for 3 years, was all about heroes. Heroes on both sides; Jedi and Sith, clone and droid, general and politician. In the worlds of the Galactic Republic, heroes such as the infamous Kenobi and Skywalker reigned supreme. Jedi knights, protectors of peace, thrust into the front lines and labelled... heroes. Since before the start of the war, younglings of all ages and species had been collecting figurines and cards of their favourite Jedi. Jedi such as Masters Yoda and Windu, Plo Koon and Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti and Luminara Unduli; but there was another. The hero that all the adult beings in the galaxy, no matter which side they were on, all looked up to. An unspoken hero who’s triumphs were celebrated galaxy-wide and who’s grievances were largely ignored.


This Jedi’s name was Samsterai Karmarna. Senior Jedi General, Duke on Naboo and the youngest Jedi High Council member in the multi-millennia old Jedi Order. General Karmarna, one of the greatest strategic minds of the war, had fought to protect innocents since the Invasion of Naboo, when he was only 18. He had been chosen by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, to be one of his closest advisors by placing General Karmarna on the War Advisory Council, which advised the Chancellor of the Republic about the events of the war.


General Karmarna had been the mind behind countless, successful, battles. The successful capture of Geonosis, the successful defence of Corellia and the successful prevention of conflict on Hapes all lead up to his crowning glory, the last two years of the war where he oversaw the final capture of Abregado, the campaign on Boz Pity, the Cleansing of the Core Worlds, the Defence of the 7th Sector and the fall of the Confederacy of Independent Systems’ capital, main construction world and even the home world of their leader. General Karmarna was not without his flaws of course. Samsterai Karmarna lost his entire left arm on Hapes and, after contracting Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, accidentally killed a Clone Trooper on the field of battle during the Battle of Umbara.


But all this did not matter to General Karmarna now; now he had only one job. To protect the shining capital of the Republic, Coruscant, from the grip of the Confederate armada that stood in between the planet and General Karmarna’s 5th fleet. Now all he had to do was prepare for combat, get troops on the ground, keep the fleet engaged in space, help Kenobi and Skywalker reach the now kidnapped Chancellor, push the droid forces away from the planet, coordinate with all the other Jedi attempting to do the same and, finally, keep himself alive...

Edited by SamsterHam
Paragraphs... *facepalms*
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