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More Unintrusive Force Hood Down Headpieces, please

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For years, I avoided the cartel market because most of its armor sets were hood up, and there was no hood down toggle. I purchased the Valiant Jedi and Sanctified Caretaker sets only because they were hood down by default.


This is not a complaint, only a prelude to a suggestion.


The release of Strongholds finally got me more interested in the Cartel market, and when the Exterminator's set went on sale last week, I bought it and unlocked it for my toons. The search for a force hood down headpiece began.


I found one, on Republic side: Elder Paragon's Headgear. In fact, I found several similar options. My darker Jedi characters now look officially ******. However, when I went to procure multiple copies off GTN and distribute them to waiting Imperial characters, I found that unobtrusive visors suddenly became ugly-as-hell, full face covering, opaque helmets. Seriously, ***.


On Imperial side the closest I've been able to find that actually looks decent (no, I'm not looking for a neck brace) is the Freedon Nadd helmet, but even that hides the hair. Most of the visors and such available to Imps don't force hood down, and those that could magically turn into full opaque helmets when mailed from pub alts who previewed the same item as a standard visor. The existence of the Republic variants prove that hood down technology exists in game.


Give Imps more options to use it please. Will buy.

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