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[RP][8/29] Summer Starlight Black and Silver Ball


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Originally posted on EH Community.



Quick Information


Host: Cayle (alt+128)

Who: Imperial characters

What: Black and Silver ball

Where: House Thul, Alderaan (Instance 2)

When: Saturday, August 29th @ 8PM EST

Notes: Dinner Date Auction volunteers requested







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House Thul and the Imperial Diplomatic Service


cordially request the pleasure of your presence at


The Third Annual Summer Starlight Charity Gala's


* Black & Silver Ball *


~ Benefiting the ~


Legacy of Ziost Memorial Fund


August 29th at 8:00PM {EDT}




As silver mountains green beneath cerulean skies

and T’iil blossoms trumpet the arrival of Alderaan’s most resplendent season,

House Thul extends its warmest invitation to every nobleman and lovely lady.



On August 29th Thul Palace will open its illustrious doors to all distinguished lords and ladies for the Third Annual Summer Starlight Charity Gala. This year, the formal event is being held as a Black & Silver Ball to benefit the Legacy of Ziost Memorial Fund, which honors those who were lost and assists those who remain, our hallowed Imperial brothers and sisters. All proceeds from the evening, especially the Volunteer Dinner Date Auction, go directly to the resettlement of Ziost refugees and official remembrance projects.







The enchanting evening will begin with a toast of emerald wine paired with a short welcome speech. Before the ball, previously arranged volunteers will present themselves to our refined audience, to be bid upon as gala dates for the charity event. Once the bidding concludes, our charming volunteers will join their generous dates and formally open the ballroom floor. The winners will enjoy exclusively dancing, dining, and sharing conversation with their date until the midnight close of the event, when they cordially part ways for the evening.


All proceeds will go toward supporting the Ziost Memorial on Kaas along with the Ziost Refugee Resettlement Program, run by the Imperial Diplomatic Service's Ziost Relations and Support Outreach Team. Guests are encouraged to show their support by wearing some form of black or silver hue, in honor of Ziost's ashen remembrance.


<*> Tickets for the Black & Silver Ball can be reserved in advance by contacting host Cayle Evanz, the event organizer, or purchased at the door upon arrival. All Ziost citizens are welcome to attend free of charge, including transportation and attire upon request.



We look forward to sharing your refined company

and crafting a memorable evening of dancing, dining, and remembrance,

beneath the starry summer skies of Alderaan.




Charity Dinner Date Auction Rules


1. Real credits will be used in bidding.

2. A bidder can only win one date for the evening.


3. The Volunteer will spend the full course of the event

dancing, chatting, and dining exclusively with the Winner.


4. The Winner will pay the Volunteer 80% of the total winning bid

and the host will accept 20%, on behalf of the hosting Guild.

5. The dinner date concludes at midnight when the gala event ends,

although guests are welcome to stay as long as they would like.



>>View Event Map<<




Who Can Attend?


> All members of the Ebon Hawk Community are invited

We request that all attending characters please wear some form of formal attire to further enhance the aristocratic atmosphere of the event (even if your character is sneaking in, incognito, or not financially well-to-do). This is a very formal Imperial event being held at Empire-backed House Thul, and in order to enhance the atmosphere for all players, please be mindful of the setting and political circumstances, and attend on an Imperial character (or undercover Imperial Alt of a Republic Character).


We also ask that players please be respectful of the royal environment, and while having fun, still act accordingly for the setting. This is a palace ballroom, it is not a cantina on Nar Shaddaa. If a conflict arises and escalates, we ask in advance that the parties involved immediately shift outside of the ballroom. We would really like to preserve the atmosphere of the event realistically, so that everyone may enjoy the glittering evening to its fullest, with a relaxing evening of upper-crust socializing and dancing.

<*> While characters are welcome to contact Cayle Evanz and reserve tickets, such is not necessary to attend, and no actual credits will be paid for the tickets. Characters may also make a ‘donation’ to support the charity, but it will be an IC gesture only, not real credits.



Volunteers Needed!


> Dinner Date Volunteers

Dinner date charity auction volunteers are requested for the event! Preferably characters that hold some form of title, prestige, pedigree, (noble blood relation, Sith rank, celebrity, leadership position, any military or political rank) or celebrated talent (musician, artist, academic, doctor, connoisseur, etc). The character does not have to be single to be charity auctioned, but will have to spend the duration of the event dancing, dining, and chatting with the winner of the bid. The idea is that, for the sake of the social function and/or charitable cause, these established individuals are placing themselves at the cordial mercy of their peers for a pleasant evening.


> How Does Dinner Date Volunteering Work?

Each volunteer will be lead across the throne room stage, helped onto the display pedestal, and then the host will formally introduce them to the crowd (based on information provided ahead of time). The bidding will begin using real credits, following the equitable rule that 80% of the winning bid goes to the volunteer, and 20% goes to the hosting guild’s bank (which in this case is Of The Shadow Star). The winner will pay on the spot, and escort their date back to the ballroom floor, to take part in the opening dance for the evening once the auction has concluded.


> Palace Event Volunteers

We are also quite open to characters volunteering as palace guards, security, butlers, serving maids, bartenders, and musicians to help enhance the event, and warmly welcome back those who have done so in previous years if they are interested. Please contact Çayle [impside] if you’re interested. We encourage you to query and spread the word IC as well!


> How does one Volunteer?

Merely contact Cayle by sending a PM or leaving a comment here. Volunteer slots will be filled on a first come, first serve, basis. When all of the slots have been filled, a note will be posted. Thank you kindly for your interest!



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How Do I Enjoy The Event?


~ Has your character been harboring a crush on another character? In a romantic rivalry? We strongly encourage RPers to use this event not only as a platform to meet other players, make high-end contacts in the Galactic upper-crust, but enjoy some competitive social romance conflict. In light of the later, we will not be arranging for any officially preset bids to take place, since the unknown factor adds to the IC drama, and the date is for only one evening and restricted to the event itself.


~ Is your character seeking lucrative contacts while passing themselves off as heirs or nouveau riche? Hiding shady dealings beneath a flawless exterior? Are they capable of going undercover to gather information about the wealthy and powerful? The gala event is an ideal environment!


~ Want to show off your character's affluence? Compete with other players on the bidding floor to obtain the status of an auction winner, claiming your celebrity for the evening gala on behalf of charity. We need bidders even more so than those to bid upon, and the more the livelier the show.



This is your character’s time to adorn themselves in formal attire and stride down the red carpet

surrounded by royal glitz and glamour, an elite event to see and be seen.

So polish up your power bases, Moffs, Sith Lords, socialites, bodyguards, spies,

and come waltz with the Galaxy’s rich and famous!

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