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Some doubts about KotFE expansion


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I would really apreciate if someone clarify some questions I have about the new expansion. I've tryed to look for the info I want but forums become a bit of a mess regarding this, and all info I'm getting it's ingame and not truelly credible acording to my standards (some people say one thing others say the oposite).


So my questions are:


  1. When KotFE comes out what will happen to my alts? Will they get pushed to new expansion even if I'm not interested in that, no matter if I'm still leveling 'em or I already hit lvl 60 and still have Makeb and Oricon to do.
  2. What will happen to class story missions of my alts that are leveling?
  3. Will I be able to get the legacy heroic moment skills of those classes that I'm still leveling and following the storyline?
  4. If I start the KotFE in my main will that be an issue toward my alts?


I will truelly apreciate the help to answer this questions.

Edited by Nemhain
fix some typos
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  1. When KotFE comes out what will happen to my alts? Will they get pushed to new expansion even if I'm not interested in that, no matter if I'm still leveling 'em or I already hit lvl 60 and still have Makeb and Oricon to do.
    We don't know as of yet, but I think it's safe to assume KotFE will be triggered via quest given by the mission console on your ship, just like SoR and Oricon. Don't touch it, and you won't start the events for KotFE
  2. What will happen to class story missions of my alts that are leveling?
    Nothing, apparently. The story is there to stay, although Bioware stated several times they're going to make them more "streamlined". What that means? We don't know yet.
  3. Will I be able to get the legacy heroic moment skills of those classes that I'm still leveling and following the storyline?
    Yes. Is there any reason you shouldn't?
  4. If I start the KotFE in my main will that be an issue toward my alts?
    Shouldn't be any.


I will truelly apreciate the help to answer this questions.


Answers in red.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Thank you BenitsubasaChiyo.

Some players in game when I asked told me there was no point keep leveling my alts since they will lose their storyline missions, and that open my mind for most of the doubts I posted.

Truelly apreciated your help.

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They mentioned that the game will give a warning and explain before you start KotFE .im guessing it will be like the other expansions where you start it on your class ship and you have a choice Edited by NUTMANIAC
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