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Sentinel PVP am i doing something wrong?


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Am currently lvl 44, gear has been upgraded to current lvl besides my gloves. World pvp i have been victorious every time even if i have gotten jumped. Hop into a Warzone and i do so bad. Im getting crit for 3-4k where im trying to get medals for valor and commendations and the one that takes me 10 mins to get is the 2.5k crit. Only moves i have that hit that hard is my Merciless Slash and Master Strike but it takes a good 20 times for me to crit that hard. Lower lvls hit me so hard with my cds but i seem to be hitting for half that amount. Ive tried all 3 specs and have been going watchman currently and even in pve with a friend playing a trooper he hits harder then me and hes 4 levels below me, im at a loss trying to figure out what im doing wrong.
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Am currently lvl 44, gear has been upgraded to current lvl besides my gloves. World pvp i have been victorious every time even if i have gotten jumped. Hop into a Warzone and i do so bad. Im getting crit for 3-4k where im trying to get medals for valor and commendations and the one that takes me 10 mins to get is the 2.5k crit. Only moves i have that hit that hard is my Merciless Slash and Master Strike but it takes a good 20 times for me to crit that hard. Lower lvls hit me so hard with my cds but i seem to be hitting for half that amount. Ive tried all 3 specs and have been going watchman currently and even in pve with a friend playing a trooper he hits harder then me and hes 4 levels below me, im at a loss trying to figure out what im doing wrong.


Watchman isn't meant to hit hard, but rather do a lot of damage over time. You should be able to hit hard (i.e get a nice crit) in the combat spec. Get a +15% expertise stim and you're good to go.

Edited by Siokai
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Sentinel pvp.


1v1. are all your def cd's up? yes, good to go. no? probably might as well just /forfeit


Sentinels have silly amount of def cooldowns. And each of them is really strong.

Stasis, awe, guarded by the force, sabre ward, rebuke, force camo, pacify

Maybe even call on the force if world pvp.

All those def cooldowns, means you can totally negate a single targets offense entirely for like 30seconds.

Weakness. chain CC/kiting. Perma root/snares from ranged. That can be trouble.


Biochem is highly recommended. stims that last thorugh death and/or reusable. reusable med paks that are stronger then vendor. Reusable adrenals. sents can REALLY make use of those +500 crit or surge rating adrenals.



Group pvp.

Aoe knock back, aoe knock back, aoe knock back. aoe knock back. huttball is infuriating as a sent.

Do not even try to run the ball. Throw it to a sage/shadow/gaurdian. Your job is to kill the healers. your snare isn't even that effective on the ball carrier. let the people with stuns worry about that. You don't even need to crippling throw heal debuff them. healers cant heal the ball carrier if you are killing THEM. (if you have crippling root, ok, hit the carrier)

The other warzones aren't as bad. Void star is probably a sents best.


Ask for guard. Yes, first choice might be for them to guard a healer. But trust me, you want it. A sent that needs substantially less healing will kill everything. Those healers all have plenty of CC to stay alive. They don't need it like you do.


Gunslingers are your nemesis. watch for someone to do something dumb, like standing next to one in cover. Giving you a target to leap to. Then kill both.


Seriously, though. sents are all about using the def cooldowns in the correct timing. its annoying and dumb. But thats what you need to do.



ps, force camo drops the ball in huttball.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Ya huttball makes me rage, ive gotten knocked down so many times. Ive already dropped a 400 lvl proffesion but i guess i can again, i was going to get biochem anyways later on seeing as other proffesions have no bop equivalent to stimpacks and such so the proffesion pulls ahead.
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Yeah, biochem is kindof OP on sentinels.


For example. I'm focus spec.

Two options for adrenals.



565 crit or surge for 15s.


That is over +100% damage on crits.


Take my focus spec now. 9s cd on force sweep. leap, crush, strike. adrenal. sweep (100% damage, 100%crit) that is getting +250% damage on crits due to surge.

Now, I can stasis, and zleap and do another force sweep 9s later, before the adrenal drops off.

Also, zen. my slash has 15%+ crit talented. with gear its a good 40-50% crit.

Again, an exhaust+sweep combo, and a 50% crit chance zen spam is CRAZY dps with that surge adrenal.

Conversely, you can use the crit one. Which might be better before you get a good chunk of crit on gear. Combat probably makes better use of that crit adrenal, spaming 100% crit chance blade rush's during a prec strike. or watchman with massive healing from that adrenal giving 100% crit. or using the surge one with the 100% crit zen.


Either way. no other crew skill has anything that can compare with that.


And the reusable med pacs healing 6k.


End vs might stims in pvp. A good question. I don't know which is better.

Its a more general issue I talked about with a friend as well.

Might mods or guard mods. I gear for might. a typical item is +27str, 10 end.

While a guard mod item is like 18str/18 end.


Survival is key in pvp, so the more balanced stat is probably more ideal. This is especially true for watchman specs, as the heal is % of max hp. If you have 2k more hp max then I do, your healing is also going to be higher, making your survival even higher.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Ya huttball makes me rage, ive gotten knocked down so many times. Ive already dropped a 400 lvl proffesion but i guess i can again, i was going to get biochem anyways later on seeing as other proffesions have no bop equivalent to stimpacks and such so the proffesion pulls ahead.


I have a blast in hutball and have to say Sentinels are probably the best ball carriers and the best receivers. As mentioned we have a stupid amount of defensive cooldowns including a 99% damage reduction. Damage reduction chains including pacifying someone and running with the ball or just being a distraction in the middle with your 99% reduction while 6 people beat is the way your team wins.


If you grab the ball, make it around the acid up to the second level, just wait for the other team to come charging over their third level, leap up, keep going, get knocked forward (all classes seem to just reactivity hit their knock back when something touches them), damage reduction chain, break movement impairing effects, score.


If you're setting yourself up for a pass, in watchman spec you can force camouflage through the fires (100% damage reduction) not to mention this drops you out of sight of the other team.


I also enjoy force leaping just as someone steps on the fire and camouflage a they get engulfed. Or force stasis and watching them melt.


Hutball is not about topping charts or killing people it's more strategic and team play oriented. Go in with a full group of 4, talk to the solo queues, make sure everyone has "throw ball" on their bar and tell them to pass the ball. It can be a lot of fun and when a long pass chain comes together it's pretty awesome.

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Yup kudos to Biochem for it's reusable med packs, reusable group packs, reusable stims and you can make implants way before quests start giving them as rewards.

(too bad my luck reversing those plainly sucks).


Also most of them are not bound, so you can save old reusable items for alts.


If you don't want Biochem go cybertech, the reusable grenades are awesome for our lack of a trusty cc

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Yeah it took till 36 ish to get the 2.5k crits, with Blade Storm upgraded with the insta crit and dmg increase. Even with Precision Strike followed by Master Strike then Blade Storm, I dont always get the 2.5 crit.


My lvl 11 gungslinger crits for 3.5-3.8k all the time.

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