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Another 'What class should I play?' thread.


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I know I know those threads are getting old.But im not asking because I'm new to the game, I am asking for an entirely different reason:

I basically have every Imperial class on lvl 50 now,except for one of the Bounty Hunter classes (more on that later) but I don't really know which class to play.

During my time leveling those classes I got a general idea but this alone is not enough for me.

The classes that I am particularily interested in are both sith warrior and inquisitor classes.I'm also interested in the Mercenary, I might try it out but I really don't want to play the horribly boring bounty hunter story again.


I like dealing Damage and Tanking.Not neccesarily both at the same time but I like both but I don't think I want to play a Tank in this game yet because being an effective Tank usually requires you to be familiar with the bosses, which I am not.I DID play a Sniper and it was fun but I think i'm too dumb to play a sniper effectively.


I wanted to ask: How is the Assasin?I leveled one Assasin character and it was quite challenging.While sneaking past mobs was nice, I felt like I wasn't doing any damage (Well I was playing Darkness spec).

I was wondering: Which of those classes is the best for a newb that only leveled one character to 50 legit?Assasin,Sorcerer,Sniper,Marauder? What about the Mercenary?Is a Mercenary hard to play?How is the damage?


Just give me your ideas.Please don't say "You have to know for yourself" because I know that.I just want you to help me decide which class I should play.And yes I will probably play several Characters at once but I want to focus on one.

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I wanted to ask: How is the Assasin?I leveled one Assasin character and it was quite challenging.While sneaking past mobs was nice, I felt like I wasn't doing any damage (Well I was playing Darkness spec).

I was wondering: Which of those classes is the best for a newb that only leveled one character to 50 legit?Assasin,Sorcerer,Sniper,Marauder? What about the Mercenary?Is a Mercenary hard to play?How is the damage?

Assassin: Level up in Deception. It has much better burst, which is awesome for leveling. And use a tank companion to keep them busy while you keep poking them in the rear. While I like Hatred spec, it's a late bloomer in terms of damage. Has the bonus of a tank spec, which you seem to like.


Sorcerer: For me personally, one of the easiest classes to level. The sheer amount of AoE (lightning spec), instant cast procs, heals, barriers make mobs melt and keep you and your companion alive. Once again, tank companion recommended. No tank spec, but does have a (strong) healer spec.


Sniper: Heavy burst + tank companion = easy leveling. That being said, I found it frustrating due to the fact that this class is a poster boy for the 'turret dps'. Rooting myself to start shooting annoys me to no end. :p Pure DPS, no tank/healer spec.


Marauder: Very very fun to play, but squishy. But as a Marauder you get your healer very early, so that shouldn't be a problem. If you're like me and you can afford to deck out yourself and a companion with optimal gear, using a DPS companion is loads of fun. Me and Vette have been tearing up everything together :D Just don't be too disappointed if a strong boss manages to kill you once in a while. A dps/dps combo is basically a kill before getting killed race :p


(That said, I very much prefer a Jug because I can switch to tanking spec when I want to, their survivability is better in dps spec and a single lightsaber feels more ****** then a luchador-like, impractical dual-wielding weirdo)


Mercenary: PvE: Awesomesauce dps. PvP: Not so much. In lowbie and regular PvP it's not as bad, but forget about ever going ranked with the current state of affairs. If your focus is mainly PvE with just a modicum of PvP, Mercs are great. And I love the rocket spam visuals and rail shot sounds. They actually sound and look deadly. Unlike their Trooper cousins. Their Powertech brothers are the tank capable ones though. Mercs can heal, not tank.


Personally, I prefer Powertech simply because it's so much more mobile. Mercenaries aren't as turret-like as Snipers, but still have a lot of cast-time abilities which force you to stay still. Definitely a fun class, but only if you don't get frustrated by cast-time abilities. Especially in PvP the frustration crops up.

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I actually liked the sniper ..its just fustrating at the beginning because the quick bar abilities get rearranged when you go into cover mode..


If you like tanking immortal juggernaut is a good choice ...


Power tech is another good choice for dps

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I actually liked the sniper ..its just fustrating at the beginning because the quick bar abilities get rearranged when you go into cover mode..

Quick note: you can turn the automatic quickbar change off in Preferences. First thing I did when I rolled my Sniper :)

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Consider trying a republic class instead? Just to see new story? You said you liked merc, but hated the bounty hunter story? Try playing a commando? Maybe you might like the story? Just a suggestion


Well I don't like the thought of supporting the Republic...The only Republic class I would be interested in is the Smuggler.

Edited by Exificient
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Well I don't like the thought of supporting the Republic...The only Republic class I would be interested in is the Smuggler.


You could always pretend your a imperial spy- and go darkside commando. And then pretend to order-66. Idk though- i havent played many pubs-

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I love to pvp on bh merc. But im not ranked yet. Story sucks. But PVE is very fun. I don't think I ever died on merc until I hit 55 and found oricon.

Marauder was fun. Story was good. PVP sucks. Way to squishy for my tastes. If you don't have a compentent healer then your never gonna have fun. PVE was fun.

Sorcercer healer is fun. People beg for pvp healers. Story was very very weird. PVE your untouchable. the aoe's on that job are insane.

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