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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No more Yavin 4


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To be fair, Yavin 4 is my most hated dailies area.. I only really bother to do it for the handful of Ulti/Elite comms, just pains me to go there.. and even then I don't always do the weekly each week. once or twice a month if that, as for the 192 comp gear I opted for gearing them in modded 192 gear so I can still have them looking how I want in better min max stats instead of a crappy generic ugly look
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Why should anybody go to yavin 4, after addon 4.0???


To farm companions equipment or to kill revan for the 1000 time XD...

The only planet where you can get nice equip for your companions, nice and easy.

But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0...So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!


Then don't return.


I myself will still visit there depending on how Slicing will work with the next expansion. Either way though, Yavin is still very profitable for Slicers.


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Why should anybody go to yavin 4, after addon 4.0???


To farm companions equipment or to kill revan for the 1000 time XD...

The only planet where you can get nice equip for your companions, nice and easy.

But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0...So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!


This is the nature of level cap increases. Head over to the Black Hole, Ilum, either Belsavis daily zone, CZ-198 or Oricon. They are all pretty much empty these days except for people in that level range. Yavin will be the same after the next bump.

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Will we even be able to go back and do dailies on any of those planets? I thought they said there was a defined point in the new expansion that once you crossed it there was no going back to previous quests/stories...I have no idea if that includes dailies but think about it.


The Yavin4 dailies center around a lot of companion gear of which may become obsolete in the new expack. Will the Devs simply cut out all that content once you pass the point of no return? What will the daily rewards be if our companions now gear differently then prior to the KOTFE expansion?


I for one do not think they will close the door to all the dailies .....that is a lot of content to just throw out but who knows :eek:


That is true, they did say that definitively. I would hope for Dailies still.

Edited by MandFlurry
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Why should anybody go to yavin 4, after addon 4.0???


To farm companions equipment or to kill revan for the 1000 time XD...

The only planet where you can get nice equip for your companions, nice and easy.

But wait nobody will need equip for their companions in 4.0...So all the time i farmed for my companions, was for nothing!!!


*** no it wasn't for nothing.. you've been using the gear up till now and will continue using the gear into Oct.

then we'll all re gear again like in every other mmo with an expansion that gets a lvl cap increase.


it sounds like your highest accomplishment has been putting free 192's on your companion.

how sad would you've been if you were also going to be replacing your endgame pve / pvp set gear ?


welcome to the world of mmo's

Edited by GatlingSamuraI
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