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Combat Sentinel DPS


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Just need a bit of help here. I have a full 198 BiS combat sentinel except for the 204 MH. I just cannot figure out why I'm only parsing on average 4.6k.


Here's an example parse: http://parsely.io/parser/view/56373


I do fine in raids and such but I just think that with my current gear, I could do better. My stats are:

Str - 4200

Pow - 2124

Crit Rating - 171 (23.64%)

Surge - 360 (69.10%)

Alacrity - 240 (6.08% including form buff)


I tried playing around with 0 crit, full surge, full alacrity and they have all yielded similar DPS results. My only conclusion is lag. I play from Down Under and have a ping of ~ 220ms which might affect DPS. I don't know.


Can one of you Combat experts (Hayete please?) care to give me a tip or two here? Thanks in advance!

Edited by gawincher
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Sorry, I thought accuracy was a given. Anyway, I have 756 accuracy which gives me 99.99%

As for the augments, I have 7 might, 4 overkill and 3 accuracy augments.


As far as gearing goes, I've tried both of Hayete's high surge and high alacrity builds. There wasn't any noticeable difference. The gear that I have now is more of a surge/alacrity hybrid that seems to give me the most consistent results, albeit the numbers are pretty low for my gear level.


I'm thinking it could be my rotation but I've tried comparing it with the top few parsers, by and large, they are the same. So, I'm really puzzled as to what is holding me back.

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Just need a bit of help here. I have a full 198 BiS combat sentinel except for the 204 MH. I just cannot figure out why I'm only parsing on average 4.6k.


Here's an example parse: http://parsely.io/parser/view/56373


I do fine raids and such but I just think that with my current gear, I could do better. My stats are:

Str - 4200

Pow - 2124

Crit Rating - 171 (23.64%)

Surge - 360 (69.10%)

Alacrity - 240 (6.08% including form buff)


I tried playing around with 0 crit, full surge, full alacrity and they have all yielded similar DPS results. My only conclusion is lag. I play from Down Under and have a ping of ~ 220ms which might affect DPS. I don't know.


Can one of you Combat experts (Hayete please?) care to give me a tip or two here? Thanks in advance!


Hey mate,


I'm assuming your playing on a US West Coast Server or Asian Pacific Server and that 220 ms lag is your specific best case scenario. If you're not playing on one of those regional servers I would suggest transferring if at all possible to get the lowest ms you can get. I would definitely say lag is playing a hand in your damage output but honestly not by that much. Your APM is at 50 which is what i would expect from a perfectly executed Power/Surge build. Since you're using some Alacrity in your gearing setup your APM should be a bit higher than 50, with your stats i would estimate high 51 or low 52 APM.


As for your overall DPS you're right about where i would expect. With full 198s (I'm assuming you have a 192 MH if not grats on your Revan kill :) ) I would estimate a DPS range of 4.6K to 4.8K, maybe 4.9K or higher on a lucky Crit parse. Since lag is slightly affecting your APM then seeing you a bit less but still close to this range makes sense. I went over your example Parse and to be honest everything looks good. It doesn't seem you're wasting centering or using abilities such as Twin Saber Throw or Strike at inopportune times. My first thought was that maybe your Master Strike was not being canceled early at 0.03 seconds remaining and you're loosing that Precision buffed Clashing Blast, however it appears you're already doing that. Of course only you will be able to verify this so just make sure your Clashing Blast is not falling outside the Precision buff during your Master Strike rotation.


Since you're fundamentals look solid and your rotation looks sound my only advice is to try dropping the Alacrity and using all Power/Surge. Alacrity builds suffer greatly when any type of lag is present. A Power/Surge build MIGHT make up for this deficit. Either way though mate 4.5K / 4.6K is still pretty damn good. Hope that helps mate, take care.

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assuming a 192MH, your dps is not far off of where it should be (~4.6K could be considered a good average at your gear level). Most of what I see is your APM is low and like Hayete said it could be attributed to your lag. One thing you could try is different ability que times.
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Alright, thanks for the advice guys! Yea, I do have a 192 MH and I'm working on Revan now. That's not an easy fight.


On a side note: This forum is driving me nuts! When I sign in and go to the forums, I automatically get logged out. Navigate to any other pages, it works perfectly fine. Bugs... brought to you by Bioware.

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Alright, thanks for the advice guys! Yea, I do have a 192 MH and I'm working on Revan now. That's not an easy fight.


On a side note: This forum is driving me nuts! When I sign in and go to the forums, I automatically get logged out. Navigate to any other pages, it works perfectly fine. Bugs... brought to you by Bioware.


Colossal Monolith HM drops 204 assembled MHs. If you lucky it will be a Strength one. But use only the hilt, fill the rest with Revanite mods from other pieces, cause the original ones are ****.

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Yea, I've been farming CM HM for weeks now. At this point, I've given up on a might hilt dropping; it's always an aim or cunning barrel.


But I do agree that the 204 MH does increase DPS by quite a bit. I'm finding it hard to keep up with the mando and slinger in my raid group now. :(

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