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Optimal Stats Thing for Anni


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Do you know i can achieve the numbers alacrity and surge?


The list shows you how many augments you need of a kind, rest comes from mod/augment obviously. Note that the first post is calculated with 198 Revanite gear+204 Mainhand Hilt from Mono, but you can also find a stat distribution 2 posts later for the 192 Resurrected stuff. Ofc you will never achieve these stats with vendor Deceiver gear but we all know that's **** anyway.

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Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

5110 DPS | 4037 (3xAug) Strength | 2033 Power | 131 Critical | 338 (4xAug) Surge | 688 (4xAug) Alacrity | 756 (3xAug) Accuracy


To achieve the build above at the 198 level the following will get you those numbers exactly.


Accuracy (756)

- Earpiece (Revanite Weaponmaster's)

- Implant x2 (Revanite Vindicator's)

- Advanced Initiative Enhancement 38 x2

- Advanced Accuracy Augment 36 x3


Surge (338)

- Advanced Adept Enhancement 39 (This is a 204 Enhancement and only obtainable from HM CM)

- Advanced Surge Augment 36 x4


Alacrity (688)

- Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 38 x4

- Advanced Alacrity Augment 36 x4


Crit (131)

- Advanced Potent Mod 38

- Any Eviscerating Crystal with +41 Crit rating

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  • 4 weeks later...
Anyone else having issues viewing the post for the 24 optimal stats? The post was archived and now I cant access it. Any suggestions?


I don't know why that thread was obliterated. Maybe the mods hit the big red button, just like when the tanking stats thread got "lost."


Anyway, here's an archived version: https://web.archive.org/web/20150908005940/http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=821885

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Anyone tried the optimal stats formula for Anni?


I did, and it pushed my DPS from 5250 (that was using 13 mainstat augments + 1 accuracy, and for tertiary slots 5x accuracy, 4xsurge and 1x alacrity) to 5328 (now using the stats of said thread, but 252 crit rating instead of the suggested 203). Rotation was the one I describe in my guide :-)


Since that build has a lot of alacrity I'm also finding it more fun to play and with the shorter dot duration and faster pace it improves the spec in its weak areas in raids: burst and target switching.


So imo it's defnitely worth it!

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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